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Los 32 artículos de este volumen se ocupan de la traducción literaria a la lengua española y otras lenguas románicas. Las exposiciones fueron sostenidas durante la Conferencia Internacional «Traducción e Intercambio Cultural en la Época de la Globalización», que tuvo lugar en el mayo de 2006 en la Facultad de Filología de la Universidad de Barcelona. La Conferencia fue organizada por el grupo de investigación del CRET «Traducción e interculturalidad», de la Universidad de Barcelona. El «Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia» español ha tenido a bien financiar tanto la Conferencia como la antología dentro del marco del Proyecto de Investigación BFF2003-002216.
In the case of a philosophical work it seems not only superfluous, but, in view of the nature of philosophy, even inappropriate and misleading to begin, as writers usually do in a preface, by explaining the end the author had in mind, the circumstances which gave rise to the work, and the relation in which the writer takes it to stand to other treatises on the same subject, written by his predecessors or his contemporaries. For whatever it might be suitable to state about philosophy in a preface - say, an historical sketch of the main drift and point of view, the general content and results, a string of desultory assertions and assurances about the truth - this cannot be accepted as the form and manner in which to expound philosophical truth. Moreover, because philosophy has its being essentially in the element of that universality which encloses the particular within it, the end or final result seems, in the case of philosophy more than in that of other sciences, to have absolutely expressed the complete fact itself in its very nature; contrasted with that the mere process of bringing it to light would seem, properly speaking, to have no essential significance. On the other hand, in the general idea of e.g. anatomy - the knowledge of the parts of the body regarded as lifeless - we are quite sure we do not possess the objective concrete fact, the actual content of the science, but must, over and above, be concerned with particulars. Further, in the case of such a collection of items of knowledge, which has no real right to the name of science, any talk about purpose and suchlike generalities is not commonly very different from the descriptive and superficial way in which the contents of the science these nerves and muscles, etc.-are themselves spoken of. In philosophy, on the other hand, it would at once be felt incongruous were such a method made use of and yet shown by philosophy itself to be incapable of grasping the truth. In the same way too, by determining the relation which a philosophical work professes to have to other treatises on the same subject, an extraneous interest is introduced, and obscurity is thrown over the point at issue in the knowledge of the truth. The more the ordinary mind takes the opposition between true and false to be fixed, the more is it accustomed to expect either agreement or contradiction with a given philosophical system, and only to see reason for the one or the other in any explanatory statement concerning such a system. It does not conceive the diversity of philosophical systems as the progressive evolution of truth; rather, it sees only contradiction in that variety. The bud disappears when the blossom breaks through, and we might say that the former is refuted by the latter; in the same way when the fruit comes, the blossom may be explained to be a false form of the plant’s existence, for the fruit appears as its true nature in place of the blossom. These stages are not merely differentiated; they supplant one another as being incompatible with one another. But the ceaseless activity of their own inherent nature makes them at the same time moments of an organic unity, where they not merely do not contradict one another, but where one is as necessary as the other; and this equal necessity of all moments constitutes alone and thereby the life of the whole. But contradiction as between philosophical systems is not wont to be conceived in this way; on the other hand, the mind perceiving the contradiction does not commonly know how to relieve it or keep it free from its onesidedness, and to recognize in what seems conflicting and inherently antagonistic the presence of mutually necessary moments.
The existence of World Literature depends on specific processes, institutions, and actors involved in the global circulation of literary works. The contributions of this volume aim to pay attention to these multiple material dimensions of Latin American 20th and 21st century literatures. From perspectives informed by materialism, sociology, book studies, and digital humanities, the articles of this volume analyze the role of publishing houses, politics of translation, mediators and gatekeepers, allowing insights into the processes that enable books to cross borders and to be transformed into globally circulating commodities. The book focusses both on material (re)sources of literary archives, key actors in literary and cultural markets, prizes and book fairs, as well as on recent dimension of the digital age. Statements of some of the leading representatives of the global publishing world complement these analyses of the operations of selection and aggregation of value to literary texts.
The idea of dedicating a Festschrift to honor Professor Frédéric Manns on the happy occasion of his 70th birthday came to mind in the autumn of 2011 and work on this project had been continuing ever since. Felicitously achieving this goal, the Faculty of Biblical Sciences and Archaeology (Studium Biblicum Franciscanum) and the Franciscan Custody of the Holy Land present this volume to Father Manns with gratitude for his profound scholarship and a lifetime service in the Holy Land. Perusing through Father Manns’ writings, it is easy to see a prominent and distinctive place devoted to the Gospel of John. It seemed therefore suitable to focus on this subject in the Festschrift honoring him: the title, Rediscovering John, relates to Manns’ significant contribution towards the better understanding of the Fourth Gospel. The volume comprises 21 studies authored by renowned scholars from various parts of the world, from different institutions and denominations. While the first half of the studies examines general issues (history of interpretation, textual transmission, intertextuality, theological themes, archaeology), the second half treats literary, narrative and exegetical approaches to particular texts of the Fourth Gospel. We augur that this rich collection will help to stimulate further discussion and reflection on the Gospel of John, as well as constitute an incentive to an already distinguished scholar to continue writing challenging and thought-provoking essays and books. (from the Foreword by the Editor)
All cities are multilingual, but there are some where language relations have a special importance. These are cities where more than one historically rooted language community lays claim to the territory of the city. This book focuses on four such linguistically divided cities: Calcutta, Trieste, Barcelona, and Montreal. Though living with the ever-present threat of conflict, these cities offer the possibility of creative interaction across competing languages and this book examines the dynamics of translation in its many forms. By focusing on a category of cities which has received little attention, this study contributes to our understanding of the kinds of language relations that sustain the diversity of urban life. Illustrated with photos and maps, Cities in Translation is both an engaging read for a wide-ranging audience and an important text in advancing theory and methodology in translation studies.
Latin books are among the most numerous surviving artifacts of the Late Antique, Mediaeval, and Renaissance periods in European history; written in a variety of formats and scripts, they preserve the literary, philosophical, scientific, and religious heritage of the West. The Oxford Handbook of Latin Palaeography surveys these books, with special emphasis on the variety of scripts in which they were written. Palaeography, in the strictest sense, examines how the changing styles of script and the fluctuating shapes of individual letters allow the date and the place of production of books to be determined. More broadly conceived, palaeography examines the totality of early book production, ownership, dissemination, and use. The Oxford Handbook of Latin Palaeography includes essays on major types of script (Uncial, Insular, Beneventan, Visigothic, Gothic, etc.), describing what defines these distinct script types, and outlining when and where they were used. It expands on previous handbooks of the subject by incorporating select essays on less well-studied periods and regions, in particular late mediaeval Eastern Europe. The Oxford Handbook of Latin Palaeography is also distinguished from prior handbooks by its extensive focus on codicology and on the cultural settings and contexts of mediaeval books. Essays treat of various important features, formats, styles, and genres of mediaeval books, and of representative mediaeval libraries as intellectual centers. Additional studies explore questions of orality and the written word, the book trade, glossing and glossaries, and manuscript cataloguing. The extensive plates and figures in the volume will provide readers wtih clear illustrations of the major points, and the succinct bibliographies in each essay will direct them to more detailed works in the field.
La relació entre llengua i Internet es posa de manifest en aquesta obra, que fa èmfasi en la manera com Internet contribueix al desenvolupament d'aspectes pràctics com ara la recerca terminològica, l'ensenyament fent servir materials curriculars en xarxa...
This manual is a comprehensive collection of resources for tertiary teachers and students of English-Spanish translation in the Caribbean region. It fills a gap in the market for a resource text specifically designed for tertiary Caribbean students, teachers and practitioners interested in English-Spanish translation.
El Pancrazio Athlima, disciplina moderna del deporte y arte marcial antiguo. El libro hace frente a la historia de este arte marcial noble y propone la nueva disciplina del deporte a él asociado, para los atletas de FIPA/FIJLKAM y de WPAC/FILA, con más allá 250 photographies e ilustraciones.