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Por lo que nosotros conocemos, podemos decir que corresponde a México, el mérito de haber sido el primer país latinoamericano en donde se expusiera, por primera vez, la Filosofía Fenomenológica. Fue allá, en el año de 1927, cuando hice la exposición de la Fenomenología así como el Neokantismo, el Existencialismo de Heidegger y sus antecedentes y la Teoría de los Valores, especialmente de Max Scheler, en mis cátedras de Epistemología analítica y de Metafísica en la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, dependiente de la Universidad Nacional de México. - Dr. Adalberto Garcia de Mendoza
Solo quiero referir a una opinión de Einstein, este magnífico matemático y hombre de bien. Se le preguntó por qué la mayoría de los estudiantes se les dificultaba el estudio de las matemáticas. Einstein se concretó a decir "La dificultad de las mentes juveniles para entender la matemática estriba en que no han sido suficientemente educadas en el sentimiento del ritmo" Ciertamente, las matemáticas, llevan un ritmo interior, el más profundo que sólo la visión del universo puede entregar a la mente y a la contemplación del intelecto. El arte ornamental siempre se ha proyectado hacia fuera, en cambio, el arte ornamental en la matemática, corresponde únicamente al campo interno del espíritu, a la región de los pensamientos en su más pura manifestación. Las matemáticas son un elemento vital en la vida del hombre, están relacionadas con su producción artística filosófica y en el transcurrir de los siglos pueden interpretarse como una manifestación pura y diáfana de ese ritmo que ha dominado a los pensamientos. DR. ADALBERTO GARCÍA DE MENDOZA
Consists of English translations of articles in the Spanish American press.
No detailed description available for "Legal science, philosophy".
Contains scholarly evaluations of books and book chapters as well as conference papers and articles published worldwide in the field of Latin American studies. Covers social sciences and the humanities in alternate years.
A state-of-the-art anthology of postcolonial theory and practice in the Latin American context.
Thinking, Childhood, and Time: Contemporary Perspectives on the Politics of Education is an interdisciplinary exploration of the notion of childhood and its place in a philosophical education. Contributors consider children’s experiences of time, space, embodiment, and thinking. By acknowledging Hannah Arendt’s notion that every child brings a new beginning into the world, they address the question of how educators can be more responsive to the Otherness that childhood offers, while assuming that most educational models follow either a chronological model of child development or view children as human beings that are lacking. The contributors explore childhood as a philosophical concept in children, adults, and even beyond human beings—Childhood as a (forgotten) dimension of the world. Contributors also argue that a pedagogy that does not aim for an “exodus of childhood,” but rather responds to the arrival of a new human being responsibly (dialogically), fosters a deeper appreciation of the newness that children bring in order to sensitize us for our own Childhood as adults as well and allow us to welcome other forms of childhood in the world. As a whole, this book argues that the experience of natality, such as the beginning of life, is not chronologically determined, but rather can occur more than once in a human life and beyond. Scholars of philosophy, education, psychology, and childhood studies will find this book particularly useful.
The societal web of life is underpinned by one concept - that of Self and Other - which emerged earlier in this century. The concept has received a new formulation within the field of the phenomenology of life and the human creative condition, finding a foothold, a point of reference that radiates novel, seminal insights. It is nothing other than the creative fulcrum of human functioning. The self-individualisation of the human being, as revealed in the present collection, is existentially and vitally intertwined with that of the Other. Tymieniecka's seminal idea of the `trans-actional' is explored in this collection of essays, which reveals a variety of significant perspectives, weaving the cycles of the human universe of existence in an essential oscillation between the Self and the Other. In this oscillation we throw out our existential tentacles, trying to gain a living space with respect to each other, all the while engaging in a mutual creative prompting and attunement.
Thorough and lucid survey of Western philosophy from pre-Socratics to mid 20th century — major figures, currents, trends. Valuable section on contemporary philosophy — Brentano, Ortega, Heidegger, others. "Brevity and clarity of exposition..." — Ethics.