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The years 1992 and 2000 marked the 500-year anniversary of the arrival of the Spanish and the Portuguese in America and prompted an explosion of rewritings and cinematic renditions of texts and figures from colonial Latin America. Cannibalizing the Colony analyzes a crucial way that Latin American historical films have grappled with the legacy of colonialism. It studies how and why filmmakers in Brazil and Mexico -the countries that have produced most films about the colonial period in Latin America -appropriate and transform colonial narratives of European and indigenous contact into commentaries on national identity. The book looks at how filmmakers attempt to reconfigure history and culture and incorporate it into present-day understandings of the nation. The book additionally considers the motivations and implications for these filmic dialogues with the past and how the directors attempt to control the way that spectators understand the complex and contentious roots of identity in Mexico and Brazil.
Though women played an integral role in the conquest of the New World, little has been written about their contributions. This Spanish-language work examines the lives and deeds of women who influenced the course of history in the Americas some 500 years ago. Covered in detail are the lives of Maria de Toledo, first woman governor in America; Isabel de Bobadilla, governor of Cuba and instrumental in the Spanish expedition to Florida; Ana Francisca de Borja, governor of Peru and a military leader; Beatriz de la Cueva, governor of Guatemala and a political leader; Maria de Penalosa, governor of Nicaragua and a military strategist; Isabel Barreto y Quiros, first and only woman admiral of the Spanish navy; and mestizo leaders Francisca Pizarro and Leonor de Alvarado. Also covered are more than 40 other women of the same period--Spanish, Indian, and black--who held a wide variety of leadership positions. The book draws its information from the writings of respected early historians as well as historical documents from libraries and archives in Spain, Latin America and the United States. Cortes, Pizarro, Alvarado, todos ellos hombres conocidos y famosos. Pero y las mujeres? Si bien fue el hombre el que mayormente cargo sobre sus hombros la empresa conquistadora, muchas fueron las mujeres que tambien formaron parte de tal epopeya. Sin embargo, la historia les paso por encima y las relego al triste olvido. Esta obra se empena en hacerles justicia historica a estas mujeres, destacando sus vidas y hazanas sobre todo a ocho de ellas, quizas las mas conocidas, pero no las unicas. Fueron mujeres excepcionales, resolutas, integras, juiciosas, prontas a echar un pie adelante cuando las circunstancias asi lo exigieron, pero, vale recalcar, sin renunciar en ningun momento a sus dotes de madres y esposas. De las ocho mujeres, seis fueron espanolas y dos indigenas, incluyendose, ademas, a unas cuarenta mas aunque en menos detalle. La obra rebosa humanidad y sentido historico y esta escrita en un lenguaje pulcro y sencillo, al alcance de todo tipo de lector. Sus fuentes son rigurosamente historicas y fidedignas, fruto de las mas excelsas plumas a ambos lados del Atlantico y pertenecientes a todas las epocas, incluyendo, claro esta, a los primitivos cronistas de Indias.
This book is an extraordinarily rich account of the social, political, cultural, and religious relationships between parish priests and their parishioners in colonial Mexico. It thus explores a wide range of issues, from competing interpretations of religious dogma and beliefs, to questions of practical ethics and daily behavior, to the texture of social and authority relations in rural communities, to how all these things changed over time and over place, and in relation to reforms instigated by the state.
This book reveals and counteracts the misuse of biblical texts and figures in political theology, in an attempt to decolonialize the reading of the Old Testament. In the framework of Critical Theory, the book questions readings that inform the State of Israel's military apparatus. It embraces Martin Buber’s pacifist vision and Edward Said’s perspective on Orientalism, influenced by critical authors such as Amnon Raz Krakotzkin, Ilan Pappé, Shlomo Sand, Idith Zertal, and Enrique Dussel’s.