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Modern moral and political philosophy is in debt with natural law theory, both in its ancient and mediaeval elaborations. While the very notion of a natural law has proved highly controversial among 20th Century scholars, the last decades have witnessed a renewed interest in it. Indeed, the threats and challenges as result of multiculturalism, plural societies and global changes have generated a renewed attention to natural law theory. Clearly, it offers solid basis as possible framework to a better understanding of human goods without contradictions and partial bias. The purpose of the present volume is to provide an overview of the history of this concept (Cicero, St. Paul, Aquinas, Melanchthon, Montaigne, Descartes, Leibniz, Hume, Burke, Kant, MacIntyre, etc.) as well as a deep understanding of ongoing research, both in Europe and in America. Furthermore, the specificity of these studies will be of particular value to philosophers, law-philosophers, historians, anthropologists, sociologists and theologians, and those concerned on such issues as the relation between law and moral norm, law and practical reason, and the presence of the idea of natural law in several prominent thinkers. It includes a selected bibliography on natural law. The book also provides an excellent introduction to several of the major topics in natural law theory making it useful both as a reference text and as a sourcebook for academics alike. "Natural law is a rich, complex, and highly disputed term. Since its first appearances in the history of Western civilization, it has been used both to point to God as the source of the moral order and to assert that there is an objective order of justice in nature that men and their laws ought to respect. In modern times, natural law theory gave birth to what we usually call “human rights.” Unlike the meaning of the term, the importance of an ongoing debate on natural law and on the theories related to it is undisputable. This is why I welcome today this new collection of essays edited by Alejandro Néstor García Martínez, Mario Šilar and José M. Torralba. Natural Law: Historical, Systematic and Juridical Approaches includes a wide variety of studies, covering key authors and issues in natural law theory. Younger students will appreciate the clarity of the chapters, and more trained readers the detailed and accurate bibliographical references that each of them offers. The editors’s choice to go from a historical approach to contemporary theories, and then to theoretical and more practical issues is also commendable. Students in philosophy and in legal theory will greatly benefit from this book." —Fulvio Di Blasi, author of God and the Natural Law: A Rereading of Thomas Aquinas
The purpose of this book is to integrate the fact of biological evolution (which, as such, should not be confused with the evolutionary theories and ideologies supposedly based on that fact) with the principles and contents of Thomistic philosophy. After identifying the main difficulties involved in this endeavor—and how they have been addressed by other authors within the Thomistic tradition—we present our own thesis. We begin by arguing that the diversity of species and varieties of corporeal living beings is consistent with Aquinas’ thought. Next, we distinguish between two forms of evolution, namely, intraspecific and transspecific; following the central tenets of Aquinas’ philosophy, the ontological significance and causalities involved in both types of evolution are analyzed. We complete this exposition by offering a general overview of evolutionary history in light of the criteria presented, with emphasis on anthropogenesis. Juan Eduardo Carreño Pavez (1976) holds a PhD in Medical Sciences and a PhD in Philosophy. After completing a postdoc at the Center for Medieval Philosophy, Georgetown University, he returned to the University of los Andes, Chile, where he has a position as Associate Professor. His research has focused on Thomas Aquinas’ thought, mediaeval philosophy, and the dialogue between theology, philosophy and science. He is the author of several articles and monographs, including Vivere viventibus est esse: la vida como perfección del ser en la obra de Tomás de Aquino (Eunsa, 2020), and Una reconsideración del estatus de la mente animal y humana (Ril Editores, 2024).
A focus on reasons for action and practical reason is the perspective chosen by many contemporary legal philosophers for the analysis of some central questions of their discipline. This book offers a critical evaluation of that approach, by carefully examining the empirical, logical and normative problems hidden behind the concepts of `reason for action' and `practical reasoning'. Unlike most other works in this field, it is a meta-theoretical study which analyses and compares how different theories use the notion of reason in their reconstruction of problems concerning issues such as normativity, the acceptance of norms, or the justification of judicial decisions. This book is directed primarily to scholars specializing in legal theory and concerned with the contribution practical philosophy can make to it, but it also contains important arguments and insights for all those interested in the controversy between legal positivists and their critics, in the theory of human action or in reason-based practical theories in general.
The book is an adaptation of part of the author's PhD thesis, which won the international prize Prémio FIBE, and was voted one of the three best in Brazil, in the field of Law, in 2023. It deals with the history of the notion of abuse of rights, in its two traditions: the Franco-Belgian (abus de droit) and the German (unzulässige Rechtsausübung). It also presents the discourse of abuse of rights with a 'shortcut' function. Finally, it places the scientific formulation of groups of cases as necessary for the proper use of the abuse of rights discourse. Fabio Carvalho de Alvarenga Peixoto PhD in Constitutional Law (Universidade de Fortaleza - Brazil). State Attorney. Private lawyer. Winner of the international prize Prémio FIBE, and of an honorable mention in the Capes (Brazilian Ministry of Education) PhD Thesis Award 2023. INTRODUCTION 1 THE BEGINNING OF THE HISTORIES OF ABUSE OF RIGHTS 2 THE GENERAL CONCEPT OF ABUSE OF RIGHTS 2.1 Literature Admission of Abuse of Rights as an Atypical Unlawfulness 2.1.1 Unconscious Phase 2.1.2 Constructive Phase of Incipient Dogmatization 2.1.3 Constructive Phase of Peripheral Systematization 2.2 Delimitation of Abuse of Rights in the Face of Abuse (Misuse) of Power 2.3 Presuppositions of the Notion of Abuse of Rights 2.3.1 Permission Granted by ‘Abstract’ Interpretation of a Normative Text 2.3.2 Prohibition ‘Discovered’ by Judge, Outside the Limits of ‘Abstract’ Interpretation of Normative Text 3 THE FUNCTION OF THE NOTION OF ABUSE OF RIGHTS 3.1 Abuse of Rights as a “Gathering Concept” 3.2 Practical Indispensability of the Dogmatic Formulation of (Open) Groups of Cases for the Rational Application of the Prohibition of Abuse of Rights 3.3 Abuse of Rights as a “Shortcut” (which “can Slow You Down”) 4 THE TWO TRADITIONS OF PRIVATE LAW DOCTRINES OF ABUSE OF RIGHTS 4.1 The French-Belgian Tradition of Abus de Droit 4.1.1 Harmful Intent Approach The Beginnings of the Abus de Droit Tradition Unnecessary Dammage Approach 4.1.2 Deviation from the Economic and Social Purposes of Rights Approach Louis Josserand’s Original Approach Violation of Dominant Morality Approach Reception in Germany by Wolfgang Siebert of the Deviation of Purpose Approach (Rechtsmißbrauch) and its Evolution into the Doctrine of Institutional Abuse (Institutioneller Rechtsmißbrauch) Denial of the Axiological Fundament (‘Formal Axiologism’) Approach: Non-Replacing Overcoming 4.1.3 Disproportion between Advantages and Losses Approach 4.2 The German Tradition of Unzulässige Rechtsausübung 4.2.1 Prohibition of Chicanery Approach 4.2.2 Violation of Objective Good Faith Approach 4.2.3 Violation of Good Customs Approach 4.3 Excerpt: Germanophile Definitory Approach of Abuse of Rights as Violation of Principle 5 THE METHODICAL ISSUES NOT RESOLVED BY DOCTRINES OF ABUSE OF RIGHTS 5.1 The Importance of the Recognition of the Meta-Individual Function of Rights 5.2 Meta-Individual Function and Individual Function: Methodical Requirement of Sizing Criteria for Each Right 5.3 Limited Scope of the Objective Good Faith Approach 6 THE NEED FOR RATIONAL JUSTIFICATION OF THE IDENTIFICATION OF ABUSE OF RIGHT AS A MECHANISM FOR CONTROLLING JUDICIAL DISCRETION 6.1 Insufficiency of the Standard Theories of Legal Argumentation for Rational Justification of the Evaluation of Abuse of Rights 6.2 The Use of Dogmatically Formulated Groups of Cases for the Rational Justification of the evaluation of Abuse of Rights CONCLUSION REFERENCES
El origen de este volumen es un simposio organizado en Mayo de 2015 por el Instituto Cultura y Sociedad (ICS) de la Universidad de Navarra. El enfoque de este simposio era muy amplio, como se refleja en las contribuciones que se presentan en este volumen, las cuales abordan temas tan diversos como las conexiones entre la ética material de los valores de inspiración fenomenológica y la idea de Derecho natural, la distinción esfera de lo jurídico/esfera de lo moral, las críticas a la consideración de los derechos humanos como fundados en la ley natural, los motivos por los que tenemos ciertos hechos y deberes como consecuencia de actos sociales, el sentido y significado del término libertad cuando este es empleado en el marco del Derecho penal, o el examen de ciertas concepciones que pretenden reducir la Filosofía del Derecho a una serie de cuestiones psicológicas, sociales o históricas cuando, en realidad, ésta depende de una discusión sobre cuestiones de principios y no de una mera comprobación de hechos. Sin embargo, a pesar de la diversidad de los trabajos que conforman este volumen, puede decirse que son dos los aspectos fundamentales que éstos comparten: por un lado, la necesidad de fomentar el diálogo entre disciplinas diferentes como la Filosofía y el Derecho en torno a una cuestión central, a saber, la existencia de elementos pre-positivos, anteriores a toda legislación positiva y, por otro lado, la convicción de que estos elementos tienen una inteligibilidad propia. *** Der Ursprung des vorliegenden Bandes ist ein im Mai 2015 vom Instituto Cultura y Sociedad der Universität von Navarra veranstaltetes Symposium. Wie die verschiedenen Beiträge zeigen, war die Bandbreite des Symposiums sehr weit gefasst. So wurden Themen behandelt wie die Zusammenhänge zwischen der phänomenologischen materialen Wertethik und der Idee des Naturrechts, die Unterscheidung zwischen der sittlichen und der rechtlichen Sphäre, die Kritik an denjenigen Theorien, die die Menschenrechte im Naturrecht verorten, die Motive, die uns dazu veranlassen, gewisse Tatsachen und Pflichten als Folgen sozialer Akte zu betrachten, der Sinn des Wortes „Freiheit“ im Rahmen des Strafrechts oder die kritische Prüfung derjenigen Auffassungen, die die Rechtsphilosophie auf eine Reihe von psychologischer, sozialer bzw. historischer Fragen zu reduzieren versuchen, wenn sie in Wahrheit auf einer Diskussion über Grundsatzfragen und nicht auf reiner Tatsachenüberprüfung beruht. Trotz ihrer Vielfalt haben alle Beiträge zwei Aspekte gemeinsam: einerseits teilen sie die Überzeugung der Notwendigkeit eines Dialogs zwischen so verschiedenen Disziplinen wie der Philosophie und dem Recht, um die zentrale Frage nach dem Bestehen von vor-positiven Elementen des Rechts aufzuklären, die jeder positiven Gesetzgebung vorangehen; andererseits sind sie der Überzeugung, dass solche Elemente ihre eigene Verständlichkeit haben. This volume contains the proceedings of a conference organized in May 2015 by the Instituto Cultura y Sociedad (University of Navarra). The scope of this conference was very wide as is proved by the variety of the contributions. They deal with such topics as the relationships between material value ethics and the idea of natural law, the distinction between the moral sphere and the sphere of law, the criticisms of those theories which ground human rights in natural law, the motives which lead us to consider certain facts and duties as consequences of social acts, the meaning of “freedom” in criminal law or the critical exam of such views which try to reduce the Philosophy of Law to some psychological, social or historical questions. However, despite their diversity, the contributions share two elements: on the one hand, the emphasis of the necessity of a dialogue between such different disciplines as Philosophy and Law focusing on a central question, namely, the existence of pre-positive elements, prior to every positive legislation and, on the other hand, the conviction that such elements have an own intelligibility.
The 2021 Inter-American Yearbook on Human Rights provides an extract of the principal jurisprudence of the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights and the Inter-American Court of Human Rights. Part One contains the Decisions on the Merits of the Commission, and Part Two the Judgments and Decisions of the Court. The Yearbook is partly published as an English-Spanish bilingual edition. Some parts are in English or Spanish only. NB: This book is part of a four volume set. Vol. 1 ISBN: 978-90-04-51185-9 Vol. 2 ISBN: 978-90-04-51187-3 Vol. 3 ISBN: 978-90-04-53773-6 Vol. 4 ISBN: 978-90-04-53775-0
This book offers an authoritative analysis of the challenges that have arisen as a result of modern technologies. It covers several environmental problems, such as climate change, overexploitation of natural resources, loss of natural habitats, pollution and human population growth, and discusses practical scenarios for sustainable human dwelling of our planet. Adopting an interdisciplinary approach, the first part introduces “global changes”, describing how they are happening in reality, and the challenges arising from them. The second part introduces methodological approaches borrowed from various disciplines, such as engineering, management science, philosophy and theology, which can help deal with the contemporary challenges resulting from global changes. Lastly, the third part discusses some of the themes presented in the light of novel concepts, such as the Anthropocene, and includes interesting proposals and ideas about how human beings could dwell the Earth in this new age. Offering a comprehensive theoretical reflection on the relation between technology, environment and human beings, it also provides a practice-oriented guide for researchers and decision-makers working on a new ethical paradigm of acting in the Anthropocene.