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Collection of articles on the relations between vocational training, employment opportunity and labour mobility in France - discusses labour market economic theory, job content, career pattern, occupational change, dismissal and retraining in selected occupations (industrial enterprises and commercial enterprises), and pays partic. Attention to young workers and transition from school to work. Flow charts, graphs, references and statistical tables.
Alors que l'imperatif de flexibilite des entreprises fait des ravages sur le marche du travail, par une progression des emplois precaires, la mobilite emploi-emploi devient problematique. Que peut faire le salarie pour rester employable? Quelles strategies individuelles peuvent contribuer a la conciliation de la flexibilite et de la securite de l'emploi? Quel est le poids de la formation d'initiative individuelle et de la validation des acquis de l'experience sur les perspectives de promotion des salaries sur un marche du travail en pleine mutation?
Although the work place has become significantly more flexible in the former socialist countries of central and eastern Europe, the realities of their social institutional systems must be taken into account in any development strategies that aim to unite flexibility and security objectives. This volume seeks to contribute to a pan-European reflection on the concepts and issues of labour flexibility and social cohesion.
Chômage des jeunes, une réponse à chercher du côté du marché du logement ? Les auteurs analysent les politiques d'accès à l'emploi et au logement et proposent cinq mesures de politique publique qui permettraient d'accroître la mobilité des jeunes et d'améliorer ainsi leur insertion sur le marché du travail.
This book is a product of collaborative research between the Institut de recherche pour le dveloppement (IRD, France), the University of Ghana, Legon and CODESRIA. It examines various economic, social and environmental challenges of urbanization that critically affect the capital of Ghana, which has experienced high demographic growth and territorial expansion. The study analyses the Greater Accra city dwellers residential practices, and focuses on two main factors influencing land and rental markets. On the one hand, it interrogates the constraints and dynamics of urban families, their needs and gender characteristics in terms of accommodation. On the other hand, it explores the opportunities and interests in investment on the part of land owners and real estate developers. At these two levels of describing the social and spatial discriminations, the book attempts to explain the difficult choices that this fragmented city faces. It emphasizes the role of mobility in structuring the metropolitan area, and the negative impact of lack of mobility which results in some households and communities suffering more than others. Light is thrown on diagnostics and prospects in the matter of urban planning.