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Biografies invisibles: Marginats i marginals és un volum que conté una sèrie d’estudis de casos concrets de personatges històrics desconeguts en gran mesura i que, pel fet d’haver tingut unes vides al marge de la llei en moltes ocasions, no són actualment coneguts. També, sobre personatges literaris que encarnen aquelles opcions no majoritàries i, encara, reflexions més genèriques sobre aquells grups o sobre els textos que ens han transmés aquelles realitats. Biografies invisibles: Marginats i marginals conté quasi una vintena de treballs de reconeguts especialistes de diferents universitats europees, que han analitzat casos de dones marginades, homosexuals, i d’altres personatges marginals des de l’òptica actual. Es tracta de retornar-los la veu que un dia, la societat on van viure, els va negar. Invisible Biographies: Marginates and marginals is a volume that contains a series of specific case studies of largely unknown figures from the past who, because of their lives on the fringes of the law on many occasions, were silenced. Also, on literary characters who embody those non-majority options and, in addition, more generic reflections on those groups or on the texts that have transmitted to us those polyhedral realities. Invisible Biographies: Marginates and marginals contains almost twenty works by renowned specialists from different European universities, who have analysed the cases of marginalized women, Jews, homosexuals, and other persecuted characters from a contemporary perspective. The aim is to give them back the voice that the society in which they lived once denied them.
Research into homosexuality in Spain is in its infancy. The last ten or fifteen years have seen a proliferation of studies on gender in Spain but much of this work has concentrated on women's history, literature and femininity. In contrast to existing research which concentrates on literature and literary figures, "Los Invisibles" focuses on the change in cultural representation of same-sex activity of through medicalisation, social and political anxieties about race and the late emergence of homosexual sub-cultures in the last quarter of the twentieth century. As such, this book constitutes an analysis of discourses and ideas from a social history and medical history position. Much of the research for the book was supported by a grant from the Wellcome Trust to research the medicalisation of homosexuality in Spain.
First multi-year cumulation covers six years: 1965-70.
El Gran Silencio es individual, lo siento en mí con tal intensidad que poco importa si me creen o no. Hace tiempo que ya pasé la fase de la aprobación. Aunque sería bueno saber que soy comprendido, no tengo ninguna expectativa en ese sentido. Simplemente he tratado aquí de expresar una vez más lo inexpresable, de dar testimonio de lo que Yo Soy. Al entrar en el Gran Silencio he capitulado. He dejado de creer que la humanidad podía en su conjunto despertarse a la consciencia. No obstante, creo firmemente que algunos individuos lo pueden lograr ya que es su deseo más preciado. Es para ellos que escribo esta obra, es hacia ellos que dedico mi obra. Me gustaría recordarles que es el deber de cada uno el liberarse a sí mismos incluso antes de tratar de hacerlo para los demás.
Examines indigenous worldview and myth to challenge the prevailing notion that hot-cold reasoning of health and illness in Latin America is a product of the Hippocratic humoral doctrine brought by the Spaniards in the sixteenth century.
A richly illustrated look at basic Precolumbian beliefs among ancient Mesoamerican peoples about life and death, body and soul. Drawing on linguistic, ethnographic, and iconographic sources, art historian Jill McKeever Furst argues that the Mexica turned not to mental or linguistic constructions for verifying ideas about the soul, but to what they experienced through the senses. 32 illustrations.
Medicine on the Periphery examines the history of the public health of Yucatán, Mexico, from the 1870s through 1960. This book includes chapters on institutions, healers, changing patterns of disease, the biomedicalization of Yucatán, and the relationship between Yucatán and the Mexican Revolutionary government. Sowell analyzes Yucatec officials’ establishment of public health programs as a strategy for the modernization of the region, using wealth from the production of henequen to create Mexico’s most extensive public health system and subsequent tensions with the Revolutionary government. Public health programs situated the Yucatán into a complex position in the nexus of knowledge, power, and technologies of the Atlantic medical community. Medicine on the Periphery provides a comprehensive look at how Yucatán became a medical periphery, a status that made it increasingly dependent upon knowledge and technologies produced in the productive core of the North Atlantic and subject to the authority of the Mexican state. This book will be of interest to scholars in Mexican studies, history of medicine and public health in Latin America and in the Atlantic world.