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La revolución del bienestar es una invitación a iniciar un enriquecedor camino de trabajo personal, para integrar al día a día un nuevo paradigma del bienestar, centrado en el desarrollo de tres dimensiones: cuerpo, mente y alma. Sostenido en una metodología desarrollada por las mismas autoras –Los 7 pilares del bienestar®–, se proponen siete áreas fundamentales que abordar a la hora de llevar una mejor vida: alimentación, movimiento físico, pausas conscientes, mindfulness, empoderamiento, identidad personal y unidad
Dos siglos después de su invención, a cargo del alemán Karl Von Drais, la bicicleta vuelve a reclamar su espacio en las calles. No solo como una solución para el asfixiant tráfico de las grandes urbes, sinocomo una herramienta fundamental en la lucha contra el cambio climático. Un medio de transporte limpio y eficiente que contribue de manera decisiva a mejorar la salud y el bolsillo de los ciudadanos, así como a crear espacios de convivencia más silenciosos, humanos y amables.
“Mexico’s 1910 Revolution engendered a vast range of responses: from novels and autobiographies to political cartoons, feature films and placards. In the light of the centennial commemorations, contributors to this original collection evaluate the cultural legacy of this landmark event in a series of engaging essays. Imagining the Mexican Revolution is a rich resource for those interested in ways in which literary and visual culture mediate our understandings of this complex historical phenomenon.” – Professor Andrea Noble, Durham University “This collection of essays by leading and emerging Mexicanists is a distinct and welcome contribution that enhances public and academic understanding of Mexico’s rich revolutionary heritage. It makes available some of the most cutting-edge thinking from the field of Mexican cultural studies on the literary and visual representations produced over a period of one hundred years in Mexico and in other countries.” – Dr Chris Harris, University of Liverpool “In fascinating detail, the essays of this landmark book examine the complexity of the post-revolutionary years in Mexico. But the findings also have applications for other cultures of the world where ideologies of fascism and socialism have competed and media manipulation has existed. Among the volume’s many excellent features are its illustrations.” – Professor Emeritus Nancy Vogeley, University of San Francisco
In many Latin American countries, guerrilla struggle and feminism have been linked in surprising ways. Women were mobilized by the thousands to promote revolutionary agendas that had little to do with increasing gender equality. They ended up creating a uniquely Latin American version of feminism that combined revolutionary goals of economic equality and social justice with typically feminist aims of equality, nonviolence, and reproductive rights. Drawing on more than two hundred interviews with women in Nicaragua, El Salvador, and the Mexican state of Chiapas, Karen Kampwirth tells the story of how the guerrilla wars led to the rise of feminism, why certain women became feminists, and what sorts of feminist movements they built. Feminism and the Legacy of Revolution: Nicaragua, El Salvador, Chiapas explores how the violent politics of guerrilla struggle could be related to the peaceful politics of feminism. It considers the gains, losses, and internal conflicts within revolutionary women’s organizations. Feminism and the Legacy of Revolution challenges old assumptions regarding revolutionary movements and the legacy of those movements for the politics of daily life. It will appeal to a broad, interdisciplinary audience in political science, sociology, anthropology, women’s studies, and Latin American studies as well as to general readers with an interest in international feminism.
Côte d'Ivoire, or the Ivory Coast, is a country located in West Africa that borders the Gulf of Guinea. It is known for being the world's largest producer of cocoa beans, as well as for its vibrant cultural heritage. The country is home to over 25 million people, with the majority of the population being of African descent. The official language of Côte d'Ivoire is French, although local languages such as Baoulé, Dioula, and Anyin are also spoken. Côte d'Ivoire has a rich history that dates back to pre-colonial times. The country was first colonized by the French in the late 19th century and gained independence in 1960. Since then, it has experienced periods of political instability, including a civil war that lasted from 2002 to 2011. Despite these challenges, Côte d'Ivoire has continued to develop its economy, which is largely driven by agriculture, including the production of coffee, cocoa, and palm oil. The country has also made progress in areas such as education and healthcare, although poverty and inequality persist in many parts of the country.
Hemos escuchado, a los estadistas mundiales, hablar de como se cuentan los grandes acontecimientos; el desarrollo de un pais, una plaga, una enfermedad, etc. No se alarme, el sufrimiento del pueblo de Cuba se cuenta en numeros de muertos; por mas de 65 anos. Este pequeno pais es una isla, situada en el caribe, su poblacion ha sido sometida, a la mas terrible de las torturas, solo comparable al exterminio de la poblacion camboyana, por el regimen comunista de Pol pot. Este libro, facil de leer, y muy ameno, por la dinamica, en la que resulta su estructura, en capitulos breves, en los cuales, se relatan acciones y acontecimientos, que involucran a este argentino; nombrado Che Guevara. Como cubano; hablare por las victimas de los primeros anos del comunismo radical, en la isla de Cuba, ya que a ellos, no les estuvo permitido expresarse, aun cuando ante la inminente privacion de la vida, suplicaban a sus verdugos, que no los asesinaran, pues eran inocentes. No pretendo abarcar toda la historia, seria creo imposible, pues cada cubano que ha vivido en la isla durante estos mas de 65 anos tiene su propia historia, mas tragica o menos tragica, pero cada uno tiene su historia, les confieso algo: Me ha sido muy dificil escribir a cerca de este asesino, Pero, como secuestrado por estos verdugos, creo que las victimas merecen respeto, por lo tanto. En memoria de las victimas, contare mi version de los hechos; no sin antes, hacer mias las palabras del Maestro de todos los cubanos, Jose Marti; cuando dijo: "Cuando hay muchos hombres sin decoro, hay siempre otros que tienen en si el decoro de muchos hombres. Esos son los que se rebelan con fuerza terrible contra los que les roban a los pueblos su libertad, que es robarles a los hombres su decoro. En esos hombres van miles de hombres, va un pueblo entero, va la dignidad humana." -JOSE MARTI.