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The Leader's Guide to Force Protection through Risk Management is designed to serve as both a quick and a comprehensive reference on risk management and force protection in today's force-projection Army. It is intended for use by commanders and other leaders, planners, and operators in brigades, battalions, and smaller units. The first section defines risk management and illustrates the relationship between force protection and operations. Section 2 provides examples of hazards associated with common tasks and missions along with control measures to reduce risks associated with the hazards. Subsections are arranged by topic. To use them most efficiently when time is short: (1) find the task(s) related to your mission; (2) review the list of possible hazards, and select the appropriate controls to reduce the risks to your force. (It is important to remember that the lists arc general and are not all inclusive. Hazards listed should be addressed in addition to not instead of the hazards identified by ris? assessment of the specific mission); (3) embed the selected controls in the appropriate paragraphs or graphics of your OFORD, FRAGO, or plan; and, 6) Enforce the control measures in the same manner as all other aspects of the order. Section 3 focuses on special conditions that may produce hazards unique to force-projection operations in various geographical locations. Applicable material in this section should be used to supplement that in section 2. Section 4 contains additional tactics, techniques, and procedures. Tailor and use these risk management-integration tools to meet your training and operational requirements. Remember, no single tool or technique alone can adequately protect the force. And tactics, techniques, and procedures applied without disciplined execution will not work.
It is imperative that safety be a strong combat power multiplier for America's Army in the Caribbean. The current challenge of reduced force structure and funding further amplifies the need for leaders to focus on safety to protect their limited human and material resources. History has taught us that, over the long haul, accidents cause more casualties and damage more equipment than hostile action. Army leaders have learned this lesson well and have integrated force protection into their decision making process. The importance of the accident prevention component of force protection is clear. The sustained tempo of Army operations, the lethality of modern equipment, and the logistical demands of power projection all require increased risk management. Leaders and individual soldiers must make solid risk management decisions every day, in everything they do, whatever and wherever their mission may be. The diverse environments and mission objectives that our forces face have become extremely complex. The risk management process has become the commander's key to protecting the force. This quick reference guide is a tool intended to assist commanders, planners, and leaders at all levels in accident prevention and force protection.
As America's Army responds to another humanitarian relief request, we find that we're getting better at this new mission. Nevertheless, there are still lessons to be learned if we are to protect our forces. There might be some surprises for us in the East Africa area of operations, but one fact is clear -- our soldiers face greater danger from illness and accidents than from hostile action. That means that the accident-prevention component of force protection takes on added importance. The risk of accidents during long-haul logistical operations is an obvious threat. other risks will come with the harsh environment. The solution is for commanders and other leaders to manage those risks. The risk-management process of hazard identification and control must be built into day-to-day decision making. When leaders and soldiers find themselves facing unfamiliar situations that no standard or policy cover, risk management is an effective tool to protect the force. That doesn't mean we can throw away the book. What it does mean is that the leaders and soldiers of Operation Support Hope will be writing new chapters. The ideas in this guide are a mere outline to help leaders anticipate the situation. Applying the force-protection principles herein will help leaders add another link to our chain of successful operations short of war. In Operation Support Hope, we've come a long way to save lives -- not to lose them.
This book describes the risk management methodology as a specific process, a theory, or a procedure for determining your assets, vulnerabilities, and threats and how security professionals can protect them. Risk Management for Security Professionals is a practical handbook for security managers who need to learn risk management skills. It goes beyond the physical security realm to encompass all risks to which a company may be exposed. Risk Management as presented in this book has several goals: Provides standardized common approach to risk management through a framework that effectively links security strategies and related costs to realistic threat assessment and risk levels Offers flexible yet structured framework that can be applied to the risk assessment and decision support process in support of your business or organization Increases awareness in terms of potential loss impacts, threats and vulnerabilities to organizational assets Ensures that various security recommendations are based on an integrated assessment of loss impacts, threats, vulnerabilities and resource constraints Risk management is essentially a process methodology that will provide a cost-benefit payback factor to senior management. Provides a stand-alone guide to the risk management process Helps security professionals learn the risk countermeasures and their pros and cons Addresses a systematic approach to logical decision-making about the allocation of scarce security resources
Presents professional information designed to keep Army engineers informed of current and emerging developments within their areas of expertise for the purpose of enhancing their professional development. Articles cover engineer training, doctrine, operations, strategy, equipment, history, and other areas of interest to the engineering community.
The importance of businesses being ‘operationally resilient’ is becoming increasingly important, and a driving force behind whether an organization can ensure that its valuable business operations can ‘bounce back’ from or manage to evade impactful occurrences is its security risk management capabilities. In this book, we change the perspective on an organization’s operational resilience capabilities so that it shifts from being a reactive (tick box) approach to being proactive. The perspectives of every chapter in this book focus on risk profiles and how your business can reduce these profiles using effective mitigation measures. The book is divided into two sections: 1. Security Risk Management (SRM). All the components of security risk management contribute to your organization’s operational resilience capabilities, to help reduce your risks. • Reduce the probability/ likelihood. 2. Survive to Operate. If your SRM capabilities fail your organization, these are the components that are needed to allow you to quickly ‘bounce back.’ • Reduce the severity/ impact. Rather than looking at this from an operational resilience compliance capabilities aspect, we have written these to be agnostic of any specific operational resilience framework (e.g., CERT RMM, ISO 22316, SP 800- 160 Vol. 2 Rev. 1, etc.), with the idea of looking at operational resilience through a risk management lens instead. This book is not intended to replace these numerous operational resilience standards/ frameworks but, rather, has been designed to complement them by getting you to appreciate their value in helping to identify and mitigate your operational resilience risks. Unlike the cybersecurity or information security domains, operational resilience looks at risks from a business-oriented view, so that anything that might disrupt your essential business operations are risk-assessed and appropriate countermeasures identified and applied. Consequently, this book is not limited to cyberattacks or the loss of sensitive data but, instead, looks at things from a holistic business-based perspective.
Today's Army is challenged by a wide range of threats and operating environments. These challenges, plus new technologies, require our leaders to use creative measures to provide positive protection to our Soldiers and equipment. In April 1998, Field Manual (FM) 100-14 (FM 5-19) introduced to the Army the first doctrinal publication on risk management. It detailed the application of a step-by-step process to conserve combat power and resources. This milestone manual outlined a framework that leaders could use to make force protection a routine part of planning, preparing, and executing operational, training, and garrison missions. Before the outset of the global war on terrorism it became apparent that FM 100-14 would require updating to meet the needs of the future. Army assessments also indicated that the existing manual needed to be expanded to provide clear standards and guidance on how the risk management process was to be applied. This led to this current revision. During development of this revision the Army broadened its understanding of the risk management process to encompass all operations and activities, on and off duty. This holistic approach focuses on the composite risks from all sources rather than the traditional practice of separating accident from tactical hazards and associated risks. This revision has been refocused to clearly reflect the Army's new composite approach, and has been retitled Composite Risk Management (CRM). CRM represents a culture change for the Army. It departs from the past cookie cutter safety and risk management mentality through teaching Soldiers “how to think” rather than telling them “what to think.” This manual expands the context of the original FM by focusing on the application of composite risk management to the military decisionmaking process (MDMP) and the Army training management system. It further assigns the responsibilities for conducting risk management training during initial entry training and professional military education. It is a tool that works in conjunction with the Army's on-going initiative to firmly attach CRM to all Army processes. It is a milestone document for the standardization and institutionalization of the techniques, tools, and procedures that lead to sound decisionmaking and valid risk acceptance by leaders at all levels. This revision is a full rewrite of FM 100-14. It marks a break with the past by integrating the CRM process into Army operations. CRM is not a stand-alone process, a “paper work” drill, or an add-on feature. Rather, it is used as a fully-integrated element of detailed planning. It must be so integrated as to allow it to be executed intuitively in situations that require immediate action. CRM should be viewed as part of the military art interwoven throughout the Army's military decisionmaking and training management cycles.
Safety is the state of mind by which leaders at all levels contribute to force protection. We have to maintain vigilance to ensure we do all we can to prevent accidental losses of soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, the public, and equipment I have directed the JTF staff to integrate safety into all operations through the practice of risk management. I will accept no unnecessary risk. Our mission to support the humanitarian relief operations in Southern Florida is extremely important, but not worth the loss of a single person. I expect leaders at all levels to enforce as well as follow the safety standards expected of our soldiers.
Proven set of best practices for security risk assessment and management, explained in plain English This guidebook sets forth a systematic, proven set of best practices for security risk assessment and management of buildings and their supporting infrastructures. These practices are all designed to optimize the security of workplace environments for occupants and to protect the interests of owners and other stakeholders. The methods set forth by the authors stem from their research at Sandia National Laboratories and their practical experience working with both government and private facilities. Following the authors' step-by-step methodology for performing a complete risk assessment, you learn to: Identify regional and site-specific threats that are likely and credible Evaluate the consequences of these threats, including loss of life and property, economic impact, as well as damage to symbolic value and public confidence Assess the effectiveness of physical and cyber security systems and determine site-specific vulnerabilities in the security system The authors further provide you with the analytical tools needed to determine whether to accept a calculated estimate of risk or to reduce the estimated risk to a level that meets your particular security needs. You then learn to implement a risk-reduction program through proven methods to upgrade security to protect against a malicious act and/or mitigate the consequences of the act. This comprehensive risk assessment and management approach has been used by various organizations, including the U.S. Bureau of Reclamation, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, the Bonneville Power Administration, and numerous private corporations, to assess and manage security risk at their national infrastructure facilities. With its plain-English presentation coupled with step-by-step procedures, flowcharts, worksheets, and checklists, you can easily implement the same proven approach and methods for your organization or clients. Additional forms and resources are available online at