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"Historians have long looked to networks of elite liberal and anti-clerical men as the driving forces in Mexican history over the course of the long nineteenth century. This traditional view, writes Margaret Chowning, cannot account for the continued power of the Catholic Church in Mexico, which has withstood extensive and sustained political opposition for over a century. How, then, must the scholarly consensus change to better reflect Mexico's history? In this book, Chowning shows that the church repeatedly emerged as a political player, even when liberals won elections, primarily because of the overlooked importance of women in politics. Catholic women kept the church alive through the wars of independence and made it into the political force it continues to be in present-day Mexico. Using archival sources from ten Mexican states, the book shows how women, who were denied the vote and expected to stay out of the political sphere, nevertheless forged their own form of citizenship through the church. After Mexico gained its independence in 1821, women self-consciously developed new lay associations and assumed leadership roles within them. These new associations not only kept Catholicism vibrant, they also pushed women into public sphere. Methodologically, this book shows the value of exploring gender in political and religious history and reveals the equal importance of informal political power to more formal activities like voting"--
A prominent scholar of Mexican and Latin American history challenges the field's focus on historical memory to examine colonial-era conceptions of the future Going against the grain of most existing scholarship, Matthew D. O'Hara explores the archives of colonial Mexico to uncover a history of "futuremaking." While historians and historical anthropologists of Latin America have long focused on historical memory, O'Hara--a Rockefeller Foundation grantee and the award-winning author of A Flock Divided: Race, Religion, and Politics in Mexico--rejects this approach and its assumptions about time experience. Ranging widely across economic, political, and cultural practices, O'Hara reveals how colonial subjects used the resources of tradition and Catholicism to craft new futures. An intriguing, innovative work, this volume will be widely read by scholars of Latin American history, religious studies, and historical methodology.
La marca de una vida gobernada por el Espíritu Santo es, que esa vida está continuamente y cada vez más concentrada en Cristo, y que Cristo es cada vez más grande en esa vida conforme pasa el tiempo. El efecto de la obra del Espíritu Santo en nosotros nos lleva a la orilla de un inmenso océano que se extiende mucho más allá de nuestro alcance, y ante el cual nos sentimos abrumados: "¡Qué profundidad, qué plenitud de Cristo!" Si viviéramos tanto como un hombre haya vivido alguna vez, todavía estaríamos solo en la margen de esa vasta plenitud que es Cristo.
El libro Homilías de Bañuelos consta de 127 Sermones acerca de la Vida práctica Cristiana: - Sermones Vida Cristiana. - Sermones sobre la Consagración. - Sermones sobre la Segunda Venida de Cristo (profecía). - Sermones sobre El Hogar (la familia). - Sermones Escatológicos. - Sermones Evangelísticos.
The book Transformation of Tradition and Culture is a work of comparative literary research and culture investigation. The book studies world literatures from the USA, the DR, Mexico, Spain, Portuguese, and Japan; US cultures such as the Barbie doll; Mexican mural studies; Japanese subcultures, manga, anime, movies, and food culture; media study; and women in society. It is a book of an authors experiences, culture, and historical footsteps with people from all over the world. Sharing ones own culture with people from different cultural backgrounds is vital for everyone to learn about their own culture, languages, society, economy, politics, and customs.
Monasticism has a special position in the history of pastoral care. It produced innovations in various aspects of pastoral care despite, or more precisely, because of its isolation in legal or social terms from the secular world. The thirteen papers contained in this volume will reveal that there was a great variety in the ways pastoral care continued to be practised by monasticism, depending on time, space, and the nature of each religious order. Adopting a comparative approach, their historical and geographical range of investigation is not limited to medieval Europe but expands to the Americas and even to Japan in the early Modern Age. This volume bases on a conference held on 1 and 2 March 2019 at Okayama University, Japan, as part of the close collaboration between a Japanese research group on Christian/Buddhist religious movements and the Research Project "Monasteries in the High Middle Ages: Innovation Laboratories for European Life Designs and Regulatory Models" of the Saxon and the Heidelberg Academies of Sciences and Humanities, as well as the Research Center for Comparative History of Religious Orders (FOVOG, Dresden).
¡Haga que su tiempo devocional con Dios sea la parte m?s emocionante y recompensada de su d?a! Una Cita con el Rey ofrece est?mulo y abundantes ayudas pr?cticas para convertir la «tarea» de las devociones en una costumbre que transformar? su vida y le producir? gozo que esperar? con agrado. ¡Aprenda el c?mo y el por qu? de pasar un tiempo de calidad con Dios y descubra cu?n profundamente el Rey est? deseoso de reunirse con usted! Con calidez y honestidad Joel Comiskey se?ala claramente c?mo usted puede buscar a Dios en su tiempo devocional y explica los beneficios asombrosos que usted experimentar? mientras Dios bendice su vida. Con este libro de ayuda y entusiasta, usted puede tener un tiempo devocional que significa mucho m?s que abrir una Biblia y decir sus oraciones. Ser? un tiempo de experimentar al Dios vivo ? un tiempo de comuni?n con el Rey. Este libro no es un libro devocional cl?sico (una selecci?n de meditaciones para cada d?a del a?o), sino que m?s bien una gu?a para ayudar al lector a desarrollar, organizar y mantener su propio tiempo devocional din?mico, refrescando su alma y prepar?ndola para el d?a que tiene por delante. Su objetivo es explicar el por que y el c?mo pasar diariamente un tiempo a solas con Dios. Para ello, cada cap?tulo incluye ideas y sugerencias novedosas sobre la manera de hacer m?s fruct?fera esta pr?ctica, imprescindible para la vida espiritual. Todos aquellos que buscan la forma de mejorar la calidad de su vida devocional, descubrir?n en sus p?ginas una verdadera joya, pues el autor aporta principios realistas y realizables para el desarrollo de una vida de oraci?n eficaz, y lo hace con la autoridad de las Escrituras. Tal es su entusiasmo y convicci?n, que es posible que m?s de un lector, al descubrir que tiene UNA CITA CON EL REY, decida abandonar repentinamente la lectura y, cerrando la puerta, se deje llevar por sus ansias de pasar un tiempo a solas con su Salvador. El libro se estructura en dos partes que cubren todo el ciclo de requisitos necesarios para mejorar la vida devocional: - Los pasos pr?cticos - Las disciplinas necesarias Y cuyo contenido, sumado a los ejercicios y preguntas de repaso que se incluyen al final de cada cap?tulo, lo convierten en no tan solo una lectura adecuada y necesaria para todo creyente individual que desea desarrollar y avivar su vida de oraci?n, sino tambi?n en una valuosa herramienta para grupos celulares y clases de nuevos creyentes, un ?rea en la que el autor aporta reconocida experiencia.
During the early modern age religious orders had to interpret papal strategies and directives in international politics in the light of a substantial ambiguity. They were loyal subjects of the pope, but also trusted agents and advisers of princes. They were operatives of the Holy See and, at the same time, of strategies not necessarily in line with Roman guidelines. This ambiguity resulted in conflicts, both overt and latent, between obedience to the pope and obedience to the sovereign, between membership in a universal religious order and individual «national» origins and personal ties, between observance of Roman directives and the need to maintain good relations with the authorities of the territory in which the religious orders lived and worked. This book aims to examine, through a series of case studies not only in Europe but also America and the Middle East, the roles played by religious orders in the international politics of the Holy See. It seeks to determine the extent to which the orders were mere objects or instruments; whether they were able to give life, more or less openly, to autonomous strategies, and for what reasons; and what awareness of their own identity groups or individuals developed in relation to the influences of international politics in an age of conflict.