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Burkina Faso Investment and Business Guide - Strategic and Practical Information
Shows how the need for health protection among micro-entrepreneurs can be addressed by mutual health organizations. Outlines the services provided by these organizations, describes their organization and operation and provides guidance on the establishment of such an organization by an association of micro-entrepreneurs.
This volume continues to build on the relationship between the Research in Management Consulting series and the intervener-researchers at the Socio-Economic Institute for Firms and Organizations (ISEOR) in Ecully, France, extending that partnership to our recent work with the French Foundation for Management Education (FNEGE), a foundation dedicated to closing the gap between the teaching and practice of management in France. As part of the Foundation’s multifaceted activities—which range from seminars and an advanced training initiative for French doctoral students to joint programs with international organizations an associations—FNEGE partnered with ISEOR to sponsor a series of workshops on developing high quality intervention-research. This volume is one of the results from that endeavor. Although intervention-research helps to uncover valuable insight into organizational dynamics and performance, the challenge of capturing and disseminating that insight to both academics and practitioners is entrenched in the rigor-relevance debate. While we are witnessing increased calls for “actionable knowledge,” this ideal, unfortunately, remains a rather elusive concept as critics contend either that rigorous academic research falls well-short of relevance to the practitioner world or research that proves to be valuable to practitioners falls short of the rigor expected in academic life. This volume is intended to help bridge that divide. Drawing on the FNEGE-ISEOR intervention-research workshop, the volume contains 18 chapters that explore the intervention-research process, from initial conceptualization, to implementation, to publication. The volume will be published in French and English
Nepal Mineral & Mining Sector Investment and Business Guide - Strategic and Practical Information
Se lancer, en indépendant ou en société, n'est pas un rêve inaccessible : il est devenu simple et rapide de créer une petite entreprise, notamment depuis la mise en place du régime de l'auto-entrepreneur. Vous avez une idée ou une opportunité ? Vous avez l'intuition que cette idée est la bonne mais vous ne savez pas comment vous y prendre pour la transformer en projet ? Ce guide est fait pour vous ! Il vous propose une méthodologie de création adaptée à une entreprise de petite taille : étude de marché simplifiée, financement du projet, structures juridiques adaptées, appuis spécifiques... Il vous apporte toutes les informations indispensables à connaître sur le régime de l'auto-entrepreneur, sur ses avantages et ses limites. Il synthétise l'essentiel des notions comptables, sociales et fiscales que vous devez connaître avant de vous lancer. Il vous accompagne, étape par étape, jusqu'aux formalités de création.
"A guide to the press of the United Kingdom and to the principal publications of Europe, Australia, the Far East, Gulf States, and the U.S.A.