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El presente trabajo se desarrolla con el deseo de indagar acerca de los casos de discriminacion de personas con discapacidad dentro del mercado laboral de Colombia. En el se evalua si existen diferencias en el estado laboral, entre la poblacion sin discapacidad y la poblacion con discapacidad, cuales son los argumentos de los empresarios para justificar la actitud excluyente hacia esta poblacion, que es una de las razones que se plantea como hipotesis en la busqueda de los factores de discriminacion al ciudadano discapacitado. Abordar el tema de la discriminacion laboral por discapacidad, es importante en tanto la presencia de un fenomeno de este tipo, propicia vulneraciones a los derechos fundamentales y fomenta situaciones de inseguridad juridica, empujando a esta poblacion a una grave posicion de riesgo social, al tiempo que se le trasgrede el derecho a la igualdad, del que gozan todos los ciudadanos, por el simple hecho de serlo."
Este libro es el resultado de la investigación INV3081 titulada "La discriminación laboral como factor de riesgo para la sostenibilidad del trabajo digno o decente", la cual ha sido financiada por la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia y liderada por el grupo de investigación en Gestión y Desarrollo Organizacional -gdo- de la seccional Medellín. Para el desarrollo de esta investigación, se contó con la participación como coinvestigadores de profesores de la Fundación Universitaria CEIPA y de la Facultad de Contaduría y Administración de la Universidad Autónoma de México. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo principal presentar a los lectores un análisis de los diferentes tipos de discriminación que existen a nivel laboral como factor de riesgo para la sostenibilidad del trabajo digno o decente. Es por ello que a lo largo de este texto los lectores podrán identificar cada uno de los elementos que hacen parte de la discriminación en el ámbito organizacional. Este es un trabajo que se ha realizado a partir de una metodología mixta que llevó a la búsqueda de información en una base de datos especializada en tópicos de discriminación, específicamente en el ambiente de trabajo. Asimismo, se diseñó y aplicó un instrumento con preguntas cerradas, las cuales se enfocaron en conocer la percepción de los participantes en aspectos fundamentales centrados en la discriminación laboral y cómo esta es un impedimento para la generación de un trabajo decente. Se concluye que nadie ha estado o estará libre, de manera directa o indirecta, de recibir alguna acción relacionada con la exclusión laboral, a pesar de la evolución que ha tenido la no discriminación en el campo laboral.
Disability and the Politics of Education: An International Reader is a rich resource that deals comprehensively with the many aspects of the complex topic of disability studies in education. For nearly two decades, global attention has been given to education as a human right through global initiatives such as Education for All (EFA) and the Salamanca Statement. Yet according to UNESCO, reaching the goals of EFA remains one of the most daunting challenges facing the global community. Today, millions of the world's disabled children cannot obtain a basic childhood education, particularly in countries with limited resources. Even in the wealthiest countries, many disabled children and youth are educationally segregated from the nondisabled, particularly if they are labeled with significant cognitive impairment. International agencies such as the United Nations and the World Bank have generated funds for educational development but, unfortunately, these funds are administered with the assumption that «west is best», thereby urging developing countries to mimic educational policies in the United States and the United Kingdom in order to prove their aid-worthiness. This «McDonaldization» of education reproduces the labeling, resource allocation, and social dynamics long criticized in disability studies. The authors in this volume explore these subjects and other complexities of disability and the politics of education. In doing so, they demonstrate the importance and usefulness of international perspectives and comparative approaches.
Social inclusion is on the agenda of governments, policymakers, and nonstate actors around the world. Underpinning this concern is the realization that despite progress on poverty reduction, some people continue to feel left out. This report aims to unpack the concept of social inclusion and understand better how policies can be designed to further inclusion. First, the report offers a definition of social inclusion as the "process of improving the terms for individuals and groups to take part in society." It unpacks different domains of society that excluded groups and individuals are at particular risk of being left out of -- markets, services, and spaces. Second, the report discusses the most important global mega-trends such as migration, climate chnage, and aging of societies, which will impact challenges and opportunities for inclusion. Finally, it argues that despite these challenges, change towards inclusion is possible and offers examples of inclusionary policies.
Describes America's shameful neglect of one out of every six of her citizens who has a physical, mental, or emotional disability and discusses the right of the disabled to jobs, transportation, and full participation in the democracy.
Despite legal and social advances in the past two decades, sexual and gender minorities continue to face widespread discrimination and violence in many countries. This discrimination and violence lead to exclusion, which adversely impacts their lives, as well as the communities and economies in which they live. A major barrier to addressing this stigma and sexual orientation and gender identity(SOGI)-based exclusion is the lack of SOGI-specific data. Robust, quantitative data on di‚fferential development experiences and outcomes of sexual and gender minorities--especially those in developing countries--is extremely thin. This paucity of data jeopardizes the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals and countries' commitment to the principle of 'leaving no one behind' in the eff‚ort to end poverty and inequality. 'Equality of Opportunity for Sexual and Gender Minorities' assesses the unique challenges that sexual and gender minorities face in six important areas: (i) Criminalization and SOGI (ii) Access to education (iii) Access to the labor market (iv) Access to public services and social protection (v) Civil and political inclusion (vi) Protection from hate crimes. This report cov‚ers numerous policy recommendations to prevent and eliminate discriminatory practices in all of the areas covered. It also seeks to inflŽuence legislative changes and support research on institutions and regulations that can ultimately lead to poverty reduction and shared prosperity. At the same time, it acknowledges that the mere existence of inclusive laws and regulations does not ensure that sexual and gender minorities are free from discrimination--the enforcement of those laws is crucial. This publication, the first in a series of studies, will be expanded from the 16 countries included here to a wider set of countries for more in-depth quantitative analysis and to identify possible correlations with socioeconomic outcomes. It will seek to deepen knowledge, facilitate peer learning of good practices, and encourage reforms to increase the inclusion of sexual and gender minorities.
Poverty and inequality in Latin America are easily recognizable in the faces of women, Afro-descendents, the indigenous, people with disabilities, victims of HIV/AIDS, and other groups outside the societal mainstream. Social Inclusion and Economic Development in Latin America reviews the common features of these excluded populations, including their invisibility in official statistics and the stigma, discrimination, and disadvantages they have long endured. But it also examines the region's inclusionary policies and programs that can improve access by these groups to the quality social services and economic and political resources these groups need to level the playing field. Case studies examine ethnic and racial political organization, gender quotas, and labor markets across the region, and social exclusion in Brazil, Honduras, Guatemala, Mexico, and Peru. Comparative studies summarize social inclusion policies of both the European Union and selected countries on the Continent.
This first-of-its kind volume spans the breadth of disability research and practice specifically focusing on the global South. Established and emerging scholars alongside advocates adopt a critical and interdisciplinary stance to probe, challenge and shift common held social understandings of disability in established discourses, epistemologies and practices, including those in prominent areas such as global health, disability studies and international development. Motivated by decolonizing approaches, contributors carefully weave the lived and embodied experiences of disabled people, families and communities through contextual, cultural, spatial, racial, economic, identity and geopolitical complexities and heterogeneities. Dispatches from Ghana, Lebanon, Sri Lanka, Cambodia, Venezuela among many others spotlight the complex uncertainties of modern geopolitics of coloniality; emergent forms of governance including neoliberal globalization, war and conflicts; the interstices of gender, race, ethnicity, space and religion; structural barriers to redistribution and realization of rights; and processes of disability representation. This handbook examines in rigorous depth, established practices and discourses in disability including those on development, rights, policies and practices, opening a space for critical debate on hegemonic and often unquestioned terrains. Highlights of the coverage include: Critical issues in conceptualizing disability across cultures, time and space The challenges of disability models, metrics and statistics Disability, poverty and livelihoods in urban and rural contexts Disability interstices with migration, race, ethnicity, ge nder and sexuality Disabilit y, religion and customary societies and practice · The UNCRPD, disability rights orientations and instrumentalitie · Redistributive systems including budgeting, cash transfer systems and programming. · Global South–North partnerships: intercultural methodologies in disability research. This much awaited handbook provides students, academics, practitioners and policymakers with an authoritative framework for critical thinking and debate about disability, while pushing theoretical and practical frontiers in unprecedented ways.