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Catálogo de las "Electrografías" del Museo Internacional de Electrografía de Castilla la Mancha, organizado por el Museo Internacional de Electrografía, la Universidad de Castilla la Mancha, el Vicerrectorado de Extensión Universitaria y el Servicio de Actividades Culturales.
Ecuadorian cinema has been largely overlooked in film scholarship, usually being limited to brief descriptions in Latin American compendiums. Ecuadorian cinema for the 21st century would be the first major publication in English to fill this gap. It provides a thorough account of film activities during the new millennium, while also referring to the country’s previous film history. Specifically, this book discusses the so-called ‘mini-boom” in Ecuadorian cinema, and its relation to industry structures, film policy, and the context of Socialism for the 21st century, hence the chosen terminology of “Ecuadorian cinema for the 21st century”. What makes this project distinctive, aside from the originality of its content, is its transdisciplinary methodology. As a means to frame the textual analysis of selected films, this book discusses theories on national cinemas, memory, political ideology, and production practices, in an interdisciplinary approach that can be emulated in later projects. For this purpose, the book is divided into five chapters, in addition to a brief introduction and conclusion. Each chapter relies on specific case studies to discuss local narratives and documentaries, whether state sponsored or privately funded, centring primarily on films that premiered in commercial theatres between 2006 and 2016.
Enfrentados a la noción de progreso y al umbral evolutivo de la inteligencia artificial que alimentan los imaginarios sobre nuestro futuro, las reflexiones y los ensayos que reúne este libro buscan fundar un nuevo paisaje crítico, en la zona donde se encuentran el arte, la teoría crítica y la tecnología. Un paisaje lleno de innovación, profundamente latinoamericano, ensamblado con los artefactos de vanguardia del presente, donde la obra de artistas digitales se cruza con operaciones de desguace, piratería de hardware, performances autómatas, movimientos estéticos contemporáneos, sueños maquínicos, y otros ensambles teóricos con el objetivo de "desenmascarar las quimeras modernas que tendieron a cajanegrizar el pensamiento", como sostiene Jazmín Adler en la introducción. El resultado es una cartografía que pueda revelar un nuevo horizonte crítico sobre la tecnología, sus procesos y nuestros imaginarios futuristas: materialidades extrañas que cubren nuestra cotidianeidad pero se ocultan ante nuestra mirada.
Este libro contiene 350 cuentos de 50 autores clásicos, premiados y notables. Elegida sabiamente por el crítico literario August Nemo para la serie de libros 7 Mejores Cuentos, esta antología contiene los cuentos de los siguientes escritores: - Abraham Valdelomar - Antón Chéjov - Antonio de Trueba - Arturo Reyes - Baldomero Lillo - César Vallejo - Charles Perrault - Edgar Allan Poe - Emilia Pardo Bazán - Fray Mocho - Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer - Horacio Quiroga - Joaquín Díaz Garcés - Joaquín Dicenta - José Martí - José Ortega Munilla - Juan Valera - Julia de Asensi - Leonid Andréiev - Leopoldo Alas - Leopoldo Lugones - Oscar Wilde - Ricardo Güiraldes - Roberto Arlt - Roberto Payró - Rubén Darío - Soledad Acosta de Samper - Teodoro Baró - Vicente Blasco Ibáñez - Washington Irving - Alfred de Musset - Marqués de Sade - Saki - Marcel Schwob - Iván Turguéniev - Julio Verne - Émile Zola - Villiers de L'Isle Adam - Mark Twain - León Tolstoi - Ryunosuke Akutagawa - Ambrose Bierce - Mijaíl Bulgákov - Lewis Carroll - Arthur Conan Doyle - James Joyce - Franz Kafka - H. P. Lovecraft - Machado de Assis - Guy de Maupassant
Primera parte: St. Dean Ryan está a punto de dar el gran salto a la universidad, aunque aún no tiene claro si ese es el camino que quiere seguir. Las dudas sobre su futuro abordan su mente y dispondrá de tres meses para descubrirse a sí mismo y lo que quiere en la vida. Pero no cuenta con que, en el transcurso de ese verano, conocerá a alguien que cambiará para siempre su forma de ver el mundo, a los demás e incluso a sí mismo. Segunda parte: Norwalk Ryan vuelve a la ciudad y deberá enfrentarse a los fantasmas del pasado, a sus propios miedos y al momento que tanto temía antes de verano; pero esta vez no lo hará solo. La historia se complica y se retuerce hasta límites insospechados, provocando que tanto él como su entorno tengan que adaptarse a las nuevas situaciones que se presentan en sus vidas. Aquí y ahora es una intensa novela que describe los altibajos de determinadas relaciones con las que cualquiera puede sentirse identificado, adentrándose en los problemas que pueden surgir cuando el mundo que te rodea no está preparado para sentimientos tan poderosos. Es la suma de varias historias que se funden en una sola; el reflejo de lo que ocurre cuando los caprichos de la vida coinciden en darnos todo aquello que pedimos o en robarnos todo lo que dábamos por nuestro. Nada es por casualidad y sólo nosotros somos los dueños de nuestro destino.
Presenting and interrogating an array of texts and discourses, this collection brings into focus a broad range of topics whose common denominator is the intersection between cultural productions and politics in different moments of the history of Latin America and Spain. From the struggles of class distinction, identity and community in 19th and 20th century and contemporary Latin America as explored in photography, literature and film, to how political and sexual transgressions from medieval times to the present are portrayed in Hispanic literature, and the ways that canonical and non-canonical texts in Spain have been defying hegemonic power relations in the 20th century and beyond. This volume provides fresh approaches from well-established scholars, as well as from a new generation of researchers whose works enlighten the reader about the rich facets of such intersections. This publication also offers a background to pursue further research in these areas and to serve the general public interested in Latin American and Spanish literary and cultural studies, and those seeking a greater understanding of social and economic change in both Latin America and Spain: specifically, issues of inclusion and citizenship; the constraints on state power in the neoliberal era; the strategies used by texts to create subjects that are not bound to conventional identity formations; and the challenges and possibilities of subverting the gaze of the institutional spectator.
Soleil McCarthy is a teenager concerned solely with finishing her senior year of high school and entering college. However, a trip to Greece will change her life forever. There she will discover stories, lost secrets of gods, and mythologies. She will face dangers and reveal a past that forces her to face a terrible future. The Lost Legend begins Soleil McCarthy's gripping series, a world where Greek and Norse gods, moon wolves, killer lights, underground tunnels, mythological creatures, and secrets from the past will come true just to show her that the legends she had learned about in the past are much more real than she could've ever imagined. Soleil McCarthy es una adolescente preocupada unicamente por terminar su ultimo ano de preparatoria y entrar a la universidad. Sin embargo, un viaje a Grecia hara que su vida cambie para siempre. Ahi descubrira historias, secretos perdidos de dioses, y mitologias. Enfrentara peligros y revelara un pasado que la obligara a enfrentarse a un terrible futuro. La Leyenda Perdida da comienzo a la apasionante serie de Soleil McCarthy, un mundo en el que los dioses griegos y nordicos, lobos lunares, luces asesinas, tuneles subterraneos, creaturas mitologicas y secretos del pasado se vuelven realidad para demostrarle que las leyendas que conocia son mucho mas reales de lo que se podia imaginar.
Latin American Documentary Filmmaking is the first volume written in English to explore Latin American documentary filmmaking with extensive and intelligent analysis. David William Foster, the leading authority on Latin American urban cultural production, provides rich, new interpretations on the production of gender, political persecution, historical conflicts, and exclusion from the mainstream in many of Latin America’s most important documentary films. Foster provides a series of detailed examinations of major texts of Latin American filmmaking, discussing their textual production and processes of meaning. His analysis delves deeply into the world of Latin American film and brings forth a discourse of structure that has previously been absent from the fields of filmmaking and Latin American studies. This volume provides perspective on diverse and methodological approaches, pulling from a wide scope of cinematic traditions. Using his own critical readings and research, Foster presents his findings in terms that are accessible to non-Spanish speakers and Latin American film enthusiasts. A much-needed contribution to the field of Latin American documentary film, Foster’s research and perspective will be a valuable source for those interested in film studies, gender studies, and culture.