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El beneficio más importante que cabe atribuir al Sistema de Patentes se observa desde el punto de vista de la llamada eficiencia productiva: estimula la innovación y con ello el progreso técnico. Para alcanzar ese resultado es imprescindible que concurran una pluralidad de circunstancias. Pero de muy poco servirá el diseño de una cuidada arquitectura normativa si, ante la violación del derecho de exclusiva otorgado, su titular se topa con la imposibilidad o ardua dificultad de hacerlo efectivo. De ahí la importancia de conferirle una palestra de remedios legales que protejan su posición jurídica y económica. Su estudio es el objeto de este libro. Por el carácter exhaustivo del análisis de las acciones de defensa del derecho de patente, de sus cauces e incidencias procesales y de l a jurisprudencia, la presente monografía no sólo está destinada a los estudiosos del Derecho. También resulta de notable utilidad para quienes esas cuestiones les preocupa desde el ángulo de la praxis forense. El valor de la obra se acrecienta, además, porque gran parte de su contenido es aplicable a la defensa de cualquier modalidad de Propiedad Intelectual e Industrial, muy particularmente, del derecho de marca.
In European law, "non-contractual liability arising out of damage caused to another" is one of the three main non-contractual obligations dealt with in the Draft of a Common Frame of Reference. The law of non-contractual liability arising out of damage caused to another - in the common law known as tort law or the law of torts, but in most other jurisdictions referred to as the law of delict - is the area of law which determines whether one who has suffered a damage, can on that account demand reparation - in money or in kind - from another with whom there may be no other legal connection than the causation of damage itself. Besides determining the scope and extent of responsibility for dangers of one's own or another's creation, this field of law serves to protect fundamental rights in the private law domain, that is to say horizontally between citizens inter se. Based on pan-European comparative research which annotates the work, this book presents model rules on liability. Explanatory comments and illustrations amplify the policy decisions involved. During the drafting process, comparative material from over 25 different EU jurisdictions has been taken into account. The work therefore is not only a presentation of a future model for European rules to come, but also provides a fairly detailed indication of the present legal situation in the Member States.
"Unjustified enrichment" is one of the three main non-contractual obligations dealt with in the DCFR. In recent years unjustified enrichment has been one of the most intellectually animated areas of private law. In an area of law whose territory is still partially uncharted and whose boundaries are contested, this volume of Principles of European Law will be invaluable for academic analysis of the law and its development by the courts. During the drafting process, comparative material from over 25 different EU jurisdictions has been taken into account. The work therefore is not only a presentation of a future model for European rules to come but provides also a fairly detailed indication of the present legal situation in the Member States.