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Este volumen de estudios, que contiene art culos escritos por algunos de los mis prestigiosos siglodoristas en el imbito internacional, ofrece un anilisis abarcador de las formas po(r)ticas del Siglo de Oro. ENGLISH TRANSLATION This volume of essays by some of the most prestigious international scholars offers a comprehensive analysis of the poetic forms of the Spanish Golden Age."
Taking up the invitation extended by tentative attempts over the past three decades to construct a functioning definition of the genre, Jonathan Bradbury traces the development of the vernacular miscellany in sixteenth- and seventeenth-century Spain and Spanish-America. In the first full-length study of this commercially successful and intellectually significant genre, Bradbury underlines the service performed by the miscellanists as disseminators of knowledge and information to a popular readership. His comprehensive analysis of the miscelánea corrects long-standing misconceptions, starting from its poorly-understood terminology, and erects divisions between it and other related genres. His work illuminates the relationship between the Golden Age Spanish miscellany and those of the classical world and humanist milieu, and illustrates how the vernacular tradition moved away from these forebears. Bradbury examines in particular the later inclusion of explicitly fictional components, such as poetic compositions and short prose fiction, alongside the vulgarisation of erudite or inaccessible prose material, which was the primary function of the earlier Spanish miscellanies. He tackles the flexibility of the miscelánea as a genre by assessing the conceptual, thematic and formal aspects of such works, and exploring the interaction of these features. As a result, a genre model emerges, through which Golden Age works with fragmentary and non-continuous contents can better be interpreted and classified.
Este volumen ofrece el primer estudio monogr©Łfico sobre uno de los poetas m©Łs citados y peor conocidos del barroco espa©łol: Francisco de Borja, pr©Ưncipe de Esquilache. Sus Obras en verso, publicadas por primera vez en 1648, constituyen uno de los proyectos laureados m©Łs elaborados y conscientes de la primera mitad del XVII. No s©đlo se trata de uno de los pocos cancioneros barrocos espa©łoles curados y editados por su propio autor, sino tambi©♭n del primer volumen de poes©Ưa dado a la imprenta por un miembro de la alta aristocracia castellana. En ©♭l, y desde la distancia de los a©łos y la poes©Ưa, el pr©Ưncipe de Esquilache recrea e instrumentaliza su estrecha relaci©đn con desos miembros de la rep©ðblica barroca de las letras [desde Lope de Vega a los Argensola o los condes de Lemos], individualiza su posici©đn con respecto a la pol©♭mica gongorina, a la vez que justifica sus a©łos de servicio pol©Ưtico a la corona o su derecho leg©Ưtimo al t©Ưtulo de Grande.Desde una perspectiva socioliteraria, este estudio propone la recuperaci©đn de las Obras de Esquilache como pieza clave para la comprensi©đn del papel del amateurismo aristocr©Łtico en la formaci©đn del campo literario barroco espa©łol. JAVIER JIM©́"-œNEZ BELMONTE es profesor adjunto en la Universidad de Fordham.
El presente libro, "Genealoga de la familia MONTEALEGRE" es el Primer Tomo de tres, expone en sus pginas el origen del apellido, el lugar que dio origen al mismo, sus antepasados en Espaa, Francia, Inglaterra, Italia, Alemania y Kiev. Entre esos antepasados, entre los ms importantes, podemos mencionar al rey David, al Profeta Mahoma, a los Duques de Anjou y Aquitania, a los Plantegenet que son el origen de casi todas las monarquas europeas. Expone los antepasados del rey don Fernando III "el Santo" y su esposa Elizabeth Hohenstaufen, y sus descendientes, que a travs de sus hijos don Alfonso X "el Sabio" y el Infante don Manuel, llegaron hasta Amrica. De los descendientes del rey David, por Theodoric Makhir I, principe de de Narbona y marqus de Tolouse, cuyos descendientes contrajeron nupcias con los descendientes de Carlomagno, el linaje se extiende hasta Nicaragua, Costa Rica y Guatemala. La familia cuenta entre sus antepasados importantes conquistadores, tal como Juan Vzquez de Coronado y Anaya, que dej descendencia en Costa Rica y Nicaragua. Al final del libro se ofrece una extensa iconografa de la familia, de todas sus ramas: Montealegre, Sacasa, Solrzano, Somoza, Rivera y otros miembros que pasaron a formar parte de la familia. Finalmente, ofrece una valiosa bibliografa de donde los lectores podrn ampliar sus conocimientos sobre esta familia importante en el desarrollo social, poltico, cultural y econmico en Nicaragua, Costa Rica y Guatemala.
"Examines poetry and ideology in Early Modern Spain. Includes eight representative Peninsular writers and one poet from the Americas to demonstrate the shifting ideologies of the self, language and the state that mark watersheds for European and Americanmodernity"--Provided by publisher.
“A heroic history of novel-reading itself.” --The Atlantic In the early seventeenth century, a crippled, graying, almost toothless veteran of Spain's wars against the Ottoman Empire published a book. It was the story of a poor nobleman, his brain addled from reading too many books of chivalry, who deludes himself that he is a knight errant and sets off on hilarious adventures. That book, Don Quixote, went on to sell more copies than any other book beside the Bible, making its author, Miguel de Cervantes, the single most-read author in human history. Cervantes did more than just publish a bestseller, though. He invented a way of writing. This book is about how Cervantes came to create what we now call fiction, and how fiction changed the world. The Man Who Invented Fiction explores Cervantes's life and the world he lived in, showing how his influences converged in his work, and how his work--especially Don Quixote--radically changed the nature of literature and created a new way of viewing the world. Finally, it explains how that worldview went on to infiltrate art, politics, and science, and how the world today would be unimaginable without it. William Egginton has brought thrilling new meaning to an immortal novel.