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Cet ouvrage montre que la recherche sur les problèmes et les méthodes de la planification de l'éducation a besoin d'être organisée. Pour que les capacités intellectuelles et les ressources dont on dispose dans ce domaine soient utilisées au mieux, il ne faut pas les disperser sans but dans toutes les directions à la fois, il faut les concentrer sur certains problèmes éducatifs avec assez de force pour aboutir à des connaissances et à des pratiques nouvelles de grande portée.
This volume highlights the proceedings of the two policy dialogue conferences held by the Working Group on Finance and Education (WGFE) in 2004. Part I of the document discusses the endemic crisis that higher educationhas been beset with since the outset of the post colonial period in Africa. It highlights the critical state of higher education systems in Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria and Senegal by scrutinizing the causes, manifestations and consequences of the crisis to posit useful recommendations and possible solutions. Part II is a comprehensive review of the challenges facing the financing and planning of all levels and types ofeducation - from kindergarten to graduate school - in selected African countries. The papers reveal the sources and mechanisms of funding education in Africa, drawing attention to the experiences of communities confronted with new funding sources. A new trend, which consists of designing decade long educational development plans, has emerged and is rapidly expanding in numerous African countries. This experience is examined and shared by the authors. This book has contributions in both French and English.
Study of problems of education and teaching in Africa South of Sahara - covers historical aspects, traditional forms of education, the role of France in respect of education in French speaking Africa (former nsgt), primary education, secondary education, higher education, technical education, vocational training, new concepts of education since deconolization and claims for reforms (incl. In respect of languages, cultural factors, teaching methods, etc.), etc. References and statistical tables.
This volume highlights the proceedings of the two policy dialogue conferences held by the Working Group on Finance and Education (WGFE) in 2004. Part I of the document discusses the endemic crisis that higher educationhas been beset with since the outset of the post colonial period in Africa. It highlights the critical state of higher education systems in Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria and Senegal by scrutinizing the causes, manifestations and consequences of the crisis to posit useful recommendations and possible solutions. Part II is a comprehensive review of the challenges facing the financing and planning of all levels and types ofeducation - from kindergarten to graduate school - in selected African countries. The papers reveal the sources and mechanisms of funding education in Africa, drawing attention to the experiences of communities confronted with new funding sources. A new trend, which consists of designing decade long educational development plans, has emerged and is rapidly expanding in numerous African countries. This experience is examined and shared by the authors. This book has contributions in both French and English.
This volume highlights the proceedings of the two policy dialogue conferences held by the Working Group on Finance and Education (WGFE) in 2004. Part I of the document discusses the endemic crisis with which higher education has been beset since the outset of the post colonial period in Africa. It highlights the critical state of higher education systems in Burkina Faso, Mali, Nigeria and Senegal by scrutinizing the causes, manifestations and consequences of the crisis to posit useful recommendations and possible solutions. Part II is a comprehensive review of the challenges facing the financing and planning of all levels and types of education - from kindergarten to graduate school - in selected African countries. The papers reveal the sources and mechanisms of funding education in Africa, drawing attention to the experiences of communities confronted with new funding sources. A new trend of designing decade long educational development plans has emerged and is rapidly expanding in numerous African countries.
L'école a été intégrée à toutes les stratégies de développement en Afrique, et de nombreux projets de construction, d'équipement et de formation ont été réalisés. Malheureusement, les espoirs des débuts se sont mués en cauchemar, les dépenses d'éducation étant devenues insupportables et exorbitantes. L'auteur propose quelques repères pour la formulation des politiques éducatives. Il suggère une méthodologie susceptible d'aider à la réduction des coûts et à la réalisation d'une convergence entre les éducations formelles, informelles et non formelles.
L’éducation non formelle pose un véritable défi aux planificateurs de l’éducation. En quoi consiste-t-elle ? À quelles fins peut-elle et doit-elle servir ? Peut-on la planifier et, si oui, comment ? En tant que branche de l’éducation nouvellement reconnue, attirant de plus en plus l’attention et les ressources, l’éducation non formelle doit être incorporée, d’une certaine manière, au domaine de compétence des planificateurs de l’éducation. Cette étude offre une base de compréhension des conditions prévalant actuellement sur le terrain ; elle comporte aussi une esquisse de certaines stratégies initiales, permettant d’incorporer l’éducation non formelle dans l’ensemble de l’action des planificateurs de l’éducation. Il convient de souligner le caractère opportun de ce sujet, car il coïncide avec une prise de conscience accrue du fait que le développement de l’éducation - et le développement en général - se voient arrêtés à un certain point, dans le cadre d’une structure planifiée et contrôlée au niveau central. Le franchissement de ce point exige un degré croissant de participation et d’engagement des éventuels bénéficiaires. L’éducation non formelle offre un mécanisme potentiel, permettant des réactions de nature éducative face à cet élan.