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L'auteur prend part au débat sur la qualité de partie ou non de la victime devant la Cour pénale internationale. Il analyse les différentes thèses en présence et les réponses apportées par la Cour à ce débat, avant de donner son point de vue sur la question. Cet ouvrage clarifie la place de la victime dans le procès engagé devant la Cour pénale internationale. C'est un précieux outil de travail pour les praticiens du droit, les étudiants, les chercheurs et les organismes intéressés par ce nouvel acteur qu'est la victime.
Le Code annoté de la Cour pénale internationale (2008) est le troisième volume d'une collection annuelle. Il propose une sélection des extraits les plus pertinents résultant de l'analyse de 472 décisions délivrées ou rendues publiques par la Cour en 2008.
L'un des objectifs fondamentaux poursuivis par la Cour P nale Internationale est la r paration des victimes. Cependant, une certaine cat gorie de victimes de crimes internationaux ne conna t pas de r paration: C'est le cas des victimes dont les auteurs ne sont pas identifi s par la CPI; ou bien qu'identifi s, ils d c dent lors des poursuites; ou encore, ceux dont les Etats concern s ne manifestent aucun int r t d f rer ces auteurs devant la CPI, alors qu'il est pr vu un fonds au profit de ces victimes. La CPI s'appuie sur la th orie de la faute et du lien de causalit entre cette faute et le pr judice subi par la victime. Cette attitude de la CPI carte de son champ d'action les victimes identifi es supra, savoir que celles-ci ne seront jamais r par es. Peut-on alors tol rer que ces victimes soient sacrifi es sur l'h tel de la proc dure de la CPI en mati re de r paration ? Lorsqu'on sait que toute r paration exige pr alablement l' valuation de pr judice ? On devrait distinguer le fonds d'aide ou d'assistance des victimes qui ne tient pas compte de l' valuation de pr judice, au fonds de garantie cr er en faveur des victimes sus r f renci es.
La victime est manifestement un acteur émergent de la justice pénale internationale car ses prérogatives s'affermissent devant chacune des juridictions internationales depuis 1945. Sa participation développe tout son potentiel, malgré une restriction littérale dans les textes, de l'ouverture du procès jusqu'au verdict final sur la culpabilité ou l'innocence de l'accusé. Ses droits sont alors véritablement garantis, après la déclaration officielle que l'accusé est coupable, certes davantage pour lui accorder une réparation effective que pour l'associer à la peine infligée. Ces constats convergent rationnellement vers la proposition de consacrer une action civile internationale en droit international pénal. L'enjeu est alors de définir la victime d'un crime international afin de n'attribuer cette qualité qu'aux personnes de droit privé qui allèguent un préjudice suffisamment légitime. La fonction de la victime doit enfin être déterminée dans le système mondial de politique criminelle pour conclure qu'elle joue d'ores et déjà le rôle d'une partie civile véritable, par la voie subsidiaire de l'intervention. Elle devient donc un sujet du procès pénal international dans lequel elle agit pour faire reconnaître toutes les conséquences du préjudice souffert. L'action civile internationale présente ainsi deux visages autonomes mais indissociables, l'un répressif, l'autre réparateur : la contribution à l'établissement de la réalité des faits, dans l'exercice d'une forme de vindication ; et la recherche d'une forme de rétablissement, à travers une mesure de réparation ; sans oublier bien entendu le besoin complémentaire pour la victime d'obtenir protection et assistance.
With this Festschrift, the Bahrain Chamber for Dispute Resolution (BCDR-AAA) is starting a tradition of honoring Arab scholars and practitioners who promote international arbitration and international law. Over the last few decades, international arbitration institutions and international law societies have generously acknowledged the work of leading scholars and practitioners from the region. The time has come, however, for these individuals to be honored by institutions within the region. It should come as no surprise that the BCDR-AAA is dedicating this first Festschrift to Professor Dr. Ahmed El-Kosheri. His immense contributions to international commercial arbitration, international investment arbitration, and international law more broadly, as well as his significant influence on a generation of lawyers and students from the Arab region and beyond, fully justify this choice. As a testament to Dr. El-Kosheri's remarkable career, broad intellectual horizons and extensive geographical reach, the Festschrift includes contributions from forty-six authors-judges, arbitrators, practitioners and scholars-representing twenty-one nationalities from the Middle East, North and Western Africa, East Asia, Europe, and North and South America, who wrote on topics as diverse as international arbitration and ADR mechanisms, international investment law, public international law (including international administrative law), and private international law in Arabic, English, and French. One can hardly think of another Arab figure who has done more than Dr. El-Kosheri to strengthen international law while bridging legal-cultural divides between the Arab region and the rest of the world. He will undoubtedly continue to inspire many generations to come.
La justice procédurale en droit international, par H. RUIZ FABRI, Directrice de l'Institut Max Planck Luxembourg A House of Many Rooms: The Rise, Fall and Rise Again of Territorial Sovereignty?, by M. SHAW, Senior Fellow at the Lauterpacht Centre for International Law, University of Cambridge L'individu et sa position devant la Cour pénale internationale, par P. KOVÁCS, juge à la Cour pénale internationale
This book is a practical guide for advocates interested in the representation of victims before the International Criminal Court (ICC). It has been developed by experts responsible for the advocacy training of the International Criminal Court's List of Counsel members. Written in a readily accessible style, this guide provides a firm grounding in relevant legal doctrine, essential advocacy techniques and valuable multidisciplinary perspectives. Drawing upon global expertise from legal practitioners, specialist advocacy trainers and multi-disciplinary writers, this book addresses both practical considerations and key challenges faced by ICC victim advocates. These include issues such as gender, child victims, victims of sexual violence, special need victims and victims who are themselves implicated in international crimes. Through its practical focus on advocacy techniques, hypothetical case studies, checklists, interviews from the field and lists of further resources, this manual equips readers with the knowledge and skills necessary to engage in sophisticated ICC victim advocacy. This book will also appeal to those interested in the workings of International Criminal Law and in victim advocacy and victimology more broadly.
The Annotated Digest of the International Criminal Court (2004-2006) is the first volume of an annual or biennial series, depending on the volume of decisions issued. It compiles a selection of the most significant legal findings contained in the public decisions rendered by the International Criminal Court since its first decisions in July 2004 until 31 December 2006. More than 230 decisions have been reviewed for the preparation of the present volume. The criteria for selection of the abstracts are: 1) abstracts which clarify a point of law, interpret a rule; 2) abstracts which show how a specific rule is applied by a Chamber; 3) abstracts which are otherwise meaningful with respect to international justice, human rights, international humanitarian law. The abstracts are quoted in their original language, namely English or French. An English translation of the French abstracts is given. The abstracts are inserted after the relevant articles of the Statute, Rules of Procedure and Evidence and Regulations of the Court, with a short description/summary of their precise topic. A quick reference system makes it easy to refer to other decisions quoted elsewhere in the Digest.
The International Criminal Court was established from the July 1, 2002, entry into force of the Rome Statute. The first decisions rendered by the Court were published in July 2004, and by the end of December 2006, the number of decisions had reached 230. The Annotated Digest of the International Criminal Court, 2004-2006, is the first volume in a series that compiles the most significant legal findings from public decisions rendered by the International Criminal Court. In total, 230 decisions were reviewed for the preparation of the present volume, which examines the decisions issued from 2004 and 2006. The abstracts selected for inclusion in this volume concern the first situations referred to the Court by the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Central African Republic, and the Sudan, as well the initiation of cases against Thomas Lubanga Dyilo, Joseph Kony, Vincent Otti, Raska Lukwiya, Okot Odhiambo, and Dominic Ongwen. Abstracts were selected based on the following criteria: (i) clarification of a legal issue or interpretation of a legal provision; (ii) implementation or application of a legal provision; and (iii) meaningfulness with respect to international justice, human rights, or international humanitarian law. Abstracts are quoted in their original language, and a summary in English is included where only a French-language passage is available. Each abstract is organized under the relevant Statute, Rule of Procedure and Evidence, or Regulation of the Court, together with a short description of the topic. The Digest series is intended, foremost, as a tool for international criminal law practitioners and academics interested in public humanitarian law and the work of the Court. An index and reference guide is provided to facilitate cross-referencing among the volumes in the series.