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Il libro è dedicato alla tutela antidiscriminatoria, che costituisce ormai un specifico sottosistema normativo, ispirato alla finalità unitaria di proteggere la persona umana e la sua dignità innata da disparità di trattamento basate su fattori quali il genere, la razza, l’origine etnica, la lingua, la nazionalità, la religione, le opinioni personali, l’età, l’orientamento sessuale, la disabilità. Il libro ricostruisce il significato dei divieti di discriminazione sulla base dei modelli di eguaglianza e giustizia a cui essi si rifanno, seguendo un approccio casistico che guarda al diritto vivente, all’interpretazione concreta che di tali divieti hanno dato le corti. Trattandosi di una tutela multilivello, un’attenzione particolare è dedicata anche alle corti sovranazionali, in particolare alla Corte di giustizia, la cui giurisprudenza ha contribuito in modo decisivo a forgiare le categorie del diritto antidiscriminatorio. Il taglio della trattazione è per ambiti di applicazione delle norme antidiscriminatorie (il lavoro, il welfare, l’accesso al mercato di beni e servizi, la segmentazione del mercato del lavoro), il che rispecchia la loro valenza trasversale, che interseca tutti gli ambiti delle relazioni sociali, con alcuni capitoli di carattere generale dedicati all’analisi dei concetti chiave, dei diversi fattori di discriminazione, della tutela in giudizio, delle azioni positive. Il libro esplora sia i punti di forza che quelli di debolezza della tutela antidiscriminatoria, nonché le ipotesi di correzione, e cerca di coglierne le traiettorie in atto e quelle future.
This multidisciplinary, international Research Handbook on Inequalities and Work examines disparities within contemporary working life and comes at a critical juncture of socio-historical change. As the world reels from the impact of economic insecurity, the pandemic, the Black Lives Matter and #MeToo movements, the trans liberation fight, the climate crisis and the rise of Artificial Intelligence, systemic inequalities and their impacts have been thrust into the limelight alongside the ceaseless struggle for social justice. Against this background, the Handbook provides cutting edge research studies that offers unique insight into the international nature of inequalities at work.
This book provides a comprehensive and updated legal analysis of the equality principle in EU law. To this end, it argues for a broad definition of the principle, which includes not only its inter-individual dimension, but also the equality of the Member States before the EU Treaties. The book presents a collection of high-quality academic and expert contributions, which, in light of the most recent developments in implementing the post-Lisbon legal framework, reflect the current interpretation of the equality principle, examining its performance in practice with a view to suggesting possible solutions in order to overcome recurring problems. To this end the volume is divided into three Parts, the first of which addresses a peculiar aspect of the EU equality that is mostly overlooked in the investigations devoted to this topic, namely, equality among States. Part II shifts to the inter-individual dimension of equality and explores some major developments contributing to (re)shaping the global framework of EU anti-discrimination law, while Part III undertakes a more practical investigation devoted to the substantive strands of that area of EU law.
El llamado derecho antidiscriminatorio, de reciente data, ha aparecido para procurar la eficacia del principio de igualdad y no discriminación. Pese a que en este principio es uno de los cimientos de las sociedades democráticas modernas, su verdadera concretización y aplicación sigue teniendo problemas en la práctica. Esta obra busca dar algunos elementos para el mejor entendimiento de los alcances de este principio, a la luz de la interpretación que se le viene dando en el ámbito internacional.
Good Administration and the Council of Europe: Law, Principles, and Effectiveness examines the existence and effectiveness of written and unwritten standards of good administration developed within the framework of the Council of Europe (CoE) and in the case law of the European Court of Human Rights. These standards - called 'pan- European general principles of good administration' - cover the entire range of general organizational, procedural, and substantive legal institutions meant to ensure a democratically legitimized, open, and transparent administration respecting the rule of law. They are about the 'limiting function' of administrative law: its function to protect individuals from arbitrary power, to legitimize administrative action, and to combat corruption. This book analyses the sources and functions of the pan-European general principles of good administration and seeks to uncover how deeply they are rooted in the domestic legal systems of the CoE Member States. It comprises 28 country reports dedicated to an in-depth exploration of the impact of these standards on the national legal systems of the Member States written by respective experts on these systems. It argues that the pan-European general principles of good administration lead to a certain harmonization of the legal orders of the Member States with regard to the limiting function of administrative law despite the many fundamental differences between their administrative and legal systems. It comes to the further conclusion that the pan-European general principles of good administration can be considered as a concretization of the founding values of the CoE and describes the 'administrative law obligations' a Member State entered into when joining the CoE.
This open access book discusses how, and to what extent, the legal and institutional regimes and the socio-cultural environments of a range of European countries (the Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, Greece, Italy, Switzerland and the UK), in the framework of EU laws and policies, have a beneficial or negative impact on the effective capacity of these countries to integrate migrants, refugees and asylum seekers into their labour markets. The analysis builds on the understanding of socio-cultural, institutional and legal factors as “barriers” or “enablers”; elements that may facilitate or obstruct the integration processes. The book examines the two dimensions of integration being access to the labour market (which, translated into a rights language means the right to work) with its corollaries (recognition of qualifications, vocational training, etc.), and non-discriminatory working conditions (which, translated into a rights language means right to both formal and substantial equality) and its corollaries of benefits and duties deriving from joining the labour market. It thereby offers a novel approach to labour market integration and migration/asylum issues given its focus on legal aspects, which includes most recent policy changes and legal decisions (including litigation cases). The robust, evidence-based and comparative research illustrated in the book provides academics and students, but also practitioners and policy makers, with up to date knowledge that will likely impact positively on policy changes needed to better address integration conundrums.
This book deals with six EU Member States analysing two areas of substantive law: transfer of undertakings and equality legislation.
Los vertiginosos avances que en muy pocas décadas han alcanzado las nuevas tecnologías destinadas a facilitar la comunicación entre las personas y el flujo de informaciones, y muy en particular el espectacular desarrollo que ha tenido internet desde su creación relativamente reciente, plantean retos complejos y novedosos a nuestras sociedades, desde los más diversos puntos de vista. La presente obra colectiva pretende dar al lector una perspectiva multidisciplinaria de los retos arriba mencionados.
No one can deny the significance attributed to the issue of reconciling work and private life by contemporary society, the EU and other international organisations. Its relevance is evident in the multifaceted nature of this topic and the need for each party to the employment contract to strike a proper balance between professional and personal responsibilities, based on the assumption that people can successfully harmonise their work with life. Following on from these considerations, this volume provides a detailed analysis of work-life balance and its regulation in a number of EU countries, emphasizing the consequences that the current economic crisis has brought about in this field.
Since 2007 and the economic meltdown caused by the financial crisis, our societies have been evolving in different ways. New political movements have emerged in Southern Europe and new social movements in pursuit of common concerns are playing a more active role in our daily lives. In a parallel way, after the failure to predict the financial crisis, economist and social science researchers seek fresh thinking and new models that can better explain this new reality. Regulations are of critical importance in shaping the welfare of economies and society. Thus, core legal disciplines are exploring the effects of the financial crisis on social rights, labour market regulations, and civil, common law or international law, among others. With no doubt, the economic crisis has deeply impacted our economic, social, political and legal environment. During the last decade, researchers from a wide range of disciplines have been looking for solutions. Now it is time make a side stop on the way and to gather results. The 1rst International SBRLab Conference, Finding solutions for a post-crisis society, is organized by the Social and Business Research Lab (SBRLab), Universitat Rovira i Virgili. It is as an international and virtual meeting point of interdisciplinary research and researchers. The purpose of this international conference is to bring together researchers from management, economics, political, social and legal disciplines in order to present and discuss new trends in their respective fields.