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Project Managers as Senior Executives maps out a model for advancement for program and project managers and contributes new thinking on the emerging leadership of project managers as senior executives. The research is published in two volumes. Volume I—Research Results, Advancement Model, and Action Proposals presents the results and proposals from the study and Volume 2—How the Research Was Conducted: Methodology, Detailed Findings, and Analyses contains the research-oriented materials from the study.
L'environnement des entreprises est aujourd'hui considéré comme complexe, turbulent, imprévisible, véloce... Ces qualificatifs n'éclairent que la face la plus visible du phénomène, l'incontrôlabilité de l'environnement. Ils laissent dans l'ombre les mécanismes qui la causent et qui sont les véritables leviers managériaux : les projets plus ou moins risqués et subversifs des entrepreneurs et de leurs organisations. Le projet s'impose comme l'unité d'analyse pertinente du management stratégique. La capacité de générer, de sélectionner et de conduire des projets devient une compétence stratégique fondamentale pour les entreprises. L'objectif de l'ouvrage est d'aborder les différentes facettes de ce management stratégique par projet susceptibles de questionner le stratège. Pourquoi les évolutions récentes du système économique impliquent-elles d'intégrer finement le projet dans la réflexion stratégique ? Comment la vision des dirigeants peut-elle générer des projets dans l'organisation ? Comment évaluer et sélectionner des projets pour constituer un portefeuille de projets cohérent ? Comment concilier la programmation des projets et la nécessaire adaptation créative face à l'imprévu ? Cet ouvrage s'adresse aux étudiants en gestion et à tous ceux qui souhaitent mieux comprendre les orientations stratégiques des firmes. Il peut aussi aider les professionnels à apprécier de manière plus constructive leurs marges de manœuvre et à déployer des moyens inédits pour assurer la réussite de l'entreprise.
The growing complexity of projects today, as well as the uncertainty inherent in innovative projects, is making obsolete traditional project management practices and procedures, which are based on the notion that much about a project is known at its start. The current high level of change and complexity confronting organizational leaders and managers requires a new approach to projects so they can be managed flexibly to embrace and exploit change. What once used to be considered extreme uncertainty is now the norm, and managing planned projects is being replaced by managing projects as they evolve. Successfully managing projects in extreme situations, such as polar and military expeditions, shows how to manage successfully projects in today’s turbulent environment. Executed under the harshest and most unpredictable conditions, these projects are great sources for learning about how to manage unexpected and unforeseen situations as they occur. This book presents multiple case studies of managing extreme events as they happened during polar, mountain climbing, military, and rescue expeditions. A boat accident in the Artic is a lesson on how an effective project manager must be ambidextrous: on one hand able to follow plans and on the other hand able to abandon those plans when disaster strikes and improvise new ones in response. Polar expeditions also illustrate how a team can use "weak links" to go beyond its usual information network to acquire strategic information. Fire and rescues operations illustrate how one team member’s knowledge can be transferred to the entire team. Military operations provide case material on how teams coordinate and make use of both individual and collective competencies. This groundbreaking work pushes the definitions of a project and project management to reveal new insight that benefits researchers, academics, and the practitioners managing projects in today’s challenging and uncertain times.
In an uncertain economy where business risk is significant, the company tends to rely more on its environment than to invest, for example, in all steps of technological creation; This can be explained by the fact that investments in the acquisition (ownership) of production resources are less expensive than those implied in the formation of these resources; which also explains the attractiveness (in an open economy) of regions with abundant scientific and technical resources. To understand and analyze the innovation process in order to better design and launch new goods, services and technologies, one has to consider the creative dimension of the individual, the business and the organization in general. In new approaches to innovation, the entrepreneur and the company are analyzed through their skills, and their function of resource generation; Innovation thus becomes endogenous, gradual or radical, integrated in a complex process with many feedbacks and interactions. The innovative organization (small or large) is presented in this book as a dynamic system composed of specific and diverse skills (including those of the contractor, engineers or managers). By acquiring, combining and mobilizing these skills, the innovative agent (entrepreneur or company) can create technological resources and develop relations with its environment. Hence the importance of management in design, implementation, protection of intellectual property as well as of the development of new goods, services and technology, commercial and organizational models.
"Communication et grands projets : un tel sujet est presque une gageure, car il engage deux mondes qui ne se rejoignent pas souvent, en tout cas pas aisément. Pourtant, cet ouvrage collectif n'est ni une coïncidence ni une provocation. Il vise à susciter la réflexion autour d'un sujet déterminant pour l'avenir des sociétés : la réalisation des grands projets de demain dans un contexte où citoyens, professionnels, scientifiques, promoteurs, pouvoirs publics et autres parties prenantes se révèlent... très prenants. De l'information à la participation, de la transmission à la relation, de la connaissance aux symboles et aux actes, ce sont tous les aspects de la communication qui sont ici abordés pour traiter de la gestion des grands projets urbains et d'exploitation des ressources naturelles. Ainsi, sont discutés dans ce livre des démarches de cocréation de projets, des méthodes participatives et des outils de partage du savoir. Il y est également question de la gouvernance des grands projets et de ses enjeux, ainsi que des rôles et responsabilités des différents acteurs qui y participent. Enfin, plusieurs chapitres s'intéressent à l'imaginaire des grands projets, aux sens qu'ils façonnent et aux passions qu'ils peuvent susciter. Réunissant les contributions de chercheurs et de praticiens québécois, français, britanniques et belges et faisant appel à des disciplines variées (communication, management, gestion de projet, sciences politiques, urbanisme, architecture, géologie et ingénierie), l'ouvrage remet en question les pratiques actuelles de communication et de gestion de projet. Pour mieux rendre compte des nouveaux défis à relever" --P. [4] de la couv.
Process Engineering, the science and art of transforming raw materials and energy into a vast array of commercial materials, was conceived at the end of the 19th Century. Its history in the role of the Process Industries has been quite honorable, and techniques and products have contributed to improve health, welfare and quality of life. Today, industrial enterprises, which are still a major source of wealth, have to deal with new challenges in a global world. They need to reconsider their strategy taking into account environmental constraints, social requirements, profit, competition, and resource depletion. “Systems thinking” is a prerequisite from process development at the lab level to good project management. New manufacturing concepts have to be considered, taking into account LCA, supply chain management, recycling, plant flexibility, continuous development, process intensification and innovation. This book combines experience from academia and industry in the field of industrialization, i.e. in all processes involved in the conversion of research into successful operations. Enterprises are facing major challenges in a world of fierce competition and globalization. Process engineering techniques provide Process Industries with the necessary tools to cope with these issues. The chapters of this book give a new approach to the management of technology, projects and manufacturing. Contents Part 1: The Company as of Today 1. The Industrial Company: its Purpose, History, Context, and its Tomorrow?, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. 2. The Two Modes of Operation of the Company – Operational and Entrepreneurial, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. 3. The Strategic Management of the Company: Industrial Aspects, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. Part 2: Process Development and Industrialization 4. Chemical Engineering and Process Engineering, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. 5. Foundations of Process Industrialization, Jean-François Joly. 6. The Industrialization Process: Preliminary Projects, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont and Michel Royer. 7. Lifecycle Analysis and Eco-Design: Innovation Tools for Sustainable Industrial Chemistry, Sylvain Caillol. 8. Methods for Design and Evaluation of Sustainable Processes and Industrial Systems, Catherine Azzaro-Pantel. 9. Project Management Techniques: Engineering, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. Part 3: The Necessary Adaptation of the Company for the Future 10. Japanese Methods, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. 11. Innovation in Chemical Engineering Industries, Oliver Potier and Mauricio Camargo. 12. The Place of Intensified Processes in the Plant of the Future, Laurent Falk. 13. Change Management, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont. 14. The Plant of the Future, Jean-Pierre Dal Pont.