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The 'full-time job' is no longer an option for many people seeking employment. It has been replaced by an ever-expanding plethora of 'atypical' employment relationships designed by employers to streamline their operations and/or take advantage of information communications technology. Numerous labour law issues arise, demanding urgent attention. How should law and policy best address these challenges? This incomparable and timely book explores this contentious topic in depth, presenting ten penetrating essays on aspects of the topic by leading European authorities followed by reports on new forms of employment in thirty-five European countries Full-scale analysis of new forms of employment, their characteristics, and their effects on working conditions and the labour market includes such issues as the following: - employment relationships with more than one employer; - discontinuous and/or intermittent work; - work based on networking arrangements; - labour pooling; - crowdworking and crowsourcing; - lack of worker representation; - rights for vulnerable migrant workers; - removal of wage and hours threshold; - false self-employment; - non-payment of 'small' amounts (e.g., holiday pay); - portage salarial; - voucher-based work; - ICT-based mobile work; - organizations offering specific administrative services; - need for safety nets for workers; and - existing and potential monitoring and control mechanisms. Relevant EU Directives and national legal frameworks regarding new forms of employment are fully discussed, with an emphasis on recent trends and proposed solutions. This volume raises awareness of the problems generated by new emerging forms of employment and provides some answers and insights, including lessons to be learned from current developments. In particular, the authors' bringing to light of issues that have not been sufficiently addressed so far under European law will be welcomed by labour law practitioners, company legal counsel, human resources professionals, and academics in the field.
Le préparateur en pharmacie – Guide théorique et pratique, 2e édition, aborde avec clarté et simplicité les différents aspects du savoir polyvalent que l’on attend du préparateur, appelé à seconder les pharmaciens titulaires et adjoints dans maintes tâches de l’officine : dispensation, conseil et information du public, préparation et réalisation des PDA (préparations des doses à administrer), vigilance, accueil et vente, documentation, gestion des stocks, administration, hygiène, diététique et maintien à domicile… Le personnel de l’officine doit aujourd’hui exercer sa mission de conseil avec d’autant plus de clairvoyance que le public, exposé à un discours médiatique et publicitaire à forte consonance scientifique, dispose de produits cosmétiques et de thérapeutiques « alternatives » où le naturel et le végétal jouent un très grand rôle, mais où les risques de l’automédication imposent un effort de pharmacovigilance et de toxicovigilance accru. Cette nouvelle édition, entièrement réactualisée, constitue un guide de référence pour les futurs préparateurs en pharmacie en respectant le référentiel du brevet professionnel, ainsi qu’un outil indispensable à la formation continue des préparateurs en mettant à leur disposition une somme d’informations facilement accessibles. Elle est également fort utile aux étudiants en pharmacie, dont le cursus comprend de nombreux stages : d’initiation officinale, d’application des enseignements coordonnés et de pratique professionnelle.
Although the work place has become significantly more flexible in the former socialist countries of central and eastern Europe, the realities of their social institutional systems must be taken into account in any development strategies that aim to unite flexibility and security objectives. This volume seeks to contribute to a pan-European reflection on the concepts and issues of labour flexibility and social cohesion.
This glossary will be a privileged tool of translators, experts and all those working in the field of social issues. About 15 000 primary entries and a total of 28 500 terms contribute to make this glossary a comprehensive compilation in the field of social security.
Les boulangers sont des entrepreneurs qui évoluent dans un environnement très compétitif. Lorsqu'ils prennent en charge leur première affaire, même s'ils disposent d'une solide formation métier, il leur est difficile de repérer et de mettre en œuvre tous les leviers de la performance. Véritable guide pour le pilotage de leur entreprise, cet ouvrage vise à les accompagner dans la prise de décision dans tous les champs de la gestion. Le boulanger, comme tout chef d'entreprise, doit faire face à de très nombreuses situations. Il est nécessaire de compléter son savoir-faire par des compétences et des connaissances pour opérer les meilleurs choix face aux nombreuses questions pouvant se poser à lui, parmi lesquelles : quels sont les critères qui doivent retenir mon attention quand je choisis de créer ou de reprendre une boulangerie ? Comment évalue-t-on une boulangerie ? Quels choix juridiques dois-je opérer ? Comment manage-t-on une petite équipe ? Quelles sont les erreurs à éviter ? Quelles sont les obligations réglementaires auxquelles sont astreintes les boulangeries ? Les réponses apportées par l'auteur sont le fruit d'un travail de synthèse qui s'appuie sur des textes de loi mais aussi sur un inventaire des bonnes pratiques. Celles-ci sont issues à la fois d'entreprises de secteurs différents mais aussi d'une observation sur le terrain.
The book is written in English and sets out the basics of French employment law. It includes recent reforms brought in by President Macron many of which were published in the Code du travail (French employment law Code) on 3 January 2018. There are comprehensive references throughout to the articles of the French Code du travail
This book is part of a series which sets out a restatement of labour law in Europe. Its second volume looks at atypical employment relationships in Europe. Opening with a restatement, the book provides comparative commentary on the question of how fixed-term employment relationships, part-time employment relationships and temporary agency work is regulated by law in the individual states, which case law of the courts must be observed in this respect and which possibilities exist for shaping such relationships on the basis of collective bargaining agreements. The book goes on to systematically explore the national regulatory framework of: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Montenegro, Netherlands, North Macedonia, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey and the United Kingdom. In this area, which is largely shaped by EU law in many countries, the commonalities and differences with regard to the relevant regulatory issues are examined. This important new project provides the definitive survey of labour law in Europe today.
The "International Labour Law Reports" is a series of annual publications of labour law judgements by the highest courts in a number of jurisdictions. "ILLR" is intended primarily for the use of judges, labour law practitioners, industrial relations specialists and students who need or desire ready access to authoritative information of a comparative nature on problems arising in the field of labour law and industrial relations. Each judgement reprinted in "ILLR" is accompanied by Headnotes and in practically all cases by an Annotation which sets forth, among other things, the legal issues involved, the basic facts of the case (if not included in the judgement itself), the relevant statutory provisions and judicial precedents, the labour law and industrial relations context in which the case arose and the significance of the judgement in the development of the law. As a rule, judgements are printed "in extenso"; editorial discretion has been relied upon to delete or to summarize portions of judgements that are purely technical or only of marginal interest. This series unquestionably fills a void in the field of comparative labour law. Volume 18 covers the period 1 October 1997 to 30 September 1998.