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This book addresses contemporary discourses on a wide variety of topics related to the ideological and epistemological changes of the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries, and the ways in which they have shaped the Spanish language and cultural manifestations in both Spain and Hispanic America. The majority of the chapters are concerned with ‘otherness’ in its various dimensions; the alien Other – foreign, immigrant, ethnically different, disempowered, female or minor – as well as the Other of different sexual orientation and/or ideology. Following Octavio Paz, otherness is expressed as the attempt to find the lost object of desire, the frustrating endeavour of the androgynous Plato wishing to embrace the other half of Zeus, who in his wrath, tore off from him. Otherness compels human beings to search for the complement from which they were severed. Thus a male joins a female, his other half, the only half that not only fills him but which allows him to return to the unity and reconciliation which is restored in its own perfection, formerly altered by divine will. As a result of this transformation, one can annul the distance that keeps us away from that which, not being our own, turns into a source of anguish. The clashing diversity of all things requires the human predisposition to accept that which is different. Such a predisposition is an expression of epistemological, ethical and political aperture. The disposition to co-exist with the different is imagined in the de-anthropocentricization of the bonds with all living realms. And otherness is, in some way, the reflection of sameness (mismidad). The other is closely related to the self, because the vision of the other implies a reflection about the self; it implies, consciously or not, a relationship with the self. These topics are addressed in this book from an interdisciplinary perspective, encompassing arts, humanities and social sciences.
Aqui la historia real es el viaje inconcluso del Cristo de la Veracruz desde Espana hasta la costa sur de Cuba en el ano 1713, a bordo de un mercante espanol. Se quedo en Trinidad por voluntad propia, negandose a abandonar aquella tierra segun rezan la historia y la leyenda, alli permanecio y alli continua hasta el presente, venerado en la iglesia de la Santisima Trinidad por todo aquel que cree en El y en sus milagros. La parte imaginaria nos cuenta la historia de una joven nacida en las cumbres del Macizo de Garraf, en Cataluna, que huye de su misera existencia privada de afectos y, con ese fin, se embarca como polizon en el mismo barco encargado de trasladar el Cristo a su destino; ella se sobrepone a sus miedos, enfrenta el peligro segun se le presenta dia a dia, desembarca para quedarse en el mismo lugar que lo hace la imagen sagrada. Anos despues escribe sus memorias y deja el manuscrito aprisionado en las paredes de un palacete trinitario del Siglo XVIII donde vivio hasta su muerte.
This anthology includes translations of a number of original poems from each of the ten collections of poetry published to date by Spanish poet Ana Maria Fagundo. Its goal is to provide a representative sample of Fagundo's work for an English audience. With the basic tenet of phenomenology as scaffold, the introduction of this anthology elucidates Fagundo's poetic writing as a process whereby the abstract is transformed into a concrete experience through the speaker's own self and body. From Brotes/Buds in 1965 until Trasterrado Marzo/March Beyond in 1999, Fagundo's poetry is an ongoing dialogue with the poetic word. Fagundo's poetic speaker looks into essences, but only in order to reintegrate them into existence. There is no Truth or Beauty or Good out there for which this poet strives, but a truth that each poet articulates in his or her own way. Hers is an aesthetic enterprise, which implies the ethical obligation to affirm life. Candelas Gala is Professor and Chair of the Department of Romance Languages at Wake Forest University.
Las primeras palabras de Marta Vázquez Malleira son pronunciadas por su alter ego, Dana. Con este primer relato, la novel autora asturiana protagoniza su diario íntimo en el que nos desvela sus inquietudes e impresiones sobre el amor, la amistad o la familia, entre otros varios temas, con Quédate para siempre’. Marta Vázquez nos ofrece un retrato del ambiente en las ciudades pequeñas y cómo los adolescentes afrontan sus problemas y aprenden superarlos. Una novela que podría ser el reflejo de las adolescentes lesbianas que descubren su sexualidad y no tienen ningún temor a vivirla en completa libertad y visibilidad. ¿Acaso encontrar el verdadero amor es un sueño? ¿Se convertirá en real ese sueño de Marta? La joven asturiana nos narra a través de Dana, su alter ego literario, su particular manera de entender el amor. Dana deberá superar sus relaciones anteriores para hacer frente a un nuevo reto en el juego del amor llamado Carmen.
During her lifetime, Gloria Fuertes achieved the status of a controversial cultural icon, both through her poetry for adults and through her poetry, recorded readings, and television programs for juveniles. This collection of lively essays, by authors who specialize in contemporary Spanish poetry, approaches the works of Gloria Fuertes from various theoretical and critical perspectives. In Her Words speaks to the inherent complexity of Gloria Fuertes' poetry, as manifested in its ultimate indeterminacy and indecision, yet attests to this poet's abiding value as the voice of the marginalized-women, the poor, children, all the invisible members of society-who were silenced during the years of Spanish dictatorship under Franco. This book manifests the prescience of Fuertes' stands on a variety of social and cultural issues, from women's changing roles in society, gender and sexuality, identity within a society held captive by a dictatorial regime, to more universal themes such as love, justice, ethics, nature, and obsolete societal norms. In Her Words decisively addresses and ultimately rejects the Spanish cultural elite's inclination to disavow Fuertes' influence and reveals how her voice has shaped succeeding generations of Spanish poets and underscored the ubiquity of her verse in contemporary Spanish literature and culture. The subtlety and diversity of the essays included in this volume attest to the power of Gloria Fuertes' poetic creativity, her ability to appeal to a wide audience both in Spain and abroad, and her place in the contemporary Spanish poetic canon.
La obra de la poeta canaria analizada por dieciséis críticos internacionales a la luz de su proyección en las últimas corrientes de la modernidad poética.
The only recent English-language work on Spanish-American indigenismo from a literary perspective, Estelle Tarica’s work shows how modern Mexican and Andean discourses about the relationship between Indians and non-Indians create a unique literary aesthetic that is instrumental in defining the experience of mestizo nationalism. Engaging with narratives by Jess Lara, Jos Mara Arguedas, and Rosario Castellanos, among other thinkers, Tarica explores the rhetorical and ideological aspects of interethnic affinity and connection. In her examination, she demonstrates that these connections posed a challenge to existing racial hierarchies in Spanish America by celebrating a new kind of national self at the same time that they contributed to new forms of subjection and discrimination. Going beyond debates about the relative merits of indigenismo and mestizaje, Tarica puts forward a new perspective on indigenista literature and modern mestizo identities by revealing how these ideologies are symptomatic of the dilemmas of national subject formation. The Inner Life of Mestizo Nationalism offers insight into the contemporary resurgence and importance of indigenista discourses in Latin America. Estelle Tarica is associate professor of Latin American literature and culture at the University of California, Berkeley.