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The 2001 issue of the Yearbook deals with the problem of international justice. What is the meaning of "justice" in the age of globalisation? In which sense can the "right" provide for criteria that make it possible to afford conflicts in international relations? Which new interpretative standards do turn out to be introduced within domestic law by international dimension? This issue of Ars interpretandi tries to answer these questions as well as other ones, according to an interdisciplinary view, which examine their implications in law, ethics, politics, economics and religion.
Celebrating more than forty years of creative writing by Chicana author Margarita Cota-Cárdenas, this volume includes critical essays, reflections, interviews, and previously unpublished writing by the author herself to document the lifelong craft and legacy of a pioneering writer in the field. Nicknamed “La Plonky” by her family after a made-up childhood song, Cota-Cárdenas grew up in California, taught almost exclusively in Arizona, and produced five major works (two novels and three books of poetry) that offer an expansive literary production spanning from the 1960s to today. Her perspectives on Chicana identity, the Chicanx movement, and the sociopolitical climate of Arizona and the larger U.S.-Mexico border region represent a significant contribution to the larger body of Chicanx literature. Additionally, the volume explores her perspectives on issues of gender, sexuality, and identity related to the Chicanx experience over time. Divided into three major parts, this collection begins with an introduction, followed by two testimonial essays written by the author herself and a longtime colleague, as well as an interview with the author. The second section contains nine essays by well-established literary critics that analyze Cota-Cárdenas’s literary output within a Chicano Movement literary context and offer new readings of Cota-Cárdenas’s fiction and poetry. The third part presents poetry and fiction from Cota-Cárdenas, including an excerpt from a work in progress. As a whole, the collection aims to affirm Margarita Cota-Cárdenas’s significant role in shaping the field of Chicana literature and emphasizes the importance of honoring a celebrated author who wrote a majority of her works in Spanish—one of the few Chicana writers to do so. Contributors Laura Elena Belmonte Margarita Cota-Cárdenas José R. Flores Vanessa Fonseca-Chávez Carolyn González Gabriella Gutiérrez y Muhs Manuel M. Martín-Rodríguez Kirsten F. Nigro Margarita E. Pignataro Tey Diana Rebolledo Jesús Rosales Charles St-Georges Javier Villarreal
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El presente volumen se propone enseñar al estudiante las reglasnecesarias para redactar un proyecto de investigación y lo hacede manera clara, didáctica y simple, pero al mismo tiempo estrictay rigurosa. Su autora es una persona idónea para acompañar alestudiante por esta senda de aprendizaje, y no solo porque ellatambién ha adquirido esta destreza y la ha puesto en práctica ennumerosos casos, sino porque su capacidad de reflexión sobre supropia habilidad, junto con su competencia didáctica, ha dado pie aeste libro tan útil y necesario. M. Teresa Cabré Este libro nos proporciona una guía para la redacción de proyectos deinvestigación que puede ser de gran ayuda tanto para la realizaciónde trabajos finales de grado o máster, como para estudiantes dedoctorado que inician su trabajo de investigación. Se trata de unaobra muy bien organizada que puede constituir un excelente materialdocente para las asignaturas relacionadas con los trabajos finales, asícomo una obra de consulta de gran utilidad para investigadores dediferentes áreas de conocimiento. Antoni OliverDirector de la colección “Lingüística y traducción”
Esta obra colectiva re ne las ltimas investigaciones de los m ximos especialistas en este importante autor del siglo XV castellano que cultiv todos los g neros literarios. En este volumen monogr fico Guido Cappelli escrsobre Valera y el Humanismo; Federica Accorsi analiza la relaci n de Valera con los jud os conversos; Florence Serrano estudia la presencia de Diego de Valera en Borgo a y en su literatura; Gonzalo Pont n se centra en las cartas escritas por Diego de Valera; Jes s Rodr guez Velasco analiza a Diego de Valera como artista microliterario; Cristina Moya analiza la influencia de la cr nica Valeriana entre 1482 y 1567; Fernando G mez Redondo explica las palabras que Juan de Vald s dedica a Valera en su Di logo de la lengua; Jos Julio Mart n Romero analiza la influencia de Diego de Valera en el Nobiliario Vero de Hern n Mex a y, finalmente, Juan Luis Carriazo Rubio prueba que mos Federica Accorsi analyzes the relationship between Valera and the converted Jews; Florence Serrano studies the presence of Diego de Valera in Burgundy and in its literature; Gonzalo Pont n focuses on the letters written by Diego de Valera; Jes s Rodr guez-Velasco studies Diego de Valera as micro-literary artist; Cristina Moya examines the influence of the Valeriana between 1482 and 1567; Fernando G mez Redondo explains the words dedicated to Diego de Valera by Juan de Vald s (Di logo de la lengua); Jos Julio Mart n Romero discusses the influence of Diego de Valera in Nobiliario Vero of Hernan Mex a; and, finally Juan Luis Carriazo Rubio proves that Mos n Diego de Valera did not write the Origen de la Casa de Guzm n. Cristina Moya Garc a is a profesora at the Universidad de C rdoba. Contributors: Federica Accorsi, Guido Cappeli, Juan Luis Carriazo Rubio, Fernando G mez Redondo, Jos Julio Mart n Romero, Cristina Moya Garc a, Gonzalo Pont n, Jes s Rodr guez Velasco, Florence Serrano
The use of cloud applications is becoming increasingly popular due to their scalability and cost advantages. However, companies need help in adopting cloud applications due to their internal policies and compliance requirements. Trust and security are crucial factors that influence the adoption of cloud applications. This book proposes a cloud architecture that addresses this challenge by shifting the trust for compliance-driven configurations of cloud applications from the cloud application provider to the blockchain. The architecture was developed using design science research and evaluated using mixed-method semi-structured guided interviews. The results show that the proposed architecture can significantly reduce adoption risk due to compliance-driven cloud application configurations, shifting trust from the cloud provider to the blockchain. This book presents an innovative approach to address the challenge of adopting cloud applications, and enhancing trust and security for businesses.