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La révélation de Christ révèle et disserte au sujet de Christ et de sa nature personnelle. Il s'agit de préexistence de Christ, même avant la fondation du monde, étant le Fils du Dieu vivant. Son incarnation en la personne de Jésus-Christ dans l'objectif de révéler le Père au monde entier. Ce récit répand la lumière au sujet des intentions pour lesquelles Christ fût envoyé par le Père; étant principalement, de détruire les uvres du Malin et de réconcilier l'humanité au Père par la vertu de la puissance du Saint-Esprit, l'autorité dont il a doté le Corps du Christ, l'Eglise. L'Eglise de Jésus-Christ doit s'émanciper à manifester, démontrer et refléter la nature divine de Christ pour ainsi servir de témoignages vivants à la gloire de la puissance qui leur a été dispensé, c'est-à-dire le Saint-Esprit. La révélation de Christ définit d'une façon sans précédante le Christ et aspire à l'édification et affermissement de la foi ainsi qu'à la consolidation de l'intimité du croyant avec le Père. La rédaction de ce livre est intégralement inspirée par le Saint-Esprit et par la Parole Vivante de Dieu. Toute la gloire au Père Céleste.
One of the most fascinating, relevant, and often difficult-to-understand books in the Bible is the Revelation of Jesus Christ. It has been misinterpreted and misunderstood by many over the years, and in many instances, it has been placed in the category of allegory or mythology. Expounded in several venues over the last forty-plus years, this study has been a blessing to many and has presented this often puzzling book in such a manner that even the young Bible student can understand. It is written in a series of lectures that help to simplify yet exhaustively instruct the student in the meaning and the implication of this important book as it relates to the times in which we live. As we anxiously wait for our Lords soon return, this series of lectures will help us realize just how near to that coming event we actually are.
Dans sa deuxieme epitre aux Corinthiens, l'apotre Paul mentionne qu'autrefois il a ete ravi aux cieux, sans donner de details. Cette breve allusion a une ascension celeste a suscite la curiosite de generations de lecteurs, et quelques-uns d'entre eux, voulant combler les lacunes du texte paulien, ont invente leurs propres recits de ce qui s'est passe pendant ce voyage celeste. Un de ces recits, la Visio sancti Pauli, a connu une grande fortune dans l'antiquite tardive et au Moyen-age, et a exerce une influence considerable sur la creation de la Divine comedie de Dante. Il existe d'autres recits analogues, parmi lesquels se trouve l'Apocalypse de Paul conservee dans une version copte, et d'origine gnostique, recit beaucoup plus obscur que la Visio, mais tout aussi fascinant. Son auteur utilise de facon pleinement consciente, la tradition judeo-chretienne des apocalypses d'ascension, une tradition constituee de textes qui racontent l'ascension aux cieux d'un visionnaire. L'Apocalypse de Paul se sert des motifs de cette tradition pour construire son propre recit. La seule copie de cette Apocalypse de Paul qui nous soit parvenue se trouve dans le cinquieme codex de la bibliotheque de Nag Hammadi. D'une importance considerable pour quiconque s'interesse aux ecrits pauliniens ou apocalyptiques, ce texte possede en lui-meme un charme certain. Le present volume contient une nouvelle edition du texte copte, accompagnee d'une traduction francaise, d'une ample introduction, d'un commentaire exhaustif, redige en anglais, et d'index copte et greco-copte; il offre l'analyse la plus complete a ce jour de cet ecrit. L'auteur de commentaire propose de voir dans l'Apocalypse de Paul un ouvrage de propagande valentinien, redige pour convaincre ses lecteurs de la domination du dieu createur, alors que l'auteur de l'introduction adopte un point de vue different.
Not found on any map, the Valley of Decision is a place of indecision—a quagmire of noncommitment, stalling forward motion. It’s the anxious middle place, whose occupants include the multitudes who are still not sure what exactly to do with Jesus Christ. Polarized by life and the ways of the world, they stand here unconvinced, at the end of times, when wickedness is great and the harvest is ripe. Yet perhaps knowing more about what tomorrow brings would help those still undecided make the clear choice to freely stand with God. The Revelation of Jesus Christ—Standing in the Valley of Decision explores the book of Revelation as the source of God’s true prophecy for what our future holds. Authors David and Denise Hall offer verse-by-verse commentaries on Christ’s revelation, omitting nothing and using the Bible to interpret itself with scriptural citations supporting every point. Believers are invited to take notes and engage in active Bible study as they learn how end-time prophecies are being fulfilled today. In what time is left, the choice is clear, personal, and simple: freely stand with God and have your sins washed away and your ransom paid, or face the eternal consequence of separation. Choose now and soon, because the time of His return draws near. The time to study Revelation is now, and The Revelation of Jesus Christ—Standing in the Valley of Decision will help all those seeking truth in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.
It could be that the entirety of creation, seen and unseen, as well as the whole of the Bible have pivoted upon a moment if time, a single decision, one response. With the weight, the enormity of what lay before Him crashing upon His mind, Jesus Himself in the garden of Gethsemane the night of His betrayal, asked the Father to change the plan. "Take this cup away from Me", He prayed. We don't know how long that desire remained, but the next thing He said was indeed the fulcrum of God's universal reconciliation. He prayed, "Nevertheless, not My will, but Yours be done". The choice was so challenging for Him that the scriptures say His sweat became bloody. Yet, with His mind thus set, He continued on to the cross.
For anyone struggling to understand John's writings in Revelation, this book provides true, Biblically-based answers. Through detailed insight into the letters John wrote to seven churches of his day, you will learn how to avoid the inherent pitfalls of the "first Adam" mentality to overcome today's trials and tribulations. The more you understand the Book of Revelation, the more you will be disarmed of the fears, intimidations, rhetoric, and flood of information spewing from the dragon's mouth. This overflow of propaganda has kept the human family afraid to even read the Book of Revelation, when, in fact, it is the only book in the Bible that declares a built-in blessing to those who read and understand it. Book jacket.