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Profesor em rito de la Universidad de Iowa, Charles A. Hale profundiza en esta obra en la transformaci n del liberalismo en el M xico de fines del siglo XIX debido a la influencia de la filosof a positivista. Especialista en temas de Am rica Latina, Hale sostiene que, a diferencia de lo que sucedi en Argentina y en Chile, en M xico la guerra de Reforma no s lo imposibilit la moderaci n pol tica, sino que interrumpi la gradual transformaci n del pensamiento pol tico y social.
El liberalismo entro a la Nueva Espana a traves de una profunda revolucion en el Imperio espanol originada en la ausencia de cabeza en el trono en 1808, y se difundio en medio del movimiento insurgente. La reunion de las Cortes que incluian diputados de los reinos americanos y los debates para la redaccion de la Constitucion de 1812 tuvieron una influencia importante a lo largo de muchas decadas. El liberalismo gaditano afecto a las instituciones y la politica hispanoamericana e influyo en la fundacion de los nuevos Estados independientes. Charles A. hale, el principal estudioso del liberalismo mexicano, hizo aportaciones fundamentales para la comprension de la historia mexicana del siglo XIX, razon por la cual El colegio de Mexico decidio hacerle un homenaje. Este volumen reune los trabajos presentados por sus colegas mexicanos.
Las entrevistas que el profesor de la Universidad de California en Berkeley, James J. Wilkie, y su esposa Edna Monzón Wilkie le hicieron a don Daniel en el año de 1964 no sólo constituyen un espléndido ejercicio de historia oral, a medio camino de la autobiografía y de las memorias tanto como del oficio de historiar, sino un material de lectura e investigación ineludible para quien aspire a estudiar con mayor hondura y alcance el periodo histórico en cuestión, al personaje protagonista, y a su trasfondo y paisaje. La entrevista aquí presentada, en edición y notas de Rafael Rodríguez Castañeda, Adolfo Castañón y Diego Flores Magón, formó parte en su origen de una obra de más amplia envergadura, editada hace más de quince años en 1995, en cuatro volúmenes e incluía a otros dieciséis protagonistas de aquella etapa constructiva de la Revolución Mexicana. En el curso a la par simpático y acucioso de este ensayo impecable de historia oral, pautado por las preguntas hechas por los investigadores, va reconstruyéndose el itinerario, los años de formación y de aprendizaje, las ideas rectoras y la génesis de este eminente historiador, investigador, escritor, maestro y creador de instituciones, "caudillo y empresario cultural" (para aludir a las expresiones acuñadas por su biógrafo Enrique Krauze), que fue don Daniel Cosío Villegas.
Largely absent from our history books is the social history of railroad development in nineteenth-century Mexico, which promoted rapid economic growth that greatly benefited elites but also heavily impacted rural and provincial Mexican residents in communities traversed by the rails. In this beautifully written and original book, Teresa Van Hoy connects foreign investment in Mexico, largely in railroad development, with its effects on the people living in the isthmus of Tehuantepec, Mexico's region of greatest ethnic diversity. Students will be drawn to a fascinating cast of characters, as muleteers, artisans, hacienda peons, convict laborers, dockworkers, priests, and the rural police force (rurales) join railroad regulars in this rich social history. New empirical evidence, some drawn from two private collections, elaborates on the huge informal economy that supported railroad development. Railroad officials sought to gain access to local resources such as land, water, construction materials, labor, customer patronage, and political favors. Residents, in turn, maneuvered to maximize their gains from the wages, contracts, free passes, surplus materials, and services (including piped water) controlled by the railroad. Those areas of Mexico suffering poverty and isolation attracted public investment and infrastructure. A Social History of Mexico's Railroads is the dynamic story of the people and times that were changed by the railroads and is sure to engage students and general readers alike.
"Latin American Positivism: Theory and Practice" examines the role of positivism in the intellectual and political life of three major nations: Colombia, Brazil, and M xico. In doing so, the authors first focus on the intellectual linkages and distinctions between Latin American positivists and their European counterparts. Also, they examine the impact of positivist theory on the political cultures of these nations and the more significant impact of the political and socio-economic cultures of those states upon positivist thought. Rather than asserting that the positivist movement was a moving force that reformatted many Latin American modalities, the authors demonstrate that the dynamics of nineteenth- and twentieth-century Latin American societies altered positivism to a greater extent that the positivists altered these nations.
This book breaks new ground in the historiography of Mexico during the dictatorship of Porfirio Díaz by subjecting to detailed analysis the traditional belief that the ideology of the intellectual/political elite known as ‘the scientists’ was grounded in the philosophical ideas of Herbert Spencer.
This book is a comparative history that explores the social, cultural, and political formation of the modern nation through the construction of public schooling. It asks how modern school systems arose in a variety of different republics and non-republics across four continents during the period from the late eighteenth century to the early twentieth century. The authors begin with the republican preoccupation with civic virtue – the need to overcome self-interest in order to take up the common interest – which requires a form of education that can produce individuals who are capable of self-guided rational action for the public good. They then ask how these educational preoccupations led to the emergence of modern school systems in a disparate array of national contexts, even those that were not republican. By examining historical changes in republicanism across time and space, the authors explore central epistemologies that connect the modern individual to community and citizenship through the medium of schooling. Ideas of the individual were reformulated in the nineteenth century in reaction to new ideas about justice, social order, and progress, and the organization and pedagogy of the school turned these changes into a way to transform the self into the citizen.
Today the name most closely associated with evolutionary theory is Charles Darwin. Given Darwin’s immense reputation it is easy to forget that Herbert Spencer, in his time, was just as famous as Darwin. It turns out that Spencer’s evolutionary thought was not what necessarily appealed to many of his readers, since they had their own sense of his identity and importance. By focusing on Spencer the evolutionist, scholars have tended to concentrate their attention on a rather narrow view of him that has come out of Anglo-American appropriations of his thought. Spencer was one of the first international, public intellectuals whose views on psychology, religion, sociology, ethics, education, and biology captured the imagination of readers all over the world. The chapters will cover the communication and appropriation of Spencer’s ideas in Russia, the Middle East, China, Japan, Mexico, Argentina, Brazil, the United States, Italy, Scandinavia, and France. Contributors are: Li Bin, Juan Manuel Rodriguez Caso, Gowan Dawson, Heloisa Maria Bertol Domingues, Marwa Elshakry, Mark Francis, G. Clinton Godart, Michael Gordon, Paola Govoni, Rosaura Ruiz Gutiérrez, Hans Henrik Hjermitslev, Ricardo Noguera-Solano, Adriana Novoa, Greg Radick, Nathalie Richard, Ke Zunke.