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Discussions of the possibility to attribute liability to legal persons for committing offenses are far from new. The EU landscape however is scattered. Although there are obligations for the Member States to introduce liability for legal persons committing offenses, diversity remains as to: the offenses that may trigger liability * the legal persons that may be held liable * the attribution theories and mechanisms used * the type of liability, which may be either penal, administrative, or civil * the sanctions that legal persons may incur. Consistent policy making requires an identification of the main commonalities and differences in view of being able to adequately reflect them in cross-national policy initiatives. Hence, the European Commission launched a call for tender for a study on the issue, which was awarded to the Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP). The results are published in this book. Based on comparative legal analysis in the EU27, recommendations are formulated relating to the EU approximation policy (amongst others to reconsider the concept of a 'legal person' and to look into the need for specific 'legal person'-offenses), the functioning of mutual recognition (amongst others to extend the current mutual recognition instrumentarium), the exchange of information (amongst others to develop a criminal records policy), and procedural safeguards (amongst others to secure equivalent protection outside a criminal liability context). In other words, a helicopter view is taken to ensure consistent EU policy making. (Series: Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy [IRCP] - Vol. 44)
L'intérêt de cette recherche porte sur l'élaboration d'une théorie nouvelle de la responsabilité des entités collectives. La construction de cette théorie a nécessité un véritable travail d'archéologie juridique à la recherche des notions –risque, précaution, prévention, garantie – qui ont contribué à la formation d'un nouveau genre de responsabilité pénale s'imposant aujourd'hui dans les élaborations doctrinaires et jurisprudentielles.
The Council of Europe Convention on the counterfeiting of medical products and similar crimes involving threats to public health aims at the criminalization of certain activities because of the danger they pose to public health: the manufacturing of counterfeit medical products; supplying, offering to supply and trafficking in counterfeit medical products; the falsification of documents linked to medical products; the unauthorized manufacturing or supplying of medicinal products and the marketing of medical devices that do not comply with conformity requirements. The Convention also covers preventive measures and addresses the legal situation of victims of the above-mentioned crimes. The Convention is the first international criminal law instrument in its field, providing States Parties with a clear legal framework to combat the serious and increasing threat to public health posed by the counterfeiting of medical products and other dangerous practices.
Opposite pages bear duplicate numbering.
With industrialization and globalization, corporations acquired the capacity to influence social life for good or for ill. Yet, corporations are not traditional objects of criminal law. Justified by notions of personal moral guilt, criminal norms have been judged inapplicable to fictional persons, who ‘think’ and ‘act’ through human beings. The expansion of new corporate criminal liability (CCL) laws since the mid-1990s challenges this assumption. Our volume surveys current practice on CCL in 15 civil and common law jurisdictions, exploring the legal conditions for liability, the principles and options for sanctioning, and the procedures for investigating, charging and trying corporate offenders. It considers whether municipal CCL laws are converging around the notion of ‘corporate culture’, and, in any case, the implications of CCL for those charged with keeping corporations, and other legal entities, out of trouble.
La 4e de couverture indique : "Depuis l’introduction de la responsabilité pénale des personnes morales en droit pénal français, de nombreux États européens ont adopté des réformes comparables. Les difficultés d’acclimatation des règles nouvelles confrontées aux grands principes du droit et de la procédure pénale, jointes à l’insuffisance de l’effort de coordination internationale, ont débouché sur un éclatement remarquable des choix nationaux de politique criminelle. Il en résulte un cadre juridique extrêmement fragmentaire à l’échelle comparée tant au regard du champ d’application, que des critères d’imputation ou des normes de sanction et de procédure applicables. Un tel éclatement n’est pas sans conséquences. D’une part, il affaiblit l’efficacité des dispositifs instaurés : la diversité des réponses nationales favorise les pratiques de forum shopping, tout en perturbant les mécanismes de coopération judiciaire. D’autre part, le défaut de coordination, à raison du risque de cumul de réponses répressives de nature et d’intensité variables, est porteur d’un appauvrissement des garanties devant bénéficier à tout prévenu – y compris personne morale. Le présent ouvrage propose de reprendre cette difficile question de la mise en jeu de la responsabilité pénale des personnes morales à partir des perspectives nouvelles ouvertes tant par l’espace européen que par l’espace international. Il s’articulera autour de trois séquences. La première séquence, qui constitue la Première Partie de l’ouvrage, a pour ambition de repérer et d’évaluer les acquis du droit pénal de l’Union européenne en la matière. Pour compléter cette première évaluation centrée sur le droit pénal strictement entendu, la seconde séquence enrichit la réflexion des apports du droit extrapénal européen. Il s’agira de mesurer les leçons qui pourraient être tirées d’autres branches du droit de l’Union : le droit social, de l’environnement, de la concurrence et du marché. La troisième séquence élargit encore l’analyse en prenant acte de la nécessité d’inscrire la problématique européenne au sein de l’espace international où se mêlent processus normatifs et procédures judiciaires et où se croisent infractions économiques et crimes internationaux."
This fifth volume of the Governance of Security (GofS) Research Paper series addresses a wide variety of topical issues focusing on European criminal justice and financial and economic crime. The first cluster of articles is concerned with European criminal justice matters particularly relating to EU mutual recognition, such as: conceptualization, unwanted effects in the context of prisoner transfer and sentence execution, impact for cross-border gathering and use of forensic expert evidence, and interrogational fairness standards. A second cluster of articles addresses the subjects of financial and economic crime, ranging from informal economy (among street children) to formal/informal economy (vulnerability of the hotel and catering industry to crime) and white collar crime phenomena like (transnational) environmental crime and corruption. A final cluster groups together a variety of selected topical issues, including juvenile offending and mental disorders, desistance theories, and sexually transmitted infections.
Continuing the AIDP’s tradition in examining how to improve the protection of the environment through criminal law, this volume addresses various challenges and scientific concerns in relation to environmental crime. It touches upon a range of topics, from biodiversity to corporate criminal liability to jurisdictional or prosecutorial problems, and explores multiple national and regional enforcement systems, drawing from best practices. It brings together key proceedings of the Second AIDP World Conference on the Protection of the Environment through Criminal Law (Bucharest, May 18-20, 2016) organised by the International Association of Penal Law (AIDP) in collaboration with the Romanian Association of Penal Sciences, the Legal Research Institute of the Romanian Academy of Sciences and the Ecological University of Bucharest.
This volume of the Yearbook of the European Convention on Human Rights, prepared by the Directorate of Human Rights of the Council of Europe relates to 1991. Its presentation follows that of the previous volume. Part one contains basic texts and information of a general nature; Part two deals with the European Commission of Human Rights; Part three with the European Court of Human Rights; Part four with the Resolutions of the Committee of Ministers; and Parts five and six with the other work of the Council of Europe in the field of human rights, the situation in the Member States, and developments within the European Communities. A Bibliography and Index are included.Ce volume de lAnnuaire de la Convention européenne des Droits de lhomme, préparé par la Direction des Droits de lhomme du Conseil de lEurope, concerne lannée 1991. La première partie contient des textes fondamentaux; la deuxième partie contient les rapports de la Commission européenne des Droits de lhomme; la troisième partie donne des informations sur la Cour européenne des Droits de lhomme; la quatrième partie contient les Résolutions du Comité des Ministres; et les cinquième et sixième parties regroupent toutes les autres activités concernant la Convention dans le cadre du Conseil de lEurope et comprennent des informations sur les débats devant les parlements nationaux et sur les développements au sein des Communautés européennes concernant la protection des droits de lhomme. Le volume se termine avec une bibliographie et une index.