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Este popular devocional diario de mayor venta ha llevado a millones de lectores a una relaci�n m�s personal con Dios y m�s profunda, al transmitirles que �l realmente nos ama. �nete a millones de cristianos encontrando inspiraci�n en las p�ginas de Dios llama hoy y ma�ana y el a�o que viene y el pr�ximo. This popular, bestselling daily devotional has led millions of readers to a deeper and more personal relationship with God by conveying to them that He really loves us. Join the millions of Christians finding inspiration in the pages of God Calling today and tomorrow and the next day and the next!
ITS about Christian doctrine
La obra nos introduce al mundo de la alegría que llega a la euforia y de la depresión que la conduce a la tristeza más profunda, a través de la intensa vida de sus personajes, así Dante, Justina, Artemisa, Sabina, entre otros, nos muestran el lado más intenso del suicidio, la adicción, la prostitución, la depresión y el amor. Estos cuentos, a través de pasajes de luz y oscuridad nos lleva de la mano emocional de la razón arrebatada y burlona, entre la dulce melancolía cruzamos el filo de lo inimaginable de la cordura y entre lágrimas y risas cruzamos a su mundo imaginario. Dulce desesperanza acompasa cada movimiento y con figuras sutiles crea un espectro de amor engarzado a su corazón. Entristecida nos muestra su lado imaginario y destrozado donde las emociones enfatizadas sienten y sufren por este sentimiento plasmado. Lectura ampliamente recomendable para los lectores ávidos de incursionar un mundo ajeno y propio; en el que todos nos reconocemos un poco o mucho.
Religion, Doctrinal,
This volume is an in-depth study of the short poetic cycle of Lygdamus, one of the authors included in Book III of the Corpus Tibullianum. The Introduction analyzes the controversial quaestio Lygdamea (identity and dating of the poet), the relationship between Lygdamus and his beloved, Neaera, the incorporation of his poems into the Corpus Tibullianum, and the manuscript tradition. This is followed by a rigorous critical edition (taking fully into account the earliest editions and conjectures). Finally, there is a detailed and exhaustive line-by-line and word-by-word commentary on each poem, paying particular attention to elegiac terms and motifs. This is the first comprehensive study of the work of Lygdamus, considered as a poet with his own literary identity.
This volume presents specific topics in diachronic Hispanic linguistics. These topics include: lexical survivals in Ibero-Romance, Arabisms, lexical variation in early modern Spain, the origins of the confusion of b with v, Andalusian Spanish in the Americas, the expansion of seseo and yeísmo, processes of koineization, syntactic change in scribal documentation from the Middle Ages, and the semantic changes of the verbs ser, estar and haber. It provides a comprehensive analysis of the Spanish lexicon, phonetics, morphosyntax, dialectology and semantics with the input of ten prominent scholars. It focuses not only on relevant issues in the evolution of Spanish but also answers pertinent questions in the field such as: Why do we have Latin lexical survivals in Ibero-Romance and not in other Romance languages? What kind of social factors drove Arabic lexical borrowings? How did the advent of printing affect the standardization of the lexicon and orthography? What are the main theories to explain the confusion between b and v? How relevant was the role of the Andalusian dialect in the general historical evolution of Spanish in the Americas? What were the main social and demographic influences operating in the development of Spanish during the colonial period? How accurately did scribal practices represent the speech of the Middle Ages? How did ser (ESSERE), estar (STARE) and haber (HABERE) develop differently in Romance languages?
¿Quién no busca la Verdad del Ser Humano?¿ Quién no le gustaría que se le revelasen todos los Misterios? ¿La Experiencia Profunda de Ser y Estar? ¿Quién es el Maestro? ¿Quién es el Discípulo? ¿Cuál es la Verdadera Felicidad? Etc. Todas estas y muchas otras incognitas, serán respondidas por este diálogo y comunicación entre el Maestro y el Discípulo. El Elemento Tierra y la Manifestación, La Inquietud del Buscador, El Elemento Agua, las Emociones y Relaciones de pareja y familiares, El elemento aire, el Pensamiento humano y el Divino, El Origen, El Elixir de la Vida, La liberación del condicionamiento mental, la Palabra, El Sendero, la Herencia Divina, la Conciencia, La Responsabilidad, la Misión, la Salud, la Paz, como Trascender el Ego, la Individualidad, la Universalidad, la Nueva Raza. Una profunda Revelación que continuará eternamente viva...
The 1960s don’t seem that long ago to many of us. Given how crowded and closely connected the world of the present is, it’s hard to imagine there were places then that had been settled and cultivated for four hundred years but, as recently as the 1980’s, had no electricity, no plumbing, and very little traffic except for horses, donkeys, and (mostly bare) feet. The valley of the Rio Mira in Ecuador was such a place. Jesuit priests brought slaves - including Lola Laben’s ancestors - to farm sugarcane almost four hundred years ago. Slavery was abolished, but the work continued. Agrarian reform came, Lola’s parents became land owners, and the work continued. Lola was born in a mud house identical to the ones her slave ancestors had been born in for generations. She helped her parents farm a little farther downriver in the same manner that her ancestors had farmed. She explored her tropical paradise and wondered about faraway places and listened to the news of the outside world: the world beyond her valley and the city where the train came to and from three times a week. Fate determined that the outside world would find her, and she now resides in the most thoroughly modern and up-to-date nation on the planet. Guess what? Her childhood was full of wonder, beauty, adventure, and freedom even though survival was less certain. This book recounts the world that Lola was born into and how her heritage prepared her to meet the challenges of her future.