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RESUMEN: Lo que se pretende en este trabajo es abordar los terminos salud y enfermedad como conceptos construidos a traves de la historia del hombre. Se lo realiza desde una aproximacion politica, cultural y socio-economica. Para ello se efectuo un rastreo del significado de estos vocablos a lo largo de la historia analizando el valor conceptual que adquieren en cada periodo del desarrollo humano. Se investiga que pensaba de la enfermedad el hombre de la antiguedad cuando adquirio autoconciencia. Razon que le permitio observar lo evanescente de la vida, la muerte y elaborar los primeros rudimentos religiosos. Luego sucesivamente se va desglosando el tema a lo largo de la evolucion del pensamiento recorriendo los hitos dejados por los Griegos del Siglo de Oro, los Romanos Imperiales y el nacimiento del cristianismo; hasta que en el Siglo XV se abre un nuevo firmamento conceptual que legara las concepciones actuales de salud enfermedad. Se intenta demostrar la correspondencia de los modos de produccion y las pautas culturales que ellos sustentan con las explicaciones sobre los procesos morbidos. Un especial enfasis se aplico al periodo que nace en el Renacimiento y concluye en el siglo XIX con el concepto biologistica de la enfermedad y sus instrumentos praticos: el diagnostico y el tratamiento. La concepcion ontologica de la enfermedad - a la que adscribe el pensamiento post-renacentista- considera al cuerpo humano colonizado por un ser extrano que es externo al organismo y al que debe combatir y expulsar. Para ello necesita caracterizar lo desviado a partir de la enunciacion de lo normal. La normal se rescata a traves del metodo matematico la cuantificacion. Es asi que se construye el discurso biologico que trasciende a la medicina como cuerpo teorico integrado y como tecnica, constituyendo el pensamiento epistemico de la epoca actual. Dicha forma de pensamiento se traslada a otros aspectos del conocimiento humano, particularmente al sociologico, dando lugar a la manifestacion del poder disciplinario del orden medico edificado sobre lo normativo. Valorados los logros y las limitaciones del modelo biologico para atender al bienestar humano en toda su trascendencia: psiquica, social, cultural, economica y politica, creemos necesario generar un espacio cognitivo que, trascendiendo el orden medico, de lugar a una teoria social que pueda interpretar los procesos de la salud colectiva que comprenda en la plenitud al individuo.(AU).
This book provides a lively consideration of historical illegitimacy from a variety of methodological approaches and geographical standpoints. It subjects commonly-accepted themes to rigorous investigation, and draws out new conclusions on the mobility, strategies, and experiences of parents of illegitimate children. Paternity is given a novel spotlight, as is the survivorship of illegitimate infants. The authors engage with themes from historical demography, and social, cultural, medical, and gender history, giving the book wide appeal.
The sociology of Latin America, established in the region over the past eighty years, is a thriving field whose major contributions include dependence theory, world-systems theory, and historical debates on economic development, among others. The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Latin America provides research essays that introduce the readers to the discipline's key areas and current trends, specifically with regard to contemporary sociology in Latin America, as well as a collection of innovative empirical studies deploying a variety of qualitative and quantitative methodologies. The essays in the Handbook are arranged in eight research subfields in which scholars are currently making significant theoretical and methodological contributions: Sociology of the State, Social Inequalities, Sociology of Religion, Collective Action and Social Movements, Sociology of Migration, Sociology of Gender, Medical Sociology, and Sociology of Violence and Insecurity. Due to the deterioration of social and economic conditions, as well as recent disruptions to an already tense political environment, these have become some of the most productive and important fields in Latin American sociology. This roiling sociopolitical atmosphere also generates new and innovative expressions of protest and survival, which are being explored by sociologists across different continents today. The essays included in this collection offer a map to and a thematic articulation of central sociological debates that make it a critical resource for those scholars and students eager to understand contemporary sociology in Latin America.
The penultimate volume in this series explores the effect that industrialisation, new technology, the growth of cities, and the revolutions in transport and in communication had on the family between 1789 and 1913.
This opening volume of a three-part history of the family in Europe examines the material conditions of family life, housing, diet and domestic organisation, and the economic and social factors that influenced its development.
Black and Indigenous Resistance in the Americas is an essential roadmap to understanding contemporary racial politics across the Americas, where openly white supremacist politics are on the rise. It is the product of a multiyear, transnational research project by the Anti-racist Research and Action Network of the Americas in collaboration with resistance movements confronting racial retrenchment in Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico, and the United States. How did we get here? And what anti-racist strategies are equal to the dire task of confronting resurgent racism? This volume provides powerful answers to these pressing questions. 1) It traces the making and contestation of state-led racial projects in response to black and indigenous mobilization during an era of expansion of multicultural rights in the context of neoliberal capitalism. 2) It identifies the origins and manifestations of the backlash against hard-fought (but hardly far-reaching) gains by marginalized peoples, showing that (contrary to critiques of “identity politics”) the losses and anxieties produced by the failures of neoliberalism have been understood in racial terms. 3) It distills a path forward for progressive anti-racist activism in the Americas that looks beyond state-centered, rights-seeking strategies and instead situates a critique of racial capitalism as central to the contestation of white supremacy.
Set in the mysterious landscape of the bogs of rural Ireland, Carr's lyrical and timeless play tells the story of Hester Swane, an Irish traveller with a deep and unearthly connection to her land. Tormented by the memory of a mother who deserted her, Hester is once again betrayed, this time by the father of her child, the man she loves. On the brink of despair, she embarks on a terrible journey of vengeance as the secrets of her tangled history are revealed. 'A piece of poetic realism steeped in the past... Carr has an extraordinary ability to move between the mythic and the real.' Guardian 'A great play... a great work of poetry... the word should soon carry across both sides of the Atlantic.' Independent By the Bog of Cats premiered at the Abbey Theatre, Dublin, in 1998. It was revived at Wyndham's Theatre, London, in November 2004.