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Una esotica avventura
In Italy to Argentina: Travel Writing and Emigrant Colonialism, Tullio Pagano examines Italian emigration to Argentina and the Rio de la Plata region through the writings of Italian economists, poets, anthropologists, and political activists from the 1860s to the beginning of World War I. He shows that Italians played an important role in the so-called conquest of the desert, which led to Argentina's economic expansion and the suppression and killing of the remaining indigenous population. Many of the texts he discusses have hardly been studied before: from Paolo Mantegazza's real and imaginary travel narratives at the time of Italian unification to Gina Lombroso's descriptions of Brazil, Uruguay, and Argentina in early 1900s. Pagano questions the apparent opposition between diaspora and empire and argues that there was a continuity between the "peaceful conquest" though spontaneous emigration envisioned by Italian liberal intellectuals at the turn of the century and the military colonialism of Italian Nationalists and Fascists. He shows that racist assumptions about Native American and "creole" cultures were present in the work of progressive authors like Edmondo de Amicis, whose writings became enormously popular in Argentina, and anarchist militants and legal scholars like Pietro Gori, who founded the first revolutionary unions in Buenos Aires while remaining dangerously attached to Cesare Lombroso's theories of atavism and primitivism. The "growl" of Italian emigrants about to land in Argentina, found in Dino Campana's poem Buenos Aires (1907), echoes throughout Pagano's book, and encourages the reader to explore the apparent oxymoron of "emigration colonialism" and the role of literature and public media in the formation of our social imaginary. "Italy to Argentina shows meticulous bibliographic work and is attentive to both fundamental and marginal texts in a double task, on the one hand, of textual analysis, and on the other, of rescuing and recovering a corpus forgotten by critics even when it is highly significant. It is, then, a research work that addresses the Italian emigration to Argentina from an original point of view, linking texts that have not been studied or that have not been sufficiently analyzed." --Fernanda Elisa Bravo Herrera, author of Huellas y recorridos de una utopía: La emigración italiana en la Argentina "From Boccadasse to La Boca. Tullio Pagano complexifies the relationship between 'diaspora' and 'colonialism' in the context of Italian migration to South America. In six thematic chapters, Pagano explores the thought of authors on and off the canon. Such diverse voices lead the reader to a new approach to the study of emigrant colonialism and creole studies, towards a deeper, more realistic understanding of the 'conquest of the desert' that Italian emigrants wanted to perform in Argentina."--Giuseppe Gazzola, Stony Brook University
This book analyzes the relationships that exist between esotericism and music from Antiquity to the 20th century, investigating ways in which magic, astrology, alchemy, divination, and cabbala interact with music. Ce livre offre un panorama des relations entre l’ésotérisme et la musique de l’Antiquité au 20ème siècle et montre comment la magie, l’astrologie, l’alchimie, la divination et la cabale interagissent avec l’art et la science des sons.
Situated on the banks of the Rhine, and home to an exuberant carnival, Cologne welcomes travelers to its lively art scene and dynamic business community. Whether in its atmospheric Altstadt or in one of its energetic newer districts, there are many exciting dining destinations with an emphasis on bold modern touches, both in cuisine and d'cor. A large and lively student community, and a significant international presence add to the vibrancy of the dining scene here. This invaluable overview to what's happening in Cologne's kining scene is interspersed with a selection of recipes allowing you to recreate the Cologne dining experience at home. ? A ?best-of? collection of the most remarkably conceived and designed restaurants in Cologne ? This useful guide to the city's hottest dining establishments, also includes over 130 color photographs along with carefully chosen recipes
As a result of domestication - considered to be the most important cultural development of the past 13,000 years of human history - we depend today on a tiny number of domesticated plant and animal species for our food supply. Nevertheless, people continue to gather food which grows around their homes or they cultivate local varieties of food plants (as well as keep land races of domestic animals). Generally, wild varieties tend to be richer in micronutrients and bioactive secondary metabolites, which are produced in adaptation to local environmental conditions. These metabolites trigger further adaptive responses by producing 'protective', bioactive compounds which, when ingested, result in the transfer of protective effects to our organism. The preservation of local knowledge for future generations as well as the identification of new nutraceuticals by means of characterizing plant extracts with potential health beneficial effects are the main objectives of this book. The first part therefore focuses on the ethnobotanical study of local food plants in selected regions of the Mediterranean, i.e. their use as well as beliefs and cultural practices associated with it. The biological-pharmacological effects of these plants on selected (mostly in vitro) targets of the central nervous system and the cardiovascular system make up the second part, highlighting the potential of these plants for developing novel health foods, herbal medicines or local products with beneficial effects on health. Those interested in an integrated approach to the identification of new and health beneficial foods will undoubtedly find this book a valuable source of information and an inspiration for new scientific approaches to this age-old topic.
Benvenuti nell'affascinante mondo di Voodoo blu! Nel "Manuale completo di Voodoo blu", scoprirai uno straordinario compendio di conoscenze ancestrali e pratiche mistiche che ti guideranno verso una vita di protezione, armonia e benessere. Sei pronto a sperimentare la magia e il potere di Voodoo blu nella tua vita? Questo libro è una guida completa che ti porterà per mano attraverso incantesimi di protezione, rituali per rafforzare la tua difesa personale e domestica, nonché rituali per ritrovare la calma mentale e alleviare lo stress nei momenti difficili. Scoprirai il potere degli incantesimi di protezione e come usarli per tenere a bada le energie negative. Con l'aiuto di questo manuale imparerai a connetterti con le forze spirituali di Voodoo blu e ad usarle per creare uno scudo protettivo intorno a te e al tuo ambiente. Dagli incantesimi per allontanare la sfortuna ai rituali per aumentare la tua energia vitale, troverai un'ampia gamma di pratiche per attirare prosperità e benessere nella tua vita. Ogni pagina è intrisa di antica saggezza e rituali attentamente progettati per migliorare la tua connessione con il divino e proteggere il tuo essere da qualsiasi energia negativa. Questi antichi segreti ti permetteranno di aprirti a un nuovo livello di protezione e difesa energetica. Non importa se sei nuovo nel mondo del Voodoo o un praticante esperto, questo manuale è per te. Ogni tecnica, amuleto e incantesimo è spiegato in modo chiaro e conciso, permettendoti di addentrarti in questo universo mistico con facilità e sicurezza. Preparati a intraprendere un fantastico viaggio di scoperta di te stesso, protezione e crescita spirituale! Voodoo blu ti fornirà la guida e la forza di cui hai bisogno per affrontare le sfide della vita e trovare la tranquillità che desideri. Non aspettare oltre e ottieni la tua copia del "Manuale completo di Voodoo blu" oggi. Scopri il potere che porti dentro e libera tutto il tuo potenziale per una vita piena di protezione e prosperità! Imparerai: Creare una bambola voodoo Strumenti ed elementi magici per il voodoo Incantesimi di protezione Rituali di protezione Energia e protezione della casa Incantesimi per calmare la mente Amuleti di protezione Erbe e incensi per rituali