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Sin dai tempi più arcaici gli uomini hanno cercato di contrastare le manifestazioni più estreme della Natura attraverso un'azione magica, che si è evoluta nei secoli generando credenze, riti e tabù. In Italia, in particolare, è sorta così una religione popolare di antica origine pagana in grado di proteggere dalla Natura ma soprattutto di rispondere alle esigenze terrene e materiali del devoto. Il libro affronta le espressioni di stregoneria popolari e rurali italiane, in un viaggio tra i rituali e gli scongiuri che sanciscono i momenti di passaggio della vita umana in un attento quadro degli antichi usi e costumi della nostra penisola.
"When the city was filled with these bonfires, he then combed the city, and whenever he received notice of some public sodomite, he had him immediately seized and thrown into the nearest bonfire at hand and had him burned immediately." This story, of an anonymous individual who sought to cleanse medieval Paris, was part of a sermon delivered in Siena, Italy, in 1427. The speaker, the friar Bernardino (1380-1444), was one of the most important public figures of the time, and he spent forty years combing the towns of Italy, instructing, admonishing, and entertaining the crowds that gathered in prodigious numbers to hear his sermons. His story of the Parisian vigilante was a recommendation. Sexual deviants were the objects of relentless, unconditional persecution in Bernardino's sermons. Other targets of the preacher's venom were witches, Jews, and heretics. Mormando takes us into the social underworld of early Renaissance Italy to discover how one enormously influential figure helped to dramatically increase fear, hatred, and intolerance for those on society's margins. This book is the first on Bernardino to appear in thirty-five years, and the first ever to consider the preacher's inflammatory role in Renaissance social issues.
Drawing on the graphic and revealing evidence recorded by the different courts in early modern Saragossa, this book captures the spirit of an age when religious faith vied for people's hearts and minds with centuries-old beliefs in witchcraft and superstition.
Un viaggio tra i borghi, le valli e le foreste incantate che hanno ospitato i raduni delle streghe. Questi vengono rievocati insieme alla caccia alle streghe, che fece dell'herbara un'entità malefica legata al demonio, e all'eredità pagana, i cui simboli resistettero all'avvento del cristianesimo e ai tentativi dell'Inquisizione di cancellarli. Regione per regione, l'autore narra le leggende e le tradizioni che fecero di queste zone la dimora preferita di maghe e fattucchiere e offre al lettore, grazie a mappe, indirizzi e consigli pratici, gli strumenti per organizzare veri e propri itinerari magici tra i sentieri di campagna e gli anfratti nascosti del territorio italiano, in cui guaritrici e sciamane raccoglievano le erbe medicamentose e officiavano i sacri riti in onore dei loro dèi.
Eating God examines the history of the Eucharist as a means for understanding transformations in society from the late Middle Ages onwards. After an introduction on the sacrament from its origins to the Protestant Reformation, this book considers how it changed the customs and habits of society, on not only behavioural and imaginative levels, but also artistic and figurative level. The author focuses on Counter-Reformation Italy as a laboratory for the whole of Christendom subject to Rome, and reflects on how, even today, the transformations of the modern age are relevant and influence contemporary debate. This book offers an innovative path through the history of a sacrament, with consideration of its impact as an ‘object’ that was used, venerated, eaten, depicted and celebrated far beyond the sphere of liturgical celebration. It will be particularly relevant to those interested in cultural history and the history of Christianity.
Witchcraft and magical beliefs have captivated historians and artists for millennia, and stimulated an extraordinary amount of research among scholars in a wide range of disciplines. This new collection, from the editor of the highly acclaimed 1992 set, Articles on Witchcraft, Magic, and Demonology, extends the earlier volumes by bringing together the most important articles of the past twenty years and covering the profound changes in scholarly perspective over the past two decades. Featuring thematically organized papers from a broad spectrum of publications, the volumes in this set encompass the key issues and approaches to witchcraft research in fields such as gender studies, anthropology, sociology, literature, history, psychology, and law. This new collection provides students and researchers with an invaluable resource, comprising the most important and influential discussions on this topic. A useful introductory essay written by the editor precedes each volume.