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This book addresses contemporary discourses on a wide variety of topics related to the ideological and epistemological changes of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, and the ways in which they have shaped the Spanish language and cultural manifestations in both Spain and Hispanic America. The majority of the chapters are concerned with ‘otherness’ in its various dimensions; the alien Other – foreign, immigrant, ethnically different, disempowered, female or minor – as well as the Other of different sexual orientation and/or ideology. Following Octavio Paz, otherness is expressed as the attempt to find the lost object of desire, the frustrating endeavour of the androgynous Plato wishing to embrace the other half of Zeus, who in his wrath, tore off from him. Otherness compels human beings to search for the complement from which they were severed. Thus a male joins a female, his other half, the only half that not only fills him but which allows him to return to the unity and reconciliation which is restored in its own perfection, formerly altered by divine will. As a result of this transformation, one can annul the distance that keeps us away from that which, not being our own, turns into a source of anguish. The clashing diversity of all things requires the human predisposition to accept that which is different. Such a predisposition is an expression of epistemological, ethical and political aperture. The disposition to co-exist with the different is imagined in the de-anthropocentricization of the bonds with all living realms. And otherness is, in some way, the reflection of sameness (mismidad). The other is closely related to the self, because the vision of the other implies a reflection about the self; it implies, consciously or not, a relationship with the self. These topics are addressed in this book from an interdisciplinary perspective, encompassing arts, humanities and social sciences.
El autor nos propone que encontremos y mantengamos un propósito en la vida, puesto que perseguir una meta es un factor que da significado al acto de vivir. Aquí se revelan las claves para encontrar este camino y para poderlo mantener a lo largo de la existencia.
¿Sabes cuántas personas han muerto en el mundo por hablar en público? Si crees que la respuesta es «ninguna», te equivocas. William Henry Harrison, noveno presidente de Estados Unidos (1773-1841), falleció después de dar su discurso de investidura. Los hechos sucedieron así: cuentan que pronunció su alocución del 4 de marzo sin estar lo suficientemente abrigado, por lo que murió un mes después... de neumonía. Hoy en día para casi el 90% de las profesiones se necesita hablar en público. Si eres emprendedor, es imprescindible que sepas hacer una efectiva y breve presentación para explicar cómo es tu empresa y venderte a posibles clientes (es lo que se viene llamando conversación del ascensor o elevator pitch). Si eres un profesional que pronuncia conferencias, conocer cómo se hace un Pecha Kucha es básico para aprender a sintetizar y controlar los tiempos. Si eres periodista tu oportunidad está en saber escribir discursos con Programación Neurolingu ̈ística (PNL), un trabajo de presente y futuro. Si diseñas presentaciones visuales para ti o para otros tienes que estar a la última en cuanto a tendencias de comunicación. Y, si no empleas la oratoria en tu vida profesional, en la personal también encontrarás oportunidades para utilizarla: en un brindis en una boda, al defender tu punto de vista ante la comunidad de vecinos o hacer una pregunta en un debate.
Eva Perón remains Argentina's best-known and most iconic personality, surpassing even sporting superstars such as Diego Maradona or Lionel Messi, and far outlasting her own husband, President Juan Domingo Perón - himself a remarkable and charismatic political leader without whom she, as an uneducated woman in an elitist and male-dominated society, could not have existed as a political figure. In this book, Jill Hedges tells the story of a remarkable woman whose glamour, charisma, political influence and controversial nature continue to generate huge amounts interest 60 years after her death. From her poverty-stricken upbringing as an illegitimate child in rural Argentina, Perón made her way to the highest echelons of Argentinean society, via a brief acting career and her relationship with Juan. After their political breakthrough, her charitable work and magnetic personality earned her wide public acclaim and there was national mourning following her death from cancer at the age of just 33. Based on new sources and first-hand interviews, the book will seek to explore the personality and experiences of 'Evita' and the contemporary events that influenced her and were in turn influenced by her. As the first substantive biography of Eva Perón in English, this book will be essential reading for anyone interested in modern Argentinean history and the cult of 'Evita'.
All great novels are critical novels (that is to say, experimental novels) wich, under the pretense of telling a story, of bringing characters to life, of interpreting situations, slide under our eyes the mirage of a tangible form.
Algunas personas tienen un concepto abstracto u oscuro en lo relacionado con la palabra Armagedón. El objetivo de este libro es: Explicar lo que verdaderamente es Armagedón, su significado, describir lo que es y también muestra que habrá sobrevivientes a esa gran venidera e inminente catástrofe mundial. El propósito de este libro es: Mostrar con pruebas bíblicas cómo será la vida en el futuro para toda la humanidad y también como usted "el lector", puede beneficiarse al abrigar esa misma esperanza y ¿por qué no? poderla compartir con otros. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Some people have an abstract or dark concept related to the word Armageddon. The object of the book is: To explain what Armageddon really is, its meaning, to describe what it is, and to show that there will be survivors of that great coming and imminent global catastrophe. The purpose of this book is: Showing with biblical evidence, what life will be like in the future for all humanity and also as you, "the reader", can benefit by warming up that same hope in, and why not? To be able to share it with others.