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Many marine fish populations are severely declining due to over-fishing, loss of both juvenile and adult habitats, and accelerating environmental degradation. Fisheries management and the implementation of marine protected areas (MPAs) and other conservation tools are currently hindered by large gaps in knowledge about larval dispersal and its subsequent effects on population dynamics and regulation. This lack of knowledge is due to the inherent difficulty associated with tracking miniscule marine fish larvae. Population genetics approaches are particularly promising, but current methods have been of limited use for inferring ecologically relevant rates of population connectivity because of the large population sizes and high amounts of gene flow present in most marine species. To address these issues, I developed novel genetic methods of identifying parent-offspring pairs to directly track the origin and settlement of larvae in natural populations. These parentage methods fully account for large numbers of pair-wise comparisons and do not require any demographic assumptions or observational data. Furthermore, these methods can be used when only a small proportion of candidate parents can be sampled, which is often the case in large marine populations. I also employed Bayes' theorem to take into account the frequencies of shared alleles in putative parent-offspring pairs, which can maximize statistical power when faced with fixed numbers of loci. I accounted for genotyping errors by introducing a quantitative method to determine the number of loci to allow to mismatch based upon study-specific error rates. These novel parentage methods were applied to yellow tang (Zebrasoma flavescens, Acanthuridae) sampled around the Island of Hawai'i (measuring 140 km by 129 km) during the summer of 2006. We identified four parent-offspring pairs, which documented dispersal distances ranging from 15 to 184 kilometers. Two of the parents were located within MPAs and their offspring dispersed to unprotected areas. This observation provided direct evidence that MPAs can successfully seed unprotected sites with larvae that survive to become established juveniles. All four offspring were found to the north of their parents and a detailed oceanographic analysis from relevant time periods demonstrated that passive transport initially explained the documented dispersal patterns. However, passive dispersal could not explain how larvae eventually settled on the same island from which they were spawned, indicating a role for larval behavior interacting with fine-scale oceanographic features. Two findings together suggested that sampled reefs did not contribute equally to successful recruitment: (1) low levels of genetic differentiation among all recruit samples, and (2) the fact that the 4 documented parents occurred at only 2 sites. These findings empirically demonstrated the effectiveness of MPAs as useful conservation and management tools and highlighted the value of identifying both the sources and successful settlement sites of marine larvae. I next examined patterns of larval dispersal in bicolor damselfish (Stegastes partitus, Pomacentridae) collected during the summers of 2004 and 2005 from reefs lining the Exuma Sound, Bahamas (measuring 205 km by 85 km). Parentage analysis directly documented two parent-offspring pairs located within the two northern-most sites, which indicated self-recruitment at these sites. Multivariate analyses of pair-wise relatedness values confirmed that self-recruitment was common at all sampled populations. I also found evidence of "sweepstakes events", whereby only a small proportion of mature adults contributed to subsequent generations. Independent sweepstakes events were indentified in both space and time, bolstering the direct observations of self-recruitment and suggesting a role for sweepstakes analyses to identify the scale of larval dispersal events. This dissertation provides insights into the patterns of larval dispersal in coral-reef fishes. The coupling of direct (e.g., parentage) and indirect (e.g., assignment methods, sweepstakes analyses) methods in conjunction with continued technological and methodological advances will soon provide large-scale, ecologically relevant, rates of larval exchange. By uncovering the dynamics of these enigmatic processes, the implementation of conservation and management strategies for marine fishes in general will undoubtedly experience greater success.
This is the first book to provide a detailed treatment of the field of larval ecology. The 13 chapters use state-of-the-art reviews and critiques of nearly all of the major topics in this diverse and rapidly growing field. Topics include: patterns of larval diversity, reproductive energetics, spawning ecology, life history theory, larval feeding and nutrition, larval mortality, behavior and locomotion, larval transport, dispersal, population genetics, recruitment dynamics and larval evolution. Written by the leading new scientists in the field, chapters define the current state of larval ecology and outline the important questions for future research.
Marine environment is a habitant for several species and significantly plays an essential role in the food cycle and climate regulation. Several species including fish and invertebrates that are used as food for humans. Marine larvae species also contain metabolites and are useful for protection and cure of several diseases. This book provides information on aquaculture production, larval feeding, early stage of marine invertebrate’s bioassay and zebrafish model for drug toxicity. This book will interest scientists in the field of marine biotechnology, life sciences, materials scientists, aquaculture companies, and natural product researchers.
A synthetic treatment of all marine fish taxa (teleosts and elasmobranchs), this book employs explanatory frameworks from avian and systems ecology while arguing that migrations are emergent phenomena, structured through schooling, phenotypic plasticity, and other collective agencies. The book provides overviews of the following concepts: The comparative movement ecology of fishes and birds; The alignment of mating systems with larval dispersal; Schooling and migration as adaptations to marine food webs; Natal homing; Connectivity in populations and metapopulations; The contribution of migration ecology to population resilience
Most marine organisms that live near the coast broadcast their eggs and larvae into the vast expanses of the ocean. In many species, this pelagic episode is the sole opportunity for dispersal. As such, it structures the connections between populations which, in turn, determine the demography and genetic composition of coastal communities. Contrary to common belief, these "larvae" are not just drafts of the adults, passively roaming the ocean; they are very specialised organisms, often tightly adapted to their environment. In this book, I strive to evaluate the consequences of the behaviour of fish larvae during their pelagic life. I present experimental approaches to quantify larval orientation and swimming in situ. I detail the analysis of data collected during an oceanographic cruise to characterise the distribution of larvae in three dimensions and understand physical-biological interactions in the ocean. Finally, I introduce a novel modelling framework, drawing from cost minimisation techniques traditionally used in economics or in the optimal foraging theory, which allows to integrate larval behaviour into Lagrangian models of larval dispersal.
Oceanography and Marine Biology: An Annual Review remains one of the most cited sources in marine science and oceanography. The ever increasing interest in work in oceanography and marine biology and its relevance to global environmental issues, especially global climate change and its impacts, creates a demand for authoritative reviews summarizing the results of recent research. This volume covers topics that include resting cysts from coastal marine plankton, facilitation cascades in marine ecosystems, and the way that human activities are rapidly altering the sensory landscape and behaviour of marine animals. For more than 50 years, OMBAR has been an essential reference for research workers and students in all fields of marine science. From Volume 57 a new international Editorial Board ensures global relevance, with editors from the UK, Ireland, Canada, Australia and Singapore. The series volumes find a place in the libraries of not only marine laboratories and institutes, but also universities. Previous volume Impact Factors include: Volume 53, 4.545. Volume 54, 7.000. Volume 55, 5.071. Guidelines for contributors, including information on illustration requirements, can be downloaded on the Downloads/Updates tab on the volume's CRC Press webpage. Chapters 3, 4, 5 and 7 of this book are freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license. The links can be found on the book's Routledge web page at
It is now clear that data based on the studies of fish eggs and larvae make a number of unique contributions to fishery science that are crucial for accurate assessment and management of fish populations, including those of commercially important fisheries. This valuable book demonstrates why fish eggs and larvae are important, how the characteristics of early life stages require a somewhat different research approach and how information on early life stages can be applied and interpreted to yield unique insights into fish populations. The editors of Fishery Science have drawn together an extremely useful and well-written book with contributions from internationally respected researchers from North America, Asia and Europe. Chapters include a discussion of the unique nature of early life stages, age and growth, mortality, recruitment, populations analysis, habitats, human impacts and management. A carefully selected set of case studies demonstrates several specific applications of early life history information to a number of fishery problems. Fishery Science was designed to complement existing textbooks and is an essential purchase for all fisheries students and professionals, and for biologists working on the early life stages of fish. This exciting book is also of great value to ecologists, marine, freshwater and environmental scientists, populations biologists and oceanographers. All libraries in universities and research establishments where biological and fishery science are studied and taught should have copies of this book available on their shelves.
A central goal of ecology is to understand the forces driving the distribution and abundance of organisms. However, understanding the population dynamics of high-dispersal species, their conservation, and the connections between population dynamics and evolution remains difficult. It is in this context that marine organisms provide a particularly intriguing and challenging study system. Their population dynamics are often highly stochastic, most species have a great ability to disperse, and as the last group of wild species exploited commercially, their ecology and evolution can be strongly influenced by human behavior. By using population genetics, modeling, and meta-analysis, this thesis investigates the spatial ecology of reef fish and the causes and evolutionary consequences of global fisheries collapse. One of the first challenges in understanding spatial population dynamics is obtaining accurate measurements of dispersal abilities. This has been especially difficult for marine species with pelagic larvae. In Chapter 1, I apply a new approach to measuring single-generation dispersal kernels in Clark's anemonefish (Amphiprion clarkii) in the central Philippines. After developing two methods for measuring the strength of local genetic drift, my results suggest that larval dispersal kernels in A. clarkii had a spread near 11 km (4-27 km). This study shows that ecologically relevant larval dispersal can be estimated with widely available genetic methods when effective density is measured carefully through cohort sampling and ecological censuses. In Chapter 2, I use dispersal kernels to develop a model for population openness. Openness refers to the degree to which populations are replenished by immigrants or by local production, a factor that has strong implications for population dynamics, species interactions, and response to exploitation. It is also a population trait that has been increasingly measured empirically, though we have until now lacked theory for predicting population openness. I show that considering habitat isolation elegantly explains the existence of surprisingly closed populations in high dispersal species, and that relatively closed populations are expected when patch spacing is more than twice the standard deviation of a species' dispersal kernel. In addition, empirical scales of habitat patchiness on coral reefs are sufficient to create both largely open and largely closed populations. We predict that habitat patchiness has strong control over population replenishment pathways for a wide range of marine and terrestrial species with a highly dispersive life stage. While the first tow chapters have strong implications for the design of regional marine protected areas, I turn to global conservation questions in Chapters 3 and 4. I first ask which marine fishes are most vulnerable to human impacts. Surveys of terrestrial species have suggested that large-bodied species and top predators are the most at risk, but there has been no global test of this hypothesis in the sea. Contrary to expectations, two datasets compiled from around the world suggest that up to twice as many fisheries for small, low trophic level species have collapsed as compared to those for large predators. I then show that collapsed and overfished species have lower genetic diversity than their close relatives. While the ecological and ecosystem impacts of harvesting wild populations have long been recognized, it has been controversial how widespread evolutionary impacts are. Using a meta-analytical approach across 37 taxonomically paired comparisons, I find on average 19% fewer alleles per locus in overfished species, but little difference in heterozygosity. I confirm with simulations that these results are consistent with a recent population bottleneck. These results suggest that the genetic impacts of overharvest are widespread, even among abundant species. A loss of allelic richness has implications for the long-term evolutionary potential of species.