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Investigar la causa por la que es tan fácil quemarse el paladar al comer pizza, puede ser punto de partida de las interesantes consideraciones termodinámicas, y la aceituna en la copa de Martini, el comienzo de un viaje retrospectivo a través de una serie de importantes conquistas tecnológicas: cualquier pretexto es bueno para que el distinguido biofísico Harold J. Morowitz nos lleve, con un humor y una amenidad que no empañan en absoluto el rigor científico, de lo más particular a lo más general, de la anécdota cotidiana a las leyes universales, de las pequeñas preguntas a las grandes incógnitas y los incesantes esfuerzos del hombre por hallar respuestas. A través de sus ensayos, el autor pasa revista a los temas más apasionantes e insólitos de la ciencia y el pensamiento contemporáneos, desde las posibilidades y riesgos de la ingeniería genética hasta el paralelismo entre cerebros y ordenadores, pasando por las sutiles relaciones entre el béisbol y la filosofía.
"College Physics is written for a one-year course in introductory physics."--Preface.
The study if why is so easy to scald your mouth eating a pizza, can be the source of interesting thermodynamic considerations. Any reason is good for the author to take us from daily anecdotes to universal laws and the restless human effort to find answers.
Fifty-plus essays by Harold J. Morowitz, a biophysicist. He reflects on questions that arise in the course of his daily life, his scientific research, and his miscellaneous reading.
La pizza es la comida rápida favorita de todo el mundo. Con las recetas auténticas de Maxine Clark podrá preparar en su propio horno pizzas, calzones y focaccias, así como muchos otros panes rústicos deliciosos con los que se le hará la boca agua.
Take some heat off the complexity of thermodynamics Does the mere thought of thermodynamics make you sweat? It doesn't have to! This hands-on guide helps you score your highest in a thermodynamics course by offering easily understood, plain-English explanations of how energy is used in things like automobiles, airplanes, air conditioners, and electric power plants. Thermodynamics 101 — take a look at some examples of both natural and man-made thermodynamic systems and get a handle on how energy can be used to perform work Turn up the heat — discover how to use the first and second laws of thermodynamics to determine (and improve upon) the efficiency of machines Oh, behave — get the 411 on how gases behave and relate to one another in different situations, from ideal-gas laws to real gases Burn with desire — find out everything you need to know about conserving mass and energy in combustion processes Open the book and find: The laws of thermodynamics Important properties and their relationships The lowdown on solids, liquids, and gases How work and heat go handin hand The cycles that power thermodynamic processes Chemical mixtures and reactions Ten pioneers in thermodynamics Real-world applications of thermodynamic laws and concepts Learn to: Master the concepts and principles of thermodynamics Develop the problem-solving skills used by professional engineers Ace your thermodynamics course
When the whole is greater than the sum of the parts--indeed, so great that the sum far transcends the parts and represents something utterly new and different--we call that phenomenon emergence. When the chemicals diffusing in the primordial waters came together to form the first living cell, that was emergence. When the activities of the neurons in the brain result in mind, that too is emergence. In The Emergence of Everything, one of the leading scientists involved in the study of complexity, Harold J. Morowitz, takes us on a sweeping tour of the universe, a tour with 28 stops, each one highlighting a particularly important moment of emergence. For instance, Morowitz illuminates the emergence of the stars, the birth of the elements and of the periodic table, and the appearance of solar systems and planets. We look at the emergence of living cells, animals, vertebrates, reptiles, and mammals, leading to the great apes and the appearance of humanity. He also examines tool making, the evolution of language, the invention of agriculture and technology, and the birth of cities. And as he offers these insights into the evolutionary unfolding of our universe, our solar system, and life itself, Morowitz also seeks out the nature of God in the emergent universe, the God posited by Spinoza, Bruno, and Einstein, a God Morowitz argues we can know through a study of the laws of nature. Written by one of our wisest scientists, The Emergence of Everything offers a fascinating new way to look at the universe and the natural world, and it makes an important contribution to the dialogue between science and religion.