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En la última década, el desarrollo legislativo y la modernización de la Justicia reflejan un interés expreso en regular y promover la mediación desde la vía judicial, tanto en asuntos civiles como mercantiles, laborales o penales. Simultáneamente a esta actitud, promotora de los procesos autocompositivos de gestión de conflictos, la normativa es contundente al establecer límites a la mediación en casos de violencia de género, de violencia doméstica o en cualquier situación de desigualdad o desequilibrio de poder entre las partes. Desde la perspectiva más ortodoxa se sigue defendiendo que la mediación no es efectiva en situaciones de asimetría, así como la obligatoriedad indiscutible de la imparcialidad y neutralidad de la persona mediadora. Sin embargo, la defensa a ultranza de tales planteamientos lo que hace es limitar y condicionar las posibilidades de la mediación. Tanto en la revisión teórica del tema como en el trabajo empírico contenido en el presente libro, se ofrecen nuevas perspectivas, en las que se avala la posibilidad de una "no neutralidad" y una parcialidad equilibrada.
NOTA: Incluye CD-Rom con legislación de mediación, actualizable gratuitamente en internet ( El libro, escrito por la Dra. Leticia García Villaluenga, profesora titular de Derecho civil en la Escuela Universitaria de Trabajo Social de la UCM, y directora del título propio de mediación de dicha Universidad, gira en torno a un tema emergente, de indudable trascendencia y actualidad: la mediación familiar. En el trabajo se analiza pormenorizadamente el contenido de dicha figura, estructurándose en tres partes. La autora comienza abordando los presupuestos del desarrollo de la mediación familiar a partir de algunos de los postulados del Derecho de familia, como el creciente reconocimiento de la autonomía de la voluntad, el principio de igualdad de los cónyuges, y por ende, de las parejas de hecho. Es significativa la valoración que se realiza de la importancia que ha tenido la Constitución española y los principios que preconiza en el proceso de incardinación y consolidación de la institución de la mediación familiar en nuestro ordenamiento jurídico. En la segunda parte se analiza la consolidación y el progresivo reconocimiento de las denominadas A.D.R. (Alternativas a la Resolución de Disputas), y entre ellas la mediación, frente a los sistemas tradicionales de resolución de conflictos, como la vía jurisdiccional. El amplio estudio de la legislación internacional no sólo en países de nuestro entorno, sino también en Latino América, Estados Unidos o Canadá, dan idea del fenómeno de globalidad de la mediación, y permite a la autora aproximarse a la realidad legislativa y social española, tanto en su desarrollo autonómico, como en las iniciativas estatales en marcha a este respecto. Un capítulo esencial en el libro es el relativo al régimen jurídico de la mediación familiar (concepto, sujetos, ámbitos, principios, naturaleza jurídica), en el que se estudia pormenorizadamente el marco de actuación de los distintos profesionales de la mediación, cualquiera que sea su formación de origen, recogiendo la áltima hora sobre la mediación familiar en la legislación autonómica, lo que convierte la obra en fuente de obligada consulta sobre la materia. La claridad expositiva, la correcta sistemática, el análisis multidisciplinar de la materia, la exhaustividad, el constante manejo de fuentes bibliográfícas, así como la remisión a normas de Derecho comparado y a legislación autonómica, hacen que esta obra sea un texto de referencia no sólo entre quienes ejercen o desean ejercer su trabajo en este ámbito como mediadores, sino también como libro de consulta para estudiosos del Trabajo Social, del Derecho, de la Psicología y otros profesionales, e incluso de los particulares que pretendan conocer la institución de la mediación familiar. Uno de los principales avales que sustentan la obra es el de su novedad, se trata de una de las primeras monografías en España (con el tratamiento interdisciplinar que recibe la materia, la primera) sobre MEDIACIÓN FAMILIAR, pero además, dicho carácter novedoso se ve reforzado por su excelencia, ya que lo excelente es siempre nuevo. En suma, la obra MEDIACIÓN EN CONFLICTOS FAMILIARES se presenta como una monografía actual, completa, sugerente y dinámica sobre la teoría y la práctica de una institución en creciente auge y expansión como es la mediación. Indice: PRÓLOGO NOTA DE LA AUTORA PRIMERA PARTE: EL DERECHO DE FAMILIA. CONDICIONES DE ADMISIBILIDAD Y CONVENIENCIA DE LA MEDIACIÓN FAMILIAR I. ASPECTOS SOCIO-JURÍDICOS DE LA FAMILIA EN EL SIGLO XXI 1. Una visión sociológica de la familia 2. Consideraciones generales en torno al derecho de familia A. El Derecho de familia como parte institucional del Derecho civil. Algunas cuestiones relativas a la naturaleza del Derecho de familia B. Una aproximación al concepto y caracteres del Derecho de familia II. PRESUPUESTOS NECESARIOS PARA EL DESARROLLO DE LA MEDIACIÓN FAMILIAR EN EL ORDENAMIENTO JURÍDICO ESPAÑOL 1. La transformación del derecho civil, versus transformación del derecho de familia: la autonomía de la voluntad en el derecho de familia 2. La protección constitucional de la familia 3. La igualdad de los cónyuges como principio esencial para la implementación de la mediación familiar I. FUNDAMENTOS PARA LA CONSTRUCCIÓN DE LA TEORÍA GENERAL DE LA MEDIACIÓN: TEORÍA DEL CONFLICTO 1. Una aproximación al concepto de conflicto 2. Elementos del conflicto A. Las Personas B. El Proceso C. El Problema 3. Teorías y Escuelas sobre el origen del conflicto y su tratamiento 4. Breve referencia a la clasificación de los conflictos A. Especificidades de los conflictos familiares B. Ciclos evolutivos y conflictos II. LAS ALTERNATIVAS A LA RESOLUCIÓN DE DISPUTAS EN DERECHO COMPARADO. ESPECIAL REFERENCIA A LA MEDIACIÓN FAMILIAR 1. Consideraciones generales sobre las alternativas a la resolución de disputas 2. Implementación y desarrollo de los sistemas no adversariales en el continente americano A. Estados Unidos y Canadá - Estados Unidos - Canadá B. Latinoamérica - Argentina - Bolivia - Colombia - Costa Rica - Chile - Ecuador - Méjico - Nicaragua - Panamá - Paraguay - Perú - Puerto Rico - Uruguay - Venezuela - Otros ordenamientos 3. Europa, hacia un espacio común no adversarial de resolución de conflictos. La Mediación Familiar A. El desarrollo de las ADR en Europa. Algunas referencias B. Panorama de la Mediación Familiar en los países europeos a) La Recomendación (98)1, del Comité de Ministros a los Estados Miembros sobre la Mediación Familiar - Justificación - Concepto y principios de la mediación familiar en la Recomendación (98)1, y en la doctrina b) Mediación Familiar en el Derecho Comparado Europeo - Alemania - Austria - Bélgica - Francia - Inglaterra y Gales - Italia - Portugal - Otros ordenamientos I. ORIGEN Y ANTECEDENTES DE LA MEDIACIÓN FAMILIAR EN ESPAÑA II. CONCEPTO DE LA MEDIACIÓN FAMILIAR RECOGIDO EN LAS DISTINTAS LEYES AUTONÓMICAS III. SUJETOS Y ÁMBITOS DE LA MEDIACIÓN FAMILIAR IV. PRINCIPIOS QUE RIGEN LA MEDIACIÓN FAMILIAR Y SU REFLEJO EN LA LEGISLACIÓN ESPAÑOLA 1. Voluntariedad 2. Imparcialidad 3. Neutralidad 4. Confidencialidad 5. Profesionalidad A. La Formación del mediador en los distintos instrumentos Internacionales B. Regulación en España de la profesionalización del mediador familiar V. NATURALEZA JURÍDICA DE LA MEDIACIÓN FAMILIAR 1. La Mediación como proceso no jurisdiccional. Diferencias con figuras afines A. El Contrato de Mediación a) Características del contrato de mediación que le distinguen de otros similares b) Sujetos y contenido del contrato de mediación B. El Negocio jurídico mediado BIBLIOGRAFÍA PÁGINAS WEB DE MEDIACIÓN
The editors' earlier book Delivering Family Justice in the 21st Century (2016) described a period of turbulence in family justice arising from financial austerity. Governments across the world have sought to reduce public spending on private quarrels by promoting mediation (ADR) and by beginning to look at digital justice (ODR) as alternatives to courts and lawyers. But this book describes how mediation has failed to take the place of courts and lawyers, even where public funding for legal help has been removed. Instead ODR has developed rapidly, led by the Dutch Rechtwijzer. The authors question the speed of this development, and stress the need for careful evaluation of how far these services can meet the needs of divorcing families. In this book, experts from Canada, Australia, Turkey, Spain, Germany, France, Poland, Scotland, and England and Wales explore how ADR has fallen behind, and how we have learned from the rise and fall of ODR in the Rechtwijzer about what digital justice can and cannot achieve. Managing procedure and process? Yes. Dispute resolution? Not yet. The authors end by raising broader questions about the role of a family justice system: is it dispute resolution? Or dispute prevention, management, and above all legal protection of the vulnerable?
A practical companion to the much-acclaimed Transforming Conflict through Insight, Practising Insight Mediation is a book about how insight mediators do their work and why they do it that way. In the book, Cheryl A. Picard, co-founder of insight mediation, explains how the theory of cognition presented in Bernard Lonergan’s Insight can be used as the basis for a learning-centred approach to conflict resolution in which the parties involved improve their self-understandings and discover new and less threating patterns of interaction with each other through efforts to better their conflict relations. Practising Insight Mediation features a wide range of valuable resources for any conflict practitioner, including in-depth descriptions of insight communication skills and strategies, a transcribed example mediation, sample documents, and a mediator’s self-assessment tool. The essential handbook for those interested in learning about and applying this fast-growing conflict resolution and mediation approach, the book also includes discussions of the latest research into the application of the insight approach to areas including policing, spirituality, and genocide prevention.
From today’s vantage point it can be denied that the confidence in the abilities of globalism, mobility, and cosmopolitanism to illuminate cultural signification processes of our time has been severely shaken. In the face of this crisis, a key concept of this globalizing optimism as World Literature has been for the past twenty years necessarily is in the need of a comprehensive revision. World Literature, Cosmopolitanism, Globality: Beyond, Against, Post, Otherwise offers a wide range of contributions approaching the blind spots of the globally oriented Humanities for phenomena that in one way or another have gone beyond the discourses, aesthetics, and political positions of liberal cosmopolitanism and neoliberal globalization. Departing basically (but not exclusively) from different examples of Latin American literatures and cultures in globalized contexts, this volume provides innovative insights into critical readings of World Literature and its related conceptualizations. A timely book that embraces highly innovative perspectives, it will be a mustread for all scholars involved in the field of the global dimensions of literature.
The promotion of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) mechanisms is strongly linked to the idea of justice in the 21st century. National and international legislators increasingly offer new responses in this area, with the aim of providing citizens with the opportunity to resolve their disputes outside State courts. Indeed, the global notion of ADR includes a multiplicity of institutions which have in common the purpose of facilitating the settlement of disputes outside courts. However, such generic references to ADR mechanisms, as well as the perceived centrality of the European approach, obscure important differences in the use, regulation, and underlying philosophy of ADR in many countries of the world. This book focuses on a set of countries which accounts for more than half of international world trade. It examines the various ADR devices present in relevant countries, including the US, Australia, China, England, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Japan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, and Thailand. The book provides an in-depth analysis of the regulation of ADR in all these countries. Every chapter on national law analyzes subjects covered by ADR devices, the existing legal regime, and its solutions and problems. Written by leading practitioners and scholars, the book provides a clear image of the existing framework from a legal, theoretical, and practical standpoint. It will be essential for all those wanting to understand the reality of ADR in some of the most economically important countries of the world. [Subject: Alternative Dispute Resolution, International Law, Comparative Law, Commercial Law]
Globalization of legal traffic and the inherent necessity of having to litigate in foreign courts or to enforce judgments in other countries considerably complicate civil proceedings due to great differences in civil procedure. This may consequently jeopardize access to justice. This triggers the debate on the need for harmonization of civil procedure. In recent years, this debate has gained in importance because of new legislative and practical developments both at the European and the global level. This book discusses the globalization and harmonization of civil procedure from the angles of legal history, law and economics and (European) policy. Attention is paid to the interaction with private law and private international law, and European and global projects that aim at the harmonization of civil procedure or providing guidelines for fair and efficient adjudication. It further includes contributions that focus on globalization and harmonization of civil procedure from the viewpoint of eight different jurisdictions. This book is an unique combination of theory and practice and valuable for academic researchers in the area of civil procedure, private international law, international law as well as policy makers (national and EU), lawyers, judges and bailiffs.
Originally available as two separate volumes, Intersentia's Civil and Commercial Mediation in Europe is now available as a two volume set. *** About Volume I on National Mediation Rules and Procedures: Mediation is becoming an increasingly important tool for resolving civil and commercial disputes. Although it has been long since recognized in many legal systems, in recent years it has received an important boost and is currently one of the most topical issues in the field of dispute resolution. The European Directive 2008/52/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 21.5.2008 on certain aspects of mediation in civil and commercial matters, prescribes a set of minimum common rules on mediation for all EU Member States, with the exception of Denmark. This book examines the current legal framework in every EU Member State regarding mediation in civil and commercial matters, as well as the way in which the Directive has been, or is expected to be, implemented in the near future. It is written by renowned specialists on mediation in Europe and provides an exhaustive account for both scholars and practitioners in Europe and beyond the continent. Every chapter on national law analyzes: both out-of-court and court-annexed mediation in the existing legal framework * the areas of law covered by mediation * the value and formal requirements of the agreement to submit any dispute to mediation * personal features and requirements for mediators * procedural requirements in the mediation procedure * the relationship between the mediator and public authorities * the outcome of the mediation procedure * in the scenario in which a mediation settlement is reached, its requirements and effects. *** About Volume II on Cross-Border Mediation: Mediation plays a leading role within the movement of Alternative Dispute Resolution after centuries in which for several reasons the State and State courts were regarded as the only available instrument to ensure access to justice to citizens. In the European Union the institution of mediation has received much support in the form of Directive 2008/52/EC which sets forth a minimum common legal framework for mediation in the Member States. The 2008 Directive has finally been implemented in the Member States and this book provides the much needed in-depth analysis of the status of the mediation regimes in the European Union. The analysis covers the legal regimes of the Member States set up for cross-border and national mediation. This volume includes national reports on cross-border mediation including in-depth information on all the relevant aspects of cross-border mediation: the notion of cross-border mediation, the law applicable to the mediation clause, the mediation proceedings and the content of the settlement reached by the parties. Special attention is of course given to the recognition and enforcement in the European Union of settlements reached in other Member States and outside Europe. In addition the role of mediators and requirements to become a mediator are examined. This book provides a unique picture of the legal situation in the European Union for cross-border mediation. It is an invaluable instrument for those who want to know more about this complex topic or want to become a mediator in Europe themselves.
The first comprehensive look at the global dilemma of child migration Why, despite massive public concern, is child trafficking on the rise? Why are unaccompanied migrant children living on the streets and routinely threatened with deportation to their countries of origin? Why do so many young refugees of war-ravaged and failed states end up warehoused in camps, victimized by the sex trade, or enlisted as child soldiers? This book provides the first comprehensive account of the widespread but neglected global phenomenon of child migration, exploring the complex challenges facing children and adolescents who move to join their families, those who are moved to be exploited, and those who move simply to survive. Spanning several continents and drawing on the stories of young migrants, Child Migration and Human Rights in a Global Age provides a comprehensive account of the widespread and growing but neglected global phenomenon of child migration and child trafficking. It looks at the often-insurmountable obstacles we place in the paths of adolescents fleeing war, exploitation, or destitution; the contradictory elements in our approach to international adoption; and the limited support we give to young people brutalized as child soldiers. Part history, part in-depth legal and political analysis, this powerful book challenges the prevailing wisdom that widespread protection failures are caused by our lack of awareness of the problems these children face, arguing instead that our societies have a deep-seated ambivalence to migrant children—one we need to address head-on. Child Migration and Human Rights in a Global Age offers a road map for doing just that, and makes a compelling and courageous case for an international ethics of children's human rights.