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Earthships son un tipo de edificacia3n autosuficiente que se mantiene al margen de las redes de suministros energa(c)ticos y que se considera como un edificio "viviente," ya que interactaa con los recursos naturales de la tierra para proporcionar un refugio confortable que regula de forma pasiva su temperatura interior (sin necesidad de utilizar ningan combustible fa3sil), capta su propio suministro de agua y al mismo tiempo reutiliza cada gota recolectada cuatro veces, hace un tratamiento de sus propias aguas residuales y permite el cultivo y crecimiento de comida en su interior. Este libro ofrece a los lectores la filosofa-a basica detras del diseao de los earthships, y ca3mo estos edificios interactaan con la tierra para crear los sistemas que la caracterizan. Por otra parte "Earthship Volumen Uno" ofrece a los lectores instrucciones sobre ca3mo elegir el emplazamiento de su futura Earthship y tambia(c)n la forma de reproducir muchos de los ma(c)todos de construccia3n basicos que se utilizan para construir uno de estos edificios. Este libro es un punto de inicio si usted esta interesado en la construccia3n de su propio earthship, o si simplemente quiere aprender mas acerca de esta innovadora forma de vivir.
Water from the Sky is a significant expansion on water collection and treatment systems introduced in Reynold's Earthship books. The first part of the book delves into refinements of water catchment systems for Earthship homes, though the information could easily be applied to more conventional construction as well. Reynolds also expands on options for cisterns and proper filtering prior to use. The book also covers "botanical cells," which are designed to both utilize and purify greywater for indoor and outdoor gardens and lawns. The cleansed water can be used for additional irrigating with a hose, or routed back for use in flushing a toilet. Although Reynold's largely favors composting toilets, he also shows how "blackwater" from a toilet can be cleansed and safely utilized through plant rock filters. These are cutting edge technologies in household greywater treatment, and Reynolds has presented the material in an accessible format for the do-it-yourself home builder.
This book explains in a clear and simple way what life is and how it flows within our cells, between people and through people. It is a practical manual that will help us to "feel" life, to vibrate and breathe the life inside of our bodies and of all living beings. A key focus of this work is how emotional impact affects our pericardium, which is the membrane that envelops, maintains and protects the heart.
Fiction writers and critics engage the aesthetic, political, philosophical, and cultural dimensions of contemporary fiction.
Very few studies have examined the worldview of the Anishinaabeg from within the culture itself and none have explored the Anishinaabe worldview in relation to their efforts to maintain their culture in the present-day world. This book fills that gap. Focusing mainly on the Minnesota Anishinaabeg, Lawrence Gross explores how their worldview works to create a holistic way of living. However, as Gross also argues, the Anishinaabeg saw the end of their world early in the 20th century and experienced what he calls 'postapocalypse stress syndrome.' As such, the book further explores how the values engendered by the worldview of the Anishinaabeg are finding expression in the modern world as they seek to rebuild their society.
Time Commences in Xibalbá tells the story of a violent village crisis in Guatemala sparked by the return of a prodigal son, Pascual. He had been raised tough by a poor, single mother in the village before going off with the military. When Pascual comes back, he is changed—both scarred and “enlightened” by his experiences. To his eyes, the village has remained frozen in time. After experiencing alternative cultures in the wider world, he finds that he is both comforted and disgusted by the village’s lingering “indigenous” characteristics.
Geronimo Stilton's relaxing vacation turns into a crazy treasure hunt in South Dakota, complete with a run-in with a mountain lion and a hot-air balloon ride to Mount Rushmore.
Unfitting Stories: Narrative Approaches to Disease, Disability, and Trauma illustrates how stories about ill health and suffering have been produced and received from a variety of perspectives. Bringing together the work of Canadian researchers, health professionals, and people with lived experiences of disease, disability, or trauma, it addresses central issues about authority in medical and personal narratives and the value of cross- or interdisciplinary research in understanding such experiences. The book considers the aesthetic dimensions of health-related stories with literary readings that look at how personal accounts of disease, disability, and trauma are crafted by writers and filmmakers into published works. Topics range from psychiatric hospitalization and aestheticizing cancer, to father-daughter incest in film. The collection also deals with the therapeutic or transformative effect of stories with essays about men, sport, and spinal cord injury; narrative teaching at L’Arche (a faith-based network of communities inclusive of people with developmental disabilities); and the construction of a “schizophrenic” identity. A final section examines the polemical functions of narrative, directing attention to the professional and political contexts within which stories are constructed and exchanged. Topics include ableist limits on self-narration; drug addiction and the disease model; and narratives of trauma and Aboriginal post-secondary students. Unfitting Stories is essential reading for researchers using narrative methods or materials, for teachers, students, and professionals working in the field of health services, and for concerned consumers of the health care system. It deals with practical problems relevant to policy-makers as well as theoretical issues of interest to specialists in bioethics, gender analysis, and narrative theory. Read the chapter “Social Trauma and Serial Autobiography: Healing and Beyond” by Bina Freiwald on the Concordia University Library Spectrum Research Repository website.