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Las razones y sinrazones de una forma política actual El populismo es una de las patologías políticas contemporáneas más relevantes para el estudio empírico de las dinámicas del poder. La imagen que evoca nos lleva de inmediato a personajes polémicos como Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Beppe Grillo, Evo Morales, Nicolás Maduro, Hugo Chávez, Cristina Kirchner, Rafael Correa, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, entre otros. Pero también aformaciones partidistas como Podemos y Vox en España, el Movimiento 5 Stelle en Italia o Morena en México; así como a fenómenos inéditos como el Brexit en Inglaterra o el surgimiento del activismo nativista armado en Estados Unidos. El campo histórico de su desarrollo es amplio. Con la intención de sobrepasar el uso convencional o «de moda» que el conceptoconvoca en el terreno académico y más allá de él, Israel Covarrubias —doctor en ciencia política y autor de Maquiavelo. Una guía contemporánea de lectura sobre lo político y el Estado— presenta este ensayo en el que pone a discusión algunosde los efectos que ha tenido el ascenso del populismo para la democracia. Recorre desde los orígenes y el significado del término, los usos políticos de esa ideología, la construcción de esa identidad populista hasta casos contemporáneos de Europa, América Latina y Estados Unidos. Basado en las herramientas que nos ofrece la teoría política, La fascinación del populismo es una lectura amplia de uno de los fenómenos políticos más debatidos en los últimosaños que nos permitirá entender las líneas generales de los populismos «realmente» existentes en el actual concierto de naciones.
Contenido : Populismo y neopopulismo : semejanzas y diferencias -- La actualidad -- Un nombre en busca de una definición -- La apropiación marxista -- El populismo en cuestión.
The nations of Latin America came into being without a strong sense of national purpose and identity. In The Invention of Argentina, Nicholas Shumway offers a cultural history of one nation's efforts to determine its nature, its destiny, and its place among the nations of the world. His analysis is crucial to understanding not only Argentina's development but also current events in the Argentine Republic.
The Roman emperor Nero is remembered by history as the vain and immoral monster who fiddled while Rome burned. Edward Champlin reinterprets Nero's enormities on their own terms, as the self-conscious performances of an imperial actor with a formidable grasp of Roman history and mythology and a canny sense of his audience. Nero murdered his younger brother and rival to the throne, probably at his mother's prompting. He then murdered his mother, with whom he may have slept. He killed his pregnant wife in a fit of rage, then castrated and married a young freedman because he resembled her. He mounted the public stage to act a hero driven mad or a woman giving birth, and raced a ten-horse chariot in the Olympic games. He probably instigated the burning of Rome, for which he then ordered the spectacular punishment of Christians, many of whom were burned as human torches to light up his gardens at night. Without seeking to rehabilitate the historical monster, Champlin renders Nero more vividly intelligible by illuminating the motives behind his theatrical gestures, and revealing the artist who thought of himself as a heroic figure. Nero is a brilliant reconception of a historical account that extends back to Tacitus, Suetonius, and Cassius Dio. The effortless style and artful construction of the book will engage any reader drawn to its intrinsically fascinating subject.
The Ends of Modernization studies the relations between Nicaragua and the United States in the crucial years during and after the Cold War. David Johnson Lee charts the transformation of the ideals of modernization, national autonomy, and planned development as they gave way to human rights protection, neoliberalism, and sustainability. Using archival material, newspapers, literature, and interviews with historical actors in countries across Latin America, the United States, and Europe, Lee demonstrates how conflict between the United States and Nicaragua shaped larger international development policy and transformed the Cold War. In Nicaragua, the backlash to modernization took the form of the Sandinista Revolution which ousted President Anastasio Somoza Debayle in July 1979. In the wake of the earlier reconstruction of Managua after the devastating 1972 earthquake and instigated by the revolutionary shift of power in the city, the Sandinista Revolution incited radical changes that challenged the frankly ideological and economic motivations of modernization. In response to threats to its ideological dominance regionally and globally, the United States began to promote new paradigms of development built around human rights, entrepreneurial internationalism, indigenous rights, and sustainable development. Lee traces the ways Nicaraguans made their country central to the contest over development ideals beginning in the 1960s, transforming how political and economic development were imagined worldwide. By illustrating how ideas about ecology and sustainable development became linked to geopolitical conflict during and after the Cold War, The Ends of Modernization provides a history of the late Cold War that connects the contest between the two then-prevailing superpowers to trends that shape our present, globalized, multipolar world.
Engaged Encounters: Thinking about Forces, Fields and Friendships with Monique Nuijten is a festschrift celebrating the scholarly, professional and personal contributions and insights of Monique Nuijten. As a creative scholar, Monique is known for her theoretical contributions to the study of development, social movements, the state, organizations, and corruption - to name a few topics. She inspires many senior and junior colleagues, as well as students, with innovative concepts like 'force fields' and development as a 'hope-generating machine'. Nuijten grounds her theoretical interventions in fine-grained ethnographic observations with a keen and sympathetic eye for the diverse actors that inhabit the structures of power and patterns of inequality she encounters. For Nuijten, theoretical and ethnographic endeavors are deeply interwoven with personal and political engagements, most recently illustrated through her research on social movements in urban settings in Brazil and Spain. The intersection of these three integrated dimensions in Monique Nuijten's oeuvre and life - the theoretical, collegial and personal - are brought out clearly in the forty contributions that each in their own way, acknowledge her unique combination of intellectual sharpness and personal warmth. As such, Monique Nuijten's scholarly life embodies an exemplary model of engaged scholarship.
Con la gran mayoría de los usuarios de Facebook atrapados en un frenesí de friending, liking y commenting, ¿en qué momento podemos desconectar para comprender las consecuencias de nuestras infosaturadas vidas? ¿Qué nos obliga a participar tan diligentemente con los sistemas de redes sociales? Redes sin causa examina nuestra obsesión colectiva con la identidad y la autogestión, junto con la fragmentación y la información de sobrecarga endémica de la cultura contemporánea en línea.Con escasez de teoría sobre las consecuencias sociales y culturales de los servicios en línea más populares, Lovink ofrece un análisis crítico pionero de nuestro sobrevalorado mundo en red a partir de estudios de casos en los motores de búsqueda, video online, blogging, radio digital, activismo en los media y la saga de Wikileaks. Este libro ofrece un poderoso mensaje a profesionales de los medios y a los teóricos: colectivamente vamos a dar rienda suelta a nuestra capacidad crítica para influir en el diseño de la tecnología y en los espacios de trabajo, si no queremos desaparecer en la nube. Incisivo pero nunca pesimista, Lovink, partiendo de su larga experiencia en la investigación de medios de comunicación, nos ofrece una crítica de las estructuras políticas y poderes conceptuales incluidos en las tecnologías que dan forma a nuestra vida cotidiana.
An interdisciplinary journal that publishes original research and surveys of current research on Latin America and the Caribbean.