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A l'occasion de l'ouverture du Fonds Michel Henry à l'Université catholique de Louvain en décembre 2010, cette publication examine l'oeuvre du philosophe et les apports de sa phénoménologie à l'histoire des idées, la culture, la politique, l'esthétique et le fait religieux.
Der Tagungsband enthält eine Auswahl von 41 Vorträgen, welche von den Wissenschaftlern der IPS am 11. Symposium Platonicum in Brasilien unter der Schirmherrschaft der University of Brasília gehalten wurden. Der Band behandelt alle wichtigen Fragen im Zusammenhang mit der Interpretation von Platons Phaidon und der Rezeption dieses zentralen Dialogs in der gesamten Antike.
L’Hymnaire manichéen chinois offre un ensemble de 25 hymnes destinées à la pratique de la religion manichéenne par la Section des Auditeurs. Mis au jour à Dunhuang (actuel Gansu) au début du 20ème siècle, après être resté enfoui dans une cache pendant quelque douze siècles, ce rouleau écrit en langue chinoise, comprend plusieurs hymnes transcrites de diverses langues courantes en Asie centrale à l’époque de sa rédaction. Cette traduction apporte une vision nouvelle de la Religion de Lumière, telle qu’elle se vit adoptée par les Chinois, ainsi que de l’ampleur du message du prophète iranien Mani (216-276), aspirant à une portée universelle et destiné à relier entre eux les hommes de tous horizons de par le monde, quelque soit leur origine, leur langue ou leur histoire. L’Hymnaire manichéen chinois presents a collection of twenty-five hymns that were intended for the Manichean religious practice of the class of Auditors. The scroll, which came to light in the early twentieth century in the province of Dunhuang (modern Ganzu) after lying buried for around twelve centuries, contains several hymns transcribed from a variety of languages that were current in Central Asia during the epoch of its redaction. This translation provides a new perspective on the Religion of Light as it was adopted in China, and on the wide reach of the message of the Iranian prophet Mani (216-276) that aimed at universal scope and was meant to unite people from all parts of the world, of whatever origin, language and history.
This collection presents perspectives into the pristine field of phenomenology/philosophy of life conceived by Tymieniecka, initiated in the Analecta Husserliana and unfolding with each volume. This new and original philosophy reaches to the `inner workings of Nature' as well as to the innermost recesses of the Human Creative Condition, opening a basic starting point for all philosophy. Life, `the theme of our times', finds at last a profound philosophical treatment.
I trentasei studi sul Nuovo Testamento qui raccolti sono espressione di gratitudine al Cardinal Albert Vanhoye. S.I., esempio di una vita totalmente spesa a servizio della Chiesa di Cristo, nell'insegnamento competente della sacra Scrittura, nella ricerca instancabile e nella zelante predicazione del Verbo di Dio, nonche nella sua attivita di consigliere saggio e discreto presso vari dicasteri della Curia Romana. E un omaggio ad un uomo di fede, che ha infaticabilmente indagato la Sacra Scrittura, sia per trovarvi il fondamento della propria esistenza che per annunziare agli altri la parola di vita (Fil 2.16). Il libro intende essere uno strumento per proseguirne la medesima indagine e lo stesso annuncio.
This volume is concerned with the eschatology of Origen, the great 3rd century theologian and philosopher of Alexandria. Of all the doctrines attributed to him, those on the resurrection of man and the end of days have evoked the most opposition and controversy, from Antiquity to the Patristic scholarship of today. Professor Crouzel argues that the thought of Origen himself has been consistently misunderstood and distorted, from the time of Methodius of Olympia onwards, and that renewed examination of Origen's own surviving writings can lead to a radically differing assessment of the orthodoxy of his views. Among the particular points discussed are Origen's doctrine of Purgatory, commonly supposed to be a particularity of the Latin Church, and the relationship in his thought between the final purification at the end of time and the spiritual purification of existence here on earth. Ce volume traite de l’eschatologie d’Origène, le grand théologian et philosophe alexandrin du IIIe siècle. De toutes les doctrines qui lui sont attribuées, ce sont celles sur la resurrection de l’homme et a la fin des jours qui ont provoqué le plus d’oppositionet de controverse de l’Antiquitié jusqu’à notre époque. Le Père Henri Crouzel maintient que la pensée veritable d’Origène à été constamment mal interpretéee et corrompue et ce, dès l’époque de Méthode d’Olympe. Selon l’auteur, un nouvel examen des écrits d’Origène peut mener à une appréciation totalement différente de l’orthodoxie du theeologien. Parmi les points spécifiques debattus sont: la doctrine d’Origène sur la purgatoire - communément supposée être un domaine latin - et sur le rapport, dans ses pensées, entre l’ultime purificationde la fin des temps et celle, d’ordre spirituel, de l’existence ici-bas sur terre.
This book presents a selection of articles with focus on the theoretical foundations of business ethics, and in particular on the philosophy of management and on human rights and business. This implies identifying and discussing conflicts as well as agreement with regard to the philosophical and other foundations of business and management. Despite the general interest in corporate social responsibility and business ethics, the contemporary discussion rarely touches upon the normative core and philosophical foundations of business. There is a need to discuss the theoretical basis of business ethics and of business and human rights. Even though the actions and activities of business may be discussed from a moral perspective, not least in the media, the judgments and opinions relating to business and management often lack deeper moral reflection and consistency. Partly for this reason, business ethicists are constantly challenged to provide such moral and philosophical foundations for business ethics and for business and human rights, and to communicate them in an understandable manner. Such a challenge is also of scientific kind. Positions and opinions in the academic field need to be substantiated by thorough moral and theoretical reflection to underpin normative approaches. Far too often, business ethicists may agree on matters, which they approach from different and sometimes irreconcilable philosophical standpoints, resulting in superficial agreement but deeper-lying disagreement. In other cases, it may be of high relevance to identify philosophical standpoints that despite conflicting fundamentals may arrive at conclusions acceptable to everyone.