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Il volume esamina tutta la documentazione che le aziende devono emettere per gli scambi con i Paesi terzi, per adeguarsi in materia contabile-amministrativo alla normativa commerciale, fiscale, doganale e valutaria. I rapporti economici con l'estero, che prevedono scambio di beni, richiedono l'espletamento di particolari formalità doganali con la predisposizione di una documentazione completa e corretta. Si tratta, in particolare, di documentazione: - commerciale - di trasporto e spedizione internazionale - contabile - doganale; - finanziaria e valutaria - di varia natura: sanitaria, crediti documentari, di conformità, ecc. Nel manuale si prende in esame la documentazione per il trasporto dei beni tenendo conto sia delle procedure amministrative e doganali sia di quelle contabili e fiscali, in modo da offrire al lettore un insieme coordinato di nozioni utili per un corretto adempimento a tutte le formalità documentali. In questa seconda edizione il volume è stato completamente rivisto al fine di procedere ad un suo aggiornamento in considerazione dell'evoluzione della normativa regolante la documentazione internazionale. Si è ritenuto opportuno introdurre una nuova parte relativa ai controlli doganali sui documenti al fine di approfondire i controlli che le imprese debbono effettuare sulla documentazione emessa e ricevuta, e porre quindi in essere i dovuti rimedi, instaurando le procedure di revisione previste dalla legislazione vigente. STRUTTURA DEL VOLUME Parte I: La documentazione commerciale e di trasporto Cap. 1: Documentazione commerciale: fonti normative Cap. 2: I Documenti di trasporto Internazionale Cap. 3: Termini di resa nel commercio Internazionale Parte II: I documenti del commercio internazionale emessi dalle CCIAA Cap. 4: Il codice meccanografico Cap. 5: Il Carte ATA Cap. 6: Il Carnet TIR Cap. 7: Origine commerciale e non preferenziale dei beni Cap. 8: Altri documenti doganali Parte III: I documenti doganali: Aspetti operativi Cap. 9: Origine preferenziale dei beni Cap. 10: La bolletta doganale DAU Cap. 11: Altri documenti doganali Parte IV: I controlli sui documenti doganali Cap. 12: Il servizio telematico doganale ed i codici identificativi Cap. 13:Le figure giuridiche degli operatori economici e degli operatori economici autorizzati Cap. 14: La figura giuridica dello spedizioniere doganale
In the last few years, logistics has become a strategic factor for development and competition. In fact, research and development activities have traditionally faced the management of supply chain and international transport focussing on two main aspects: speed and efficiency. However, several vulnerabilities have recently been highlighted under a safety and security viewpoint. The weakness of the logistic chains has become more evident with the beginning of the new millennium. Terrorist attacks, such as the 11th of September 2001 in the USA, have caused the introduction of new rules and procedures, which affect the overall logistics showing the vulnerability of the global economy. So, nowadays, it would appear anachronistic to carry out an exhaustive research activity on the supply chain with no relation to the various typologies of risk, which may affect it. This book aims to effectively represent the current status of research on dangerous goods transport.
Heritier, Kerwer, Knill, Lehmkuhl (all with the Max Planck Project Group, Common Goods: Law, Politics, and Economics), Teutsch (European Union Department of the German Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs), and Douillet (Ecole Normale Superieure de Cachan) combine efforts in this study to develop a theoretical and conceptual framework for studying the impact of European policies on member states. The authors argue that the influence of EU policies on each member state depends on each state's preexisting policies and institutional capacity to change. The study focuses on transport policy, presenting case studies from Britain, France, Germany, Italy and the Netherlands to demonstrate differences in the impacts of EU policies. The text concludes with a comparison of the differences in responses of member states to identical European policy demands and similar external and internal conditions. c. Book News Inc.
The performance of current transport systems is inadequate when viewed in terms of economic efficiency, sustainability and safety. Drawing together key an impressive list of contributors from the vast field of transportation economics including Kenneth Button, David Banister and Juan Carlos Martín, this book investigates transport systems, and covers a wide range of topics such as: airline markets congestion charging speed control. This informative book, ideal for undergraduate and postgraduate students of economics, business and industrial studies examines the tools that are necessary to effectively measure transport systems and those that are required to improve them. Utilizing advanced tools of network analysis, the contributors challenge various pieces of conventional wisdom, in particular the view that intermodal transport is more environmentally benign than road transport.
Transportation Amid Pandemics: Practices and Policies is the first reference on pandemics (especially COVID-19) in the context of transport, logistics, and supply chains. This book investigates the relationships between pandemics and transport and evaluates impacts of COVID-19 and effects of policy responses to address them. It explores how to recover from pandemics, reveals governance for immediate policy responses and future innovations, suggests strategies for post-pandemic sustainable and resilient development, shares lessons of COVID-19 policymaking across countries, and discusses how to transform transport systems for a better future. Transportation Amid Pandemics offers transport researchers and policymakers the scientific evidence they need to support their decisions and solutions against pandemics. "Curiosity and research brought me to discover an excellent handbook covering the relations between COVID 19 and the transport reality. It is called "Transportation amid Pandemics –Lessons Learned from COVID-19" and has been published this year. 2022 happens to be the year of the 50th anniversary of the first report to The Club of Rome "The Limits to Growth". The new book covers evidences from all over the world, and offers policy recommendations from a great variety of perspectives". Ernst Ulrich von Weizsaecker - Represents the collective efforts of the World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS) - Uniquely deals with intertwined issues of pandemics and transport - Investigates both successful and problematic policy measures - Emphasizes bvidence-based policymaking from cross-sectoral and transdisciplinary perspectives - Transfers lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic to future generations
The tactical organization of resources is a vital component to any industry in modern society. Effectively managing the flow of materials through various networks ensures that the requirements of customers are met. Sustainable Logistics and Strategic Transportation Planning is a pivotal reference source for the latest research on the management of logistics through the lens of sustainability, as well as for emerging procedures that are particularly critical to the transportation sector. Highlighting international perspectives, conceptual frameworks, and targeted investigations, this book is ideally designed for policy makers, professionals, researchers, and upper-level students interested in logistics and transport systems.
Manual of Business Italian is the most comprehensive, single-volume reference handbook for students and professionals using Italian. Designed for all users, no matter what level of language skill, this manual comprises five parts: * A 6000-word, two-way Glossary of the most useful business terms * A 100-page Written Communications section giving models of 50 letters, faxes and documents * An 80-page Spoken Situations section covering face-to-face and telephone situations * A short Reference Grammar outlining the major grammar features of Italian * A short Business Facts section covering essential information of the country or countries where Italian is used Written by an experienced native and non-native speaker team, this unique volume is an essential, one-stop reference for all students and professionals studying or working in business and management where Italian is used