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2009 ha sido el año del 50 aniversario de la Declaración Universal de los Derechos del Niño (1959) y el 20º aniversario del Convenio de Nueva York sobre Derechos de los niños (1989). Estos hitos en la protección internacional de la infancia han sido celebrados los días 23 y 24 de abril de 2009 en el Col.legi de Notaris de Catalunya mediante unas Jornadas tituladas "La protección de los niños en el Derecho internacional y en las Relaciones internacionales", coorganizadas por el CNC, la Asociación española de profesores de derecho y relaciones internacionales (AEPDIRI), la Associació d'estudis jurídics internacionals (AEJI) y el área de Derecho internacional privado del Departament de Dret i Economia internacionals de la Universitat de Barcelona. El presente volumen reúne las ponencias y comunicaciones presentadas con ocasión de las Jornadas. Tanto la celebración de las Jornadas como ahora su publicación han sido posibles gracias al soporte entusiasta y a la ayuda generosa de las instituciones antes mencionadas, así como de la Direcció General de dret i Entitats Jurídiques y la Secretaria d'Infància i Adolescència, ambas de la Generalitat de Catalunya, del Máster Estudis internacionals de la UB, y del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores y de Cooperación del gobierno de España.
This book contains a collection of essays by leading experts linked to the outstanding characteristics of the scholar in honour of whom it is published, Tullio Treves, who combines his academic background with his practical experiences of a negotiator of international treaties and a judge of an international tribunal. It covers international public and private law related to international courts and the development of international law. Under Article 38 of its Statute, the International Court of Justice can apply judicial decisions only as a “subsidiary means for the determination of rules of law”. However, there are many reasons to believe that international courts and tribunals do play quite an important role in the progressive development of international law. There are a number of decisions which are inevitably recalled as the first step, or a decisive step, in the process of the formation of a new rule of customary international law. In these cases, can the judge be considered as a subsidiary of others? Are these cases compatible with the common belief that a judge cannot create law? Is this a peculiarity of international law, which is characterized by the existence of several courts but the lack of a legislator? Do decisions by different courts lead to the consequence of a fragmented international law? This volume provides the reader with an elaboration of various questions linked to the legislative role of courts. In their choices of subjects, some contributors have taken into account the general aspects of the development of international rules through court decisions or specific sectors of international law, such as human rights, international crimes, international economic law, environmental law and the law of the sea. Others have chosen the subject of the rules on jurisdiction and procedure of international courts. The question of the courts’ role in the development of areas of law different from public international law, namely private international law and European Union law, has also been considered. The information and views contained in this book will be of great value to academics, students, judges, practitioners and all others interested in the public and private international law aspects of the link between international courts and the development of international law.
This Yearbook brings together information concerning Spanish legal practice and a bibliography over the period of one year and makes it available to an international readership. It deals with both private and public international law, taken in a broad sense to include summary treatment of international organizations of which Spain is a member.
A setenta años de su fundación, El Colegio de México publica esta serie de dieciséis volúmenes, titulada Los grandes problemas de México, en la que se analizan los mayores retos de la realidad mexicana contemporánea, con el fin de definir los desafíos que enfrentamos en el siglo XXI y proponer algunas posibles respuestas y estrategias para resolver nuestros problemas como nación. Serie: Los grandes problemas de México. Vol, XII Relaciones internacionales, diecinueve estudiosos y diplomáticos con amplia experiencia en la conducción de las relaciones con el exterior abordan algunos de estos asuntos y problemas, los retos que han implicado para México y la forma en la que se ha intentado hacerles frente. Se analizan algunos de los grandes temas de las relaciones internacionales, incluyendo aquellos que tiene o pueden tener repercusiones más significativas en México. También se abordan las principales relaciones con países o grupos de países, poniendo énfasis en la conducción de las mismas por parte del Estado mexicano, así como asuntos relacionados con el funcionamiento de algunos organismos internacionales y las posiciones que al respecto hemos mantenido hasta ahora ay las que podemos o debemos adoptar.
Three special features make this book unique in many respects. First, the book has been written by an eminent group of Mexican practitioners and academics recognized in Mexico for their legal expertise. These are attorneys working for prestigious law firms in Mexico who wrote their chapters keeping in mind the professional interest of American lawyers. Second, each of its seventeen chapters discusses a Mexican legal area commonly found in decisions rendered by state or federal courts in our country. These areas include personal injury, contracts, Fideicomisos, real estate, companies, Maquiladoras, promissory notes, family law, conflict of laws, letters rogatory, enforcement of judgments, etc. And third, most chapters include a legal glossary, a specialized bibliography and samples of practical Mexican legal documents. This up-to-date book, edited and co-authored by University of San Diego School of Law professor Jorge A. Vargas, a prolific author on Mexican law, will be invaluable for legal practitioners, judges and government officials who handle legal matters involving Mexican law, as well as for business and law students. "Whether a researcher is a seasoned Mexican legal scholar or new to the subject, tools that are laid out well, written by experts, and concisely written are always welcomed but not always available. This particular publication is one of the best structured books I have seen recently. If you deal with Mexican law you should consider having this one on your shelf." -- Legal Information ALERT