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The public authorities have not successfully resolved the management of the traumatic memory of the wars, dictatorships and massacres to which the European project was always intended to be a counterpoint. The conflict of memories and the public discourses about the past are latent on ideological, political and cultural levels. However, if in the past the conflict concerning memories tended to develop inside the borders of countries, it has now leapt into the European arena. This has also led to the confrontation and questioning of the great narratives established in the common memory, especially with countries of the East joining the European Union. Each community, group or nation maintains common memories that do not always fit in or converge with a general overall account. The origins of the UB Solidarity Foundation’s European Observatory on Memories lie in these debates, and through this book — which includes the contributions of specialists in multiple disciplines and the speeches that were given at the first international symposium, “Memory and Power: A Transnational Perspective” — it hopes to present some of the key challenges that this conflict of memories has in store for us in the present and in the future.
This volume identifies, discusses and addresses the wide array of ethical issues that have emerged for engineers due to the rise of a global economy. To date, there has been no systematic treatment of the particular challenges globalization poses for engineering ethics standards and education. This volume concentrates on precisely this challenge. Scholars and practitioners from diverse national and professional backgrounds discuss the ethical issues emerging from the inherent symbiotic relationship between the engineering profession and globalization. Through their discussions a deeper and more complete understanding of the precise ways in which globalization impacts the formulation and justification of ethical standards in engineering as well as the curriculum and pedagogy of engineering ethics education emerges. The world today is witnessing an unprecedented demand for engineers and other science and technology professionals with advanced degrees due to both the off-shoring of western jobs and the rapid development of non-Western countries. The current flow of technology and professionals is from the West to the rest of the world. Professional practices followed by Western (or Western-trained) engineers are often based on presuppositions which can be in fundamental disagreement with the viewpoints of non-Westerners. A successful engineering solution cannot be simply technically sound, but also must account for cultural, social and religious constraints. For these reasons, existing Western standards cannot simply be exported to other countries. Divided into two parts, Part I of the volume provides an overview of particular dimensions of globalization and the criteria that an adequate engineering ethics framework must satisfy in a globalized world. Part II of the volume considers pedagogical challenges and aims in engineering ethics education that is global in character.
During the country's dictatorship from 1973 to 1985, Uruguayans suffered under crushing repression, which included the highest rate of political incarceration in the world. In Of Light and Struggle, Debbie Sharnak explores how activists, transnational social movements, and international policymakers collaborated and clashed in response to this era and during the country's transition back to democratic rule. At the heart of the book is an examination of how the language and politics of human rights shifted over time as a result of conflict and convergence between local, national, and global dynamics. Sharnak examines the utility and limits of human rights language used by international NGOs, such as Amnesty International, and foreign governments, such as the Carter administration. She does so by exploring tensions between their responses to the dictatorship's violations and the grassroots struggle for socioeconomic rights as well as new social movements around issues of race, gender, religion, and sexuality in Uruguay. Sharnak exposes how international activists used human rights language to combat repression in foreign countries, how local politicians, unionists, and students articulated more expansive social justice visions, how the military attempted to coopt human rights language for its own purposes, and how broader debates about human rights transformed the fight over citizenship in renewed democratic societies. By exploring the interplay between debates taking place in activists' living rooms, presidential administrations, and international halls of power, Sharnak uncovers the messy and contingent process through which human rights became a powerful discourse for social change, and thus contributes to a new method for exploring the history of human rights. By looking at this pivotal period in international history, Of Light and Struggle suggests that discussions around the small country on the Río de la Plata had global implications for the possibilities and constraints of human rights well beyond Uruguay's shores.
La eugenesia y otras desgracias recoge una serie de artículos escritos por Chesterton en torno a la aprobación de la Mental Deficiency Act de 1913, que limitaba los derechos y libertades de personas a quienes los «expertos», aplicando la selección natural darwiniana, clasificaban como «no aptas». Estas páginas suponen la resistencia intelectual del gran escritor inglés a la ideología eugenésica que se extendió por el mundo como un tsunami en la primera mitad del siglo XX. Con su sentido común característico, su alegre ironía y su profundo convencimiento de la dignidad humana, Chesterton desenmascara los sofismas utópicos de los eugenistas, deja al descubierto sus tretas de manipulación e ingeniería social y defiende al hombre real frente a quienes, invocando una supuesta ciencia y la mejora de la raza, querían -y quieren todavía- imponer la ley del más fuerte. A cien años de distancia, sus argumentos y razones no son sólo reflejo de su época, sino que, lejos de perder actualidad, parecen también casi proféticos de las oportunidades y los riesgos de nuestro tiempo. De La eugenesia y otras desgracias (1922) (Eugenics and Other Evils) los lectores de Chesterton en lengua española tenían poca o casi ninguna noticia, pues hasta la fecha solo se había publicado una traducción en Argentina en la década de los 60. De ahí el interés de esta nueva edición española ahora traducida por Aurora Rice y presentada con una extensa y documentada introducción de Salvador Antuñano. Se añade también un ensayo sobre la reforma social y la problemática del control de la natalidad que permanecía inédito en español y que Chesterton publicó separadamente en 1927. Gilbert Keith Chesterton (Londres, 1874-Beaconsfield, 1936). Una amplia parte de su tiempo y de su esfuerzo la dedicó a lo que para él era de suma importancia: la justicia social. Obras como Lo que está mal en el mundo o El perfil de la cordura recogen algunas de sus ideas políticas, económicas, culturales. En ellas aparecen también los principios de su filosofía aplicados a las situaciones concretas de la vida social. Y aunque no todos compartan la imagen de la realidad que allí expone, la mayoría suele apreciar su calidad como escritor, el esplendor de su ingenio, la hondura de sus ideas y su contundente sentido común. Y, por supuesto, todos encuentran en sus obras materia de reflexión, discusión y, como testimonia Borges, felicidad. La eugenesia y otras desgracias es una de estas obras. En el catálogo de Ediciones Espuela de Plata y Renacimiento pueden encontrarse una buena parte, además de una muy buena representación, de la obra de Chesterton. Entre ediciones de rescate, nuevas traducciones y libro inéditos en español sumamos ya una veintena de libros, entre los que destacan los siguientes: William Blake (2007, 2010), El color de España y otros ensayos (2007, 2009), Lectura y locura y otros ensayos imprescindibles (2008), Lo que vi en América (2009), Robert Browning (2010), Chaucer (2010), El hombre que fue Jueves (2010), La cosa y otros artículos de fe (2010) Enormes minucias (2010), Tipos diversos (2011), El acusado (2012).
Women's grassroots activism in Latin America combines a commitment to basic survival for women and their children with a challenge to women's subordination to men. Women activists insist that issues such as rape, battering, and reproductive control cannot be divorced from women's concerns about housing, food, land, and medical care. This innovative, comparative study explores six cases of women's grassroots activism in Mexico, El Salvador, Brazil, and Chile. Lynn Stephen communicates the ideas, experiences, and perceptions of women who participate in collective action, while she explains the structural conditions and ideological discourses that set the context within which women act and interpret their experiences. She includes revealing interviews with activists, detailed histories of organizations and movements, and a theoretical discussion of gender, collective identity, and feminist anthropology and methods.
This book seeks to explore the potential and actual value of parliamentary debates as a source of legislative justification. Drawing on a sample of recent Spanish legislation, the papers collected here analyse (critically) the rationale of several laws or legislative measures as it can be reconstructed from the respective parliamentary discussions. All issues covered have given rise to intense political, legal and social controversy: they range from the combat against gender violence, the legal status of bullfighting, the protection of crime victims and the so-called ‘push-backs’ at the border, to the regulation of euthanasia, the minimum living income, underage girls’ access to abortion, and joint child custody. The volume is organised into two main parts. The first group of case studies adopt a legisprudential perspective and examine parliamentary deliberations in the light of the theory and methodology of legislative justification; the contributions in the second part follow approaches that fall outside – but are largely compatible with –legisprudence, and deal with aspects such as the rhetorical strategies employed by MPs when debating bills, and the role of elected legislators as constitutional interpreters.