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La eugenesia y otras desgracias recoge una serie de artículos escritos por Chesterton en torno a la aprobación de la Mental Deficiency Act de 1913, que limitaba los derechos y libertades de personas a quienes los «expertos», aplicando la selección natural darwiniana, clasificaban como «no aptas». Estas páginas suponen la resistencia intelectual del gran escritor inglés a la ideología eugenésica que se extendió por el mundo como un tsunami en la primera mitad del siglo XX. Con su sentido común característico, su alegre ironía y su profundo convencimiento de la dignidad humana, Chesterton desenmascara los sofismas utópicos de los eugenistas, deja al descubierto sus tretas de manipulación e ingeniería social y defiende al hombre real frente a quienes, invocando una supuesta ciencia y la mejora de la raza, querían -y quieren todavía- imponer la ley del más fuerte. A cien años de distancia, sus argumentos y razones no son sólo reflejo de su época, sino que, lejos de perder actualidad, parecen también casi proféticos de las oportunidades y los riesgos de nuestro tiempo. De La eugenesia y otras desgracias (1922) (Eugenics and Other Evils) los lectores de Chesterton en lengua española tenían poca o casi ninguna noticia, pues hasta la fecha solo se había publicado una traducción en Argentina en la década de los 60. De ahí el interés de esta nueva edición española ahora traducida por Aurora Rice y presentada con una extensa y documentada introducción de Salvador Antuñano. Se añade también un ensayo sobre la reforma social y la problemática del control de la natalidad que permanecía inédito en español y que Chesterton publicó separadamente en 1927. Gilbert Keith Chesterton (Londres, 1874-Beaconsfield, 1936). Una amplia parte de su tiempo y de su esfuerzo la dedicó a lo que para él era de suma importancia: la justicia social. Obras como Lo que está mal en el mundo o El perfil de la cordura recogen algunas de sus ideas políticas, económicas, culturales. En ellas aparecen también los principios de su filosofía aplicados a las situaciones concretas de la vida social. Y aunque no todos compartan la imagen de la realidad que allí expone, la mayoría suele apreciar su calidad como escritor, el esplendor de su ingenio, la hondura de sus ideas y su contundente sentido común. Y, por supuesto, todos encuentran en sus obras materia de reflexión, discusión y, como testimonia Borges, felicidad. La eugenesia y otras desgracias es una de estas obras. En el catálogo de Ediciones Espuela de Plata y Renacimiento pueden encontrarse una buena parte, además de una muy buena representación, de la obra de Chesterton. Entre ediciones de rescate, nuevas traducciones y libro inéditos en español sumamos ya una veintena de libros, entre los que destacan los siguientes: William Blake (2007, 2010), El color de España y otros ensayos (2007, 2009), Lectura y locura y otros ensayos imprescindibles (2008), Lo que vi en América (2009), Robert Browning (2010), Chaucer (2010), El hombre que fue Jueves (2010), La cosa y otros artículos de fe (2010) Enormes minucias (2010), Tipos diversos (2011), El acusado (2012).
Latin America has historically been a fertile ground where utopian projects, movements, and experiments could take root and thrive. Each of the thirteen authors in this collective volume address a particular case or specific aspect of Latin American utopianism from colonial times to the present day. The America that the Spanish and Portuguese discovered became, from the sixteenth century onwards, a space in which it was possible to imagine the widest variety of forms of human coexistence. Utopias in Latin America reconsiders the sense and understanding of utopias in various historical frames: the discovery of indigenous cultures and their natural environments; the foundation of new towns and cities in a vast colonial territory; the experimental communities of nineteenth-century utopian socialists and European exiled intellectuals; and the innovative formulae that attempts to get beyond twentieth-century capitalism.
Fifteen contributors examine the interpretative value of ideas of revolution for explaining historical development within their own speciality. They assess the existing historiography and offer their personal views.
The customary division of Latin American history into colonial and modern periods has come into question recently. This new book demonstrates that there was a middle period in Latin America's historical evolution since the European Conquest-one no longer colonial, but not yet modern-which has left a legacy in its own right for contemporary Latin America. This volume is a narrative text on Latin America's "long nineteenth century," from the period of Imperial Reforms in the late eighteenth century up to the Great Depression. Incorporating local and regional studies from the last three decades which have profoundly broadened and altered customary views about Latin America, the book is a synthesis of this "Middle Period." Latin America in the Middle Period re-evaluates the relation between subsistence and market production in the post-independence economy, stressing regional diversity. It also re-evaluates the mechanics of politics, which customarily have been seen as liberal-conservative, caudillo-oligarchy, region-nation, and merchant-landowner-industrialist. The text discusses the acceleration of the forces of modernization, the rise of industrial capitalism, and the beginnings of a national ordering of life in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries which eroded the fabric of Middle Period society, a process consummated in the aftermath of world depression in the 1930s, ushering in modern Latin America. This new volume is an excellent resource for courses in nineteenth-century Latin American history and the second half of Latin American history survey.
A History of Psychology places social, economic, and political forces of change alongside psychology’s internal theoretical and empirical arguments, illuminating how the external world has shaped psychology’s development, and, in turn, how the late twentieth century’s psychology has shaped society. Featuring extended treatment of important movements such as the Enlightenment and the Scientific Revolution, the textbook approaches the material from an integrative rather than wholly linear perspective. The text carefully examines how issues in psychology reflect and affect concepts that lie outside the field of psychology’s technical concerns as a science and profession. This new edition features expanded attention on psychoanalysis after its founding as well as new developments in cognitive science, artificial intelligence, and behavioral economics. Throughout, the book strengthens its exploration of psychological ideas and the cultures in which they developed and reinforces the connections between psychology, modernism, and postmodernism. The textbook covers scientific, applied, and professional psychology, and is appropriate for higher-level undergraduate and graduate students.
Starr uncovers a Martian plot to ruin the economy of the earth's galactic colonies
ales of Three Hemispheres is a collection of fantasy short stories by Lord Dunsany. The first edition was published in Boston by John W. Luce & Co. in November, 1919; the first British edition was published in London by T. Fisher Unwin in June, 1920. The collection's significance in the history of fantasy literature was recognized by its republication in a new edition by Owlswick Press in 1976, with illustrations by Tim Kirk and a foreword by H. P. Lovecraft, actually a general article on Dunsany's work originally written by Lovecraft in 1922, but unpublished until it appeared in his posthumous Marginalia (Arkham House, 1944). The book collects 14 short pieces by Dunsany; the last three, under the general heading "Beyond the Fields We Know," are related tales, as explained in the publisher's note preceding the first, "Idle Days on the Yann," which was previously published in the author's earlier collection A Dreamer's Tales, but reprinted in the current one owing to the relationship.