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Au coeur de l'action, le facteur humain est le principal élément qui différencie les entreprises qui associent le bien-être des salariés et la performance économique sur le long terme, des entreprises qui seraient uniquement centrées sur le profit à court terme. Alors, comment font celles qui réussissent à concilier performance économique, climat social apaisé et salariés heureux d'y travailler ? Elles développent une réelle profitabilité avec un management fondé sur la bienveillance, le droit à l'erreur et la confiance. S'ensuivent des résultats financiers souvent meilleurs que ceux des entreprises qui pratiquent un management malveillant et parfois douteux. Ces sociétés ont, pour la plupart, remis en cause leur organisation, revu leur système de management mais également leurs processus et méthodes de travail, repensé leur politique de rémunération et la gestion des relations interpersonnelles pour faciliter le dialogue... A l'appui d'un diagnostic des pratiques vertueuses et d'autres plus contestables, les auteurs préconisent des méthodes performantes pour améliorer le bien-être des salariés, le climat social, le succès et la rentabilité de l'entreprise, et ce, quel que soit son secteur d'activité.
La 4e de couverture indique : "Le facteur humain est la principale différence entre les entreprises qui associent le bien-être des salariés et la performance économique sur le long terme, et les entreprises qui sont uniquement centrées sur le profit à court terme. Comment celles qui réussissent arrivent-elles à concilier performance économique, climat social apaisé et salariés heureux d'y travailler ? Elles améliorent leur profitabilité par un management fondé sur la bienveillance, le droit à l'erreur et la confiance. S'ensuivent des résultats financiers souvent meilleurs que ceux des entreprises qui pratiquent un management malveillant et parfois douteux. Ces sociétés ont, pour la plupart, remis en cause leur organisation, revu leur système de management mais également leurs processus et méthodes de travail, repensé leur politique de rémunération et la gestion des relations interpersonnelles pour faciliter le dialogue... À l'appui d'un diagnostic des pratiques vertueuses et d'autres plus contestables, les auteurs préconisent des méthodes performantes pour améliorer le bien-être des salariés, le climat social, le succès et la rentabilité de l'entreprise, et ce, quel que soit son secteur d'activité."
"Le management ne peut être autre que bienveillant. Le Docteur Philippe Rodet démontre, au croisement de sa double expérience de médecin urgentiste et de consultant en management, combien la personne humaine a besoin de bienveillance pour vivre et
On ne naît pas manager, on le devient. D'autant plus lorsqu'il s'agit de se glisser dans la peau d'un manager contemporain 3.0, en générant plaisir et performance. Cet ouvrage explique comment ce nouveau management centré sur l'individu et son épanouissement permet d'améliorer la satisfaction au travail, la fidélisation et l'efficacité productive de chacun. À l'heure du numérique et de la digitalisation croissante, un management centré sur l'individu et son épanouissement au travail - et non plus sur l'exécution unique et déshumanisée des tâches - permet d'améliorer l'épanouissement, la satisfaction, la fidélisation et l'efficacité productive de chacun. Considérant la bienveillance comme une nécessité et un fil conducteur pour toute activité managériale moderne et performante, cet ouvrage présente les grandes tendances du management 3.0 et montre comment bienveillance et « nouveau pouvoir » permettent de développer un management efficace et optimiste, basé sur la gentillesse. Les auteurs insistent sur les notions de santé, de bonheur et d'équilibre au travail, comme autant de leviers essentiels pour donner du sens à l'objet de l'entreprise et du corps à la posture managériale. Destiné aussi bien aux professionnels qu'aux étudiants en management, l'ouvrage propose également des témoignages de professionnels sous forme d'entretiens.
To "generate" means to create something that has not previously existed. The focus of "generative change" is to cultivate creativity: in teams, ventures, relationships and individuals. The goal of generative consulting, in particular, is to help teams and organizations evolve and function in ways that are both new and more effective. Generative consulting often requires introducing a whole new mindset into an organization. This new mindset includes cognitive understanding but also involves engaging other forms of intelligence, such as somatic intelligence, emotional intelligence and collective intelligence. In this book, we will show how the seven steps of the generative consulting DIAMOND Model can be applied, using multiple intelligences, to help teams and organizations stimulate growth, survive crises and manage transition. We will also show how the nine generative consulting competences can be used to inspire and empower individuals and teams to co-create a world to which they want to belong.
In the late 1950s, like tens of thousands of young men of his generation, Pierre Bourdieu, having recently passed the agrégation in philosophy, found himself immersed in the Algerian war. Motivated by an impulse that, as he himself says, ‘was civic rather than political’, nothing seemed more important to him than to understand the Algerian situation and provide the elements that would enable others to come to an informed judgement about it. In extremely tough conditions and along with a small group of students, Bourdieu undertook a series of studies across an Algeria that was tightly patrolled by the army, leading him to discover the shocking reality of the resettlement camps and to analyse the mechanisms of destruction of Algerian society of which they were emblematic. To achieve the objectives he had set himself, Bourdieu had to carry out a genuine intellectual conversion, acquiring an ethnographic understanding of Algerian society, learning sociological analysis at a breakneck pace and inventing new instruments - both theoretical and empirical - that would enable him to understand the relations of domination specific to colonialism. These new tools also enabled him to analyse the nature of the crisis that the war had both produced and manifested. This unique volume brings together the first texts written by Bourdieu in the midst of the Algerian conflict, as well as later writings and interviews in which he returns to the topic of Algeria and the decisive role it played in the development of his work.
Much orthodox economic theory is based on assumptions which are treated as self-evident: supply and demand are regarded as independent entities, the individual is assumed to be a rational agent who knows his interests and how to make decisions corresponding to them, and so on. But one has only to examine an economic transaction closely, as Pierre Bourdieu does here for the buying and selling of houses, to see that these abstract assumptions cannot explain what happens in reality. As Bourdieu shows, the market is constructed by the state, which can decide, for example, whether to promote private housing or collective provision. And the individuals involved in the transaction are immersed in symbolic constructions which constitute, in a strong sense, the value of houses, neighbourhoods and towns. The abstract and illusory nature of the assumptions of orthodox economic theory has been criticised by some economists, but Bourdieu argues that we must go further. Supply, demand, the market and even the buyer and seller are products of a process of social construction, and so-called ‘economic' processes can be adequately described only by calling on sociological methods. Instead of seeing the two disciplines in antagonistic terms, it is time to recognize that sociology and economics are in fact part of a single discipline, the object of which is the analysis of social facts, of which economic transactions are in the end merely one aspect. This brilliant study by the most original sociologist of post-war France will be essential reading for students and scholars of sociology, economics, anthropology and related disciplines.
We are all fascinated by the mystery of metamorphosis – of the caterpillar that transforms itself into a butterfly. Their bodies have almost nothing in common. They don’t share the same world: one crawls on the ground and the other flutters its wings in the air. And yet they are one and the same life. Emanuele Coccia argues that metamorphosis – the phenomenon that allows the same life to subsist in disparate bodies – is the relationship that binds all species together and unites the living with the non-living. Bacteria, viruses, fungi, plants, animals: they are all one and the same life. Each species, including the human species, is the metamorphosis of all those that preceded it – the same life, cobbling together a new body and a new form in order to exist differently. And there is no opposition between the living and the non-living: life is always the reincarnation of the non-living, a carnival of the telluric substance of a planet – the Earth – that continually draws new faces and new ways of being out of even the smallest particle of its disparate body. By highlighting what joins humans together with other forms of life, Coccia’s brilliant reflection on metamorphosis encourages us to abandon our view of the human species as static and independent and to recognize instead that we are part of a much larger and interconnected form of life.