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Il volume intende fornire un inquadramento critico delle principali questioni relative alla disciplina internazionale e interna dei beni culturali mobili e delle soluzioni normative proposte, al duplice fine di favorirne la circolazione lecita e di impedirne il traffico illecito. Allo scopo di fornire uno strumento di conoscenza e di lavoro, il panorama della cooperazione internazionale in materia è illustrato dalla pubblicazione delle più importanti convenzioni multilaterali (nei testi autentici) concluse sotto l'egida delle organizzazioni internazionali e regionali competenti nel settore (UNESCO, UNIDROIT, Consiglio d'Europa). Uno spazio adeguato è riservato alle disposizioni comunitarie che, a partire dai primi anni '90, hanno fortemente condizionato il modo di essere degli ordinamenti nazionali in materia di circolazione e di restituzione dei beni. Nel volume sono poi pubblicate tutte le più importanti norme italiane rilevanti nel settore, ivi inclusa la versione integrale del Codice dei beni culturali e del paesaggio del 2004. Infine, la sezione documentale, al cui interno trovano spazio i contributi più rilevanti espressi da organizzazioni internazionali, istituti specializzati, associazioni di categoria, enti e istituzioni pubbliche e private, costituisce un utile ausilio al lettore per una maggiore comprensione delle tendenze che si stanno attualmente affermando negli ambienti internazionali e delle istanze che da questi promanano.
The theft, trafficking, and falsification of cultural property and cultural heritage objects are crimes of a particularly complex nature, which often have international ramifications and significant economic consequences. Organized criminal groups of various types and origins are involved in these illegal acts. The book Crime in the Art and Antiquities World has contributions both from researchers specializing in the illegal trafficking of art, and representatives of international institutions involved with prevention and detection of cultural property-related crimes, such as Interpol and UNESCO. This work is a unique and useful reference for scholars and private and public bodies alike. This innovative volume also includes an Appendix of the existing legal texts, i.e. international treaties, conventions, and resolutions, which have not previously been available in a single volume. As anyone who has undertaken research or study relating to the protection of cultural heritage discovers one of the frustrations encountered is the absence of ready access to the multi- various international instruments which exist in the field. Since the end of the Second World War these instruments have proliferated, first in response to increasing recognition of the need for concerted multinational action to give better protection to cultural property during armed conflict as well as ensuring the repatriation of cultural property looted during such conflict. Thus the international community agreed in 1954 upon a Convention for the Protection of Cultural Property in the Event of Armed Conflict. That Convention, typically referred to as the Hague Convention of 1954, is now to be found reproduced in the Appendix to this book (Appendix I) together with 25 other important and diverse documents that we believe represent a core of the essential international sources of reference in this subject area. In presenting these documents in one place we hope that readers will now experience less frustration while having the benefit of supplementing their understanding and interpretation of the various instruments by referring to individual chapters in the book dealing with a particular issue or topic. For example, Chapter 9 by Mathew Bogdanos provides some specific and at times rather depressing descriptions of the application in the field of the Hague Convention 1954, and its Protocols (Appendices II and III), to the armed conflict in Iraq. Reference may also be had to the resolution of the UN Security Council in May 2003 (Appendix VI) urging Member States to take appropriate steps to facilitate the safe return of looted Iraqi cultural property taken from the Iraq National Museum, the National Library and other locations in Iraq. Despite such pleas the international antiquities market seems to have continued to trade such looted property in a largely unfettered manner, as demonstrated by Neil Brodie in Chapter 7. Fittingly, as referred to in the Preface to this book, the last document contained in the Appendix (Appendix 26) is the “Charter of Courmayeur”, formulated at a ground breaking international workshop on the protection of cultural property conducted by the International Scientific and Professional Advisory Council (ISPAC) to the United Nations Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Program in Courmayeur, Italy, in June 1992. The Charter makes mention of many of the instruments contained in the Appendix while also foreshadowing many of the developments which have taken place in the ensuing two decades designed to combat illicit trafficking in cultural property through international collaboration and action in the arena of crime prevention and criminal justice.
This book seeks to enrich and refine global administrative law and EU administrative law analytical tools by examining their manifold relations. Its aim is to begin to explore the complex reality of the interactions between EU administrative law and global administrative law, to provide a preliminary map of such legal and institutional reality, and to review it. The book is the first attempt to analyze a dense area of new legal issues. The first part of the book contains core elements of a general theory of the relationships between global and EU administrative law: comparative inquiries, exchanges of legal principles, and developing linkages. The second part is devoted to special regulatory regimes, in which global and European law coexist, though not always peacefully. Several sectors are considered: cultural heritage, medicines, climate change, antitrust, accounting and auditing, banking supervision, and public procurement.
Cultural Heritage in the European Union provides a critical analysis of the laws and policies which address cultural heritage throughout Europe, considering them in light of the current challenges faced by the Union. The volume examines the matrix of organisational and regulatory frameworks concerned with cultural heritage both in the Union and its Members States, as well as their interaction, cross-fertilisation, and possible overlaps. It brings together experts in their respective fields, including not only legal, but also cultural economists, heritage professionals, government representatives, and historians. The diverse backgrounds of the authors offer a cross-disciplinary approach and a variety of views which allows an in-depth scrutinisation of the latest developments pertaining to cultural heritage in Europe.
Derived from the renowned multi-volume International Encyclopaedia of Laws, this practical analysis of the structure, competence, and management of International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) provides substantial and readily accessible information for lawyers, academics, and policymakers likely to have dealings with its activities and data. No other book gives such a clear, uncomplicated description of the organization’s role, its rules and how they are applied, its place in the framework of international law, or its relations with other organizations. The monograph proceeds logically from the organization’s genesis and historical development to the structure of its membership, its various organs and their mandates, its role in intergovernmental cooperation, and its interaction with decisions taken at the national level. Its competence, its financial management, and the nature and applicability of its data and publications are fully described. Systematic in presentation, this valuable time-saving resource offers the quickest, easiest way to acquire a sound understanding of the workings of International Institute for the Unification of Private Law (UNIDROIT) for all interested parties. Students and teachers of international law will find it especially valuable as an essential component of the rapidly growing and changing global legal milieu.
The 2001 UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage represents a major step forward in the field of international law. New archaeological rules as well as a comprehensive co-operation system among the States concerned are set up by the new Convention. Despite the negative attitude assumed by few States at the moment of voting for the text of the Convention, this new international instrument is welcome by the great majority of States. This volume focuses on the main aspects of the Convention. It is divided in two parts, to describe the situation before and after the adoption (and the forthcoming into force) of the Convention. In the first part the contradictions resulting from the regime established under the 1982 United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea are analysed together with the undesirable results of the application of the rules of admiralty (law of salvage and law of finds) to the underwater cultural heritage. In the second part the negotiation process is described, both in its general aspects (the myths surrounding the draft) and in its specific results (the drafting of each single provision).
Economic analysis is also the key to measuring the efficacy of current anti-corruption instruments, and in the light of this the book finds many existing legal counter-measures lacking. On the other hand, its assessment of new international instruments
This book provides a modern and basic introduction to a branch of international law constantly gaining in importance in international life, namely international humanitarian law (the law of armed conflict). It is constructed in a way suitable for self-study. The subject-matters are discussed in self-contained chapters, allowing each to be studied independently of the others. Among the subject-matters discussed are, inter alia: the Relationship between jus ad bellum / jus in bello; Historical Evolution of IHL; Basic Principles and Sources of IHL; Martens Clause; International and Non-International Armed Conflicts; Material, Spatial, Personal and Temporal Scope of Application of IHL; Special Agreements under IHL; Role of the ICRC; Targeting; Objects Specifically Protected against Attack; Prohibited Weapons; Perfidy; Reprisals; Assistance of the Wounded and Sick; Definition of Combatants; Protection of Prisoners of War; Protection of Civilians; Occupied Territories; Protective Emblems; Sea Warfare; Neutrality; Implementation of IHL.
This book explores innovative approaches to using and operating within and around both criminal law and civil law in the detection, investigation, and restitution of illicit cultural property. The volume brings together a wide range of authors who research and work in combatting cultural property crime. It explores the normative tensions and intersections between civil and criminal law and where they complement each other in the field. It focuses on innovative legal solutions to the unique challenges presented when facing a transnational form of crime that must consider varying structures of law and order, as well as a deep understanding of the heritage in question, both in past and the present cultures. The collection examines what both areas of law contribute to preventing cultural property crime from occurring, holding offenders responsible before the law, and returning objects to their rightful owners and/or places of origin. Combining the perspectives of academics and practitioners, the volume highlights voices from around the globe, using this range of experience to explore new ideas and applications of legal theory and practice to cases involving cultural property crimes. The book will be of interest to academics and practitioners in cultural property crime in the fields of criminology, law, archaeology, museum studies, political science, economics, and law enforcement.