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Devil. Great deceiver. Evil one. Father of lies. Satan. Many names. One enemy. And whether you realize it or not, you are on a spiritual battlefield with this enemy every day. How do you prepare to defend yourself? In Conquer, Michael Youssef says you first need to know everything you can about your enemy. What are Satan's strengths? What are his weaknesses? How does he like to attack? When is he most likely to attack? Are there areas of your life where you are vulnerable and he seems to control the battlefield? Only when you know your enemy inside and out can you plan and carry out a specific counterattack to defeat him. The final victory will be Christ's, of course. That's a promise from God. But as a Christian, you can actively take part in resisting the devil...and watching him flee.
In A Couple After God's Own Heart Interactive Workbook, Jim and Elizabeth George build on the content of their book, A Couple After God's Own Heart, to create a companion guide that leads husbands and wives through a fascinating study on God's plan for marriage. Through a unique blend of Bible study material, questions for thought, and "What Can I Do Today?" applications, couples will grow a closer and deeper union as they... learn from the successes and failures of key couples in the Bible discover the essentials to a better marriage participate in discussions designed to stimulate communication with each other set and apply goals that help husbands and wives be all God designed them to be determine how to make the best of the strengths and weaknesses in their relationship This friendly and practical study offers life lessons from a variety of well-known couples in Scripture, and will equip spouses to experience more and more of the incredible bliss only God can bring into a marriage.
...Leading the Way is a clear and urgent call to the Church to lead and not follow, to rediscover its biblical mandate and its voice and create a new society of justice, health and peace. [back cover].
What if the answers to our modern crises are found in ancient truths? This book will give you the hope and courage you need to stay firm in your faith despite the circumstances going on around you. You will keep your devotion to God and boldly share your faith. The truth of the gospel is in great danger. Biblical beliefs are being attacked. Biblical morality is being assaulted. Christians are being insulted for holding to the ancient truths found in the Scriptures. We are in a fight to be heard and not canceled--to share our faith amidst the cancel culture. What is God's message to us this day? What does He want from us in these troubled times? Resilience. Courage. Faithfulness. His call to us is to never give up. Never give up...on the infallible Word of God. Never give up...on the faith once delivered. In his last letter, the aged and imprisoned apostle Paul realized that his final days were approaching. So, he wrote his last legacy message for his beloved Timothy and for future generations of disciples--namely you and me. In Never Give Up, Dr. Michael Youssef echoes the words of the apostle Paul so that we may experience encouragement--and know triumph in the midst of defeat. With a sense of urgency, we are called to the steadfast service of a certain conviction. Despite hardship and suffering, we can learn to be unwavering in our devotion. As followers of Jesus, too often we are tempted to throw in the towel, give up the fight, and give in to fear. But we must not let that be our reality. We have not been abandoned. God is here. Yet conviction is needed and service is required. No matter what comes our way, we must never give up.
In today's media-driven world, talk show hosts and false teachers mislead their audiences by telling them there are many paths to true peace. But Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you; my peace I give you. I do not give to you as the world gives" (John 14:27). Which voice can we trust? In his book Finding True Peace, Dr. Michael Youssef urges readers to discover the truth-and find true peace that lasts forever.
"Required reading for anyone seeking a valid perspective on America's military over the past three decades." Kirkus Reviews Fifty-six combat veterans, from senior sergeants to generals, reveal in their own words how a small group of courageous, determined men and women brought the U.S. military from the wounds of Vietnam back to high standards of excellence and made possible the victory of Desert Storm . . .
Victim to Victory is about a woman in her midthirties who tells her life story about how she was a victim of emotional, financial, mental, physical, and sexual abuse. It goes into details about how it has had a negative effect on her life. This story gets into the mind of an abuser and unveiled reasons why abusers abuse. This story helps to get a better understanding of why people don’t leave abusive relationships. I hope after reading this book, someone that has been in any of these situations will find comfort and relief through this reading and find it the way I did through God.
The book of Joshua contains some of the most compelling and relevant truths for our lives today. It is the story of “trembling heroes”—people filled with fear who overcame those fears and accomplished the impossible through reliance on God. In Leading the Way through Joshua, Michael Youssef translates the challenges Joshua and the nation of Israel faced into challenges that are familiar to everyone. God calls people to follow Him, to conquer the Jerichos in their lives, to stand against the idolatry in our land. God calls Christians to tell the world about His covenant love, expressed through the life, death, and resurrection of His Son, Jesus Christ. Readers of this devotional commentary will discover how to turn the insights of Joshua into action in their own lives. It will motivate them to step up, to be strong and courageous, to obey God, and to go wherever God sends them.
The epistle of James is unusual in tone and content among the New Testament letters, containing many moral precepts and challenging readers to seek godly wisdom on such topics as poverty and riches trials and temptation hearing and obeying the Word of God faith versus works taming the tongue friendship with the world versus friendship with God patience in suffering The wisdom of this letter speaks to us across the ages as every issue James addresses is as urgent and timely today as when he first wrote it. For the person who wants to be wise, time spent soaking up the wisdom of James, the half-brother of Jesus, is time wisely spent.