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What Is God’s Grace—and What Does It Mean for You? Grace. It’s a word we’ve heard since the very first step in our faith journey—but do we really believe in God’s grace? Grace raises eyebrows. It begs questions. Grace turns everything upside down. The Grace Message invites you to discover the best flavor of Christianity and celebrate the good news of the Gospel to the fullest. Here, you’ll learn: • how to abandon rule-based living and stop trying to measure up • why your new identity in Jesus matters more than you can imagine • how you can now enjoy God’s New Covenant way of grace Bestselling author and radio host Andrew Farley’s no-nonsense straight talk will awaken you to a revolutionary perspective every healthy Christian should have. Life is too short to miss out on God’s best—and what you don’t know can hinder you from experiencing Jesus in every area of your life. So if you’ve been weighed down by ruthless religion, or you’ve been searching for that high-octane version of the Gospel that you know must be out there somewhere, here it is. This thought-provoking book will challenge you to dismiss the lies you’ve believed and to make up your own mind about how big God’s grace really is. “Andrew Farley shows why the good news is actually great news. This extraordinary, battle-tested message of hope and freedom has a proven track record of transforming lives. The Grace Message is bursting with truth. The love of God practically drips from its pages. Read it and see for yourself!” —Bart Millard, singer/songwriter for MercyMe
The gospel is not about a law you must keep.It is about receiving a life that will keep you. It is not about living this lifeout of fear. It is about living a life of faith. It is not about rules. It is about arelationship with the Father.The message of John the Baptist and of Jesus is simply this; repent, for thekingdom of God is at hand. The kingdom of God is one paradigm shift away. Oneof the meanings of the word repent is to change your mind. It also means to changeone's bent, or to turn about. Many times, when we preach repentance, we preachwhat we turn from, but we never emphasize what we turn toward. Many have turnedfrom law and religion, only to turn toward the bondage of sin. Or they have turnedfrom the bondage of sin, only to trade it for the bondage of religion. The messageof this book is primarily to help you turn toward the present reality of the kingdomof God. The gospel of the kingdom is not just about a ticket to heaven someday. Itis about receiving the Holy Spirit that will allow you to live the abundant life as acitizen of the kingdom of God right now. The message that John the Baptist wasdeclaring was that of another form of government called the kingdom. It was comingon the scene, and would replace the government of the law.The Message Bible, in II Corinthians 3:7-9 calls the old covenant the governmentof death and condemnation. It was a constitution chiseled on stone tablets. The newcovenant is the constitution of the kingdom and is a government of affirmation. Itis written on the fleshly tablets of our heart. It is the government of the living spirit.This book will help you turn toward the Lord. When our heart turns toward theLord, the veil will be taken away. This book will help you make the paradigm shiftfrom law to grace.
Christians throughout the centuries have struggled to understand the relationship between God’s law and His grace. Sadly, many have inadvertently neglected either the law and fallen into antinomianism or they have neglected grace and run amuck into legalism. God’s Grace Shining through Law will help Christians young or old to navigate through these two errors and live in joyful obedience to the Word of God. May this volume be both a warning signal and a welcome sign, challenging each of us to examine our standing before a holy God and encouraging our hearts to rest in the grace of God that is ours in the gospel. Table of Contents: Historical Perspectives on the Grace of Law 1. The Puritans on the Grace of Law – Joel Beeke 2. Augustine of Hippo on Law and Grace – William VanDoodewaard Experiential Implications of the Grace of Law 3. “Law Death – Gospel Life”: Erskine’s Vision for True Gospel Living – Gerald Bilkes 4. The Convicting Power of the Law – Stephen Myers 5. Freedom of the Law in the Heart – Clarence Simmons Practical Implications of the Grace of Law 6. The Civil Law: Outdated but Relevant – Michael Barrett 7. Christ in the Law – David Murray 8. Freely and Cheerfully, Part 1 – Michael Riccardi 9. Freely and Cheerfully, Part 2 – Michael Riccardi 10. Law and Mission: A Neglected but Foundational Biblical Pair – Daniel Timmer
Examines the issues of what place the Law of Moses has in the life of someone who believes in Yeshua/Jesus as Messiah.