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This book brings together papers presented at the 3rd Conference of Research in Economics and Management (CIREG) held in Morocco in May 2016. With a focus on the challenges of SMEs and innovative solutions, they highlight the contribution of researchers in the fields of business and management, with all their micro and macro-economic aspects. They shed light on the universal scientific vision of the importance of SMEs with answers relevant to their local context and adapted to their specific national situation. The relevance of SME research lies in its heuristic value of analyzing change, rather than in constructing a category, a particularly useful empirical concept. This third volume is focused on marketing and human resources.
The result of half a century of research and experimentation in economics and management, this Treatise is intended for management practitioners. Socio-economic management (SEAM) makes the demands of humanism in professional life and sustainable economic prosperity compatible. It is illustrated with numerous cases from 2,150 companies and organizations from a wide variety of sectors and presents observed and measured results. Most of these chapters are written jointly by managers or executives of companies and organizations, and scholars or consultants involved in the pilot actions. This book is the work of 193 authors, from 16 countries and 4 continents, practitioners or academics in management sciences and management. This reflects the diversity of national and sectoral contexts of SEAM applications. Some chapters situate this concept in relation to the major currents of current thought. Each chapter is preceded by abstracts in French, English and Spanish. The prefaces, signed by Herman Aguinis and Rene Ricol, show the scope of socio-economic theory and management beyond the borders of the company. The book illustrates the international influence (48 countries) of the innovative and robust methods created and developed by the ISEOR team. Socio-economic theory constitutes a "breakthrough innovation", both in terms of its conceptual contribution and the practical methods and tools of its applications. This holistic approach touches on the different functions of the company and its multiple problems. It provides a structured change management method, focused on stimulating Human Potential and on self-financing the development of the company or organization, through the periodic recycling of hidden costs.
Les entreprises utilisent trop souvent des recettes clés en main pour améliorer leurs systèmes d’information. Or, ces solutions sont peu efficaces et même contre-productives au regard des vrais enjeux. Cet ouvrage présente les nouvelles stratégies, les business models émergents et les méthodes de management imposés par le défi du numérique. Il crée une dynamique collaborative avec les clients et les fournisseurs et permet d’établir un dialogue constructif entre la direction générale, les acteurs des systèmes d’information et les métiers. Une Carte d’orientation est proposée afin de diagnostiquer la situation entre les processus et les technologies relationnelles de l’organisation. Elle permet l’élaboration d’une Feuille de route indispensable à l’innovation et à la transition vers le numérique. Pour dégager des plans d’action arbitrés et pilotés en commun, il faut pouvoir assurer une véritable « cogouvernance », c’est-à-dire une gouvernance conjointe de l’information, multi-acteurs, multicompétences et multi-domaines qui transforme avec lucidité l’organisation et s’engage avec succès dans l’entreprise numérique. L’auteur Ancien professeur à Supélec, Gérard Balantzian a dirigé l’Institut du Management de l’Information (IMI) de l’UTC pendant plus de 20 ans. Il est aussi un pionnier dans le domaine des schémas directeurs. Expert, formateur et consultant, il intervient auprès des organisations dans le domaine du numérique et de la nouvelle gouvernance de l’information.
L'ouvrage se veut une contribution à la compréhension du malaise de notre temps. Dans un passé encore proche, la société et les organisations qui la composaient se structuraient autour du commandement. Statuts et rôles, par corollaire, édifiaient la personne. Le système libéral dans lequel nous entrons se structure lui, autour de "l'Etre". Autonomie et compétence deviennent alors les maîtres mots de l'organisation. Hélas, les changements ne sont pas aussi faciles. Les comportements ont la vie dure quand les nouveaux ne sont pas encore définis. Quelle autonomie dans les statuts ? Quels rôles dans chaque compétence ? Les individus ont bien du mal à s'y repérer et souffrent de ne pas toujours trouver leur voie.
All cultures appear to share the belief that they do things ‘correctly’, while others, until proven otherwise, are assumed to be ignorant or barbaric. When people from different cultures work together and cannot take shared meanings for granted, managers face serious challenges. An individual’s parsing of an experience and its meaning may vary according to several cultural scales – national, professional, industrial and local. Awareness of cultural differences and the willingness to view them as a positive are therefore crucial assets. This edited textbook sets itself apart from existing cross-cultural management texts by highlighting to the reader the need to avoid both ethnocentrism and the belief in the universality of his or her own values and ways of thinking: the success of international negotiations and intercultural management depends on such openness and acceptance of real differences. It encourages the development of ‘nomadic intelligence’ and the creative use of a culture’s resources, according to a symbolic anthropology perspective. Through the essays and case studies in the chapters, readers will become aware of the intercultural dimension of business activities and better understand how they affect work. Cross-Cultural Management will help interested parties – students of business management, international relations and other disciplines, and business managers and other professionals – develop their ability to interact, take action and give direction in an intercultural context.
The growing complexity of projects today, as well as the uncertainty inherent in innovative projects, is making obsolete traditional project management practices and procedures, which are based on the notion that much about a project is known at its start. The current high level of change and complexity confronting organizational leaders and managers requires a new approach to projects so they can be managed flexibly to embrace and exploit change. What once used to be considered extreme uncertainty is now the norm, and managing planned projects is being replaced by managing projects as they evolve. Successfully managing projects in extreme situations, such as polar and military expeditions, shows how to manage successfully projects in today’s turbulent environment. Executed under the harshest and most unpredictable conditions, these projects are great sources for learning about how to manage unexpected and unforeseen situations as they occur. This book presents multiple case studies of managing extreme events as they happened during polar, mountain climbing, military, and rescue expeditions. A boat accident in the Artic is a lesson on how an effective project manager must be ambidextrous: on one hand able to follow plans and on the other hand able to abandon those plans when disaster strikes and improvise new ones in response. Polar expeditions also illustrate how a team can use "weak links" to go beyond its usual information network to acquire strategic information. Fire and rescues operations illustrate how one team member’s knowledge can be transferred to the entire team. Military operations provide case material on how teams coordinate and make use of both individual and collective competencies. This groundbreaking work pushes the definitions of a project and project management to reveal new insight that benefits researchers, academics, and the practitioners managing projects in today’s challenging and uncertain times.
This book brings together papers presented at the 3rd Conference of Research in Economics and Management (CIREG) held in Morocco in May 2016. With a focus on the challenges of SMEs and innovative solutions, they highlight the contribution of researchers in the fields of business and management, with all their micro and macro-economic aspects. They shed light on the universal scientific vision of the importance of SMEs with answers relevant to their local context and adapted to their specific national situation. The relevance of SME research lies in its heuristic value of analyzing change, rather than in constructing a category, a particularly useful empirical concept. This first volume is focused on economic issues.
In recent years there has been considerable interest in emotional intelligence. Drawing upon a rich theoretical and philosophical tradition, the author explains the concept and process of emotional production and how this works in gratifying, aversive and hierarchical situations as well as irreversible situations and situations of failure and success. This will provide a powerful framework for understanding the importance of emotional logic in relation to decision making and self-management and includes a number of compelling case studies.