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This volume presents a compilation of composite indicators created in order to measure important aspects of the quality of European societies. It examines three main questions: do Europeans live in good societies and enjoy good lives; are European societies becoming better as time passes, or is their quality slowly deteriorating; is the quality of life of Europe’s citizens improving over time or is it gradually and irrecoverably getting worse. The volume uses a precise and rigorous system of information to answer these questions and to assess the current situation and monitor the quality of European societies. It describes and discusses fourteen key domains, and per chapter, presents five rankings of EU countries based on composite indicators, which are used as one of the best instruments social science has to synthesize a large amount of information, and they are especially well suited to measure multidimensional social phenomena. The new System of Indices on the Quality of European Societies (SIQES) presented in this volume offers a very broad and rich empirical overview of more than 70 social composite indicators and their nearly 300 dimensions. One of the key findings coming out from the SIQES is that, according to the societal quality of European countries, there exist five different “Europes” inside Europe.
Influencia de los medios de comunicación de masas sobre el capital social en Andalucía. La compleja relación entre el capital social y confianza política desde el sur de Europa. Capital social: participación en el trabajo. Capital social, ciudadanía e integración social desde la perspectiva de las actitudes hacia la población extranjera.
Este volumen contiene una selección de los trabajos expuestos en el marco del IV Congreso Andaluz de Sociología, celebrado en Carmona en 2008 bajo el lema Cambio y Diversidad. Lejos de ser un resumen de las actas del Congreso, el Centro de Estudios Andaluces ha pretendido con esta obra trasladar a la sociedad andaluza un conjunto de reflexiones de científicos sociales sobre diferentes retos y desafíos que Andalucía tiene planteados en un futuro próximo. Las veinte ponencias seleccionadas responden a temas de relevancia para la sociedad andaluza, algunos de cuales son tratados ampliamente y desde diferentes perspectivas, dada la importancia que han adquirido para Andalucía en tiempos recientes. Es el caso, por ejemplo de la inmigración, una cuestión que se aborda desde diversos puntos de vista: integración de los inmigrantes marroquíes, reagrupación familiar, integración de los alumnos en el medio escolar… Otras de las temáticas objeto de análisis en el presente estudio son los cambios en las pautas de consumo, la definición de las identidades sociales, los valores y actitudes sociales – en general, y específicamente hacia determinados temas sensibles como la eutanasia o el medio ambiente – , el cambio cultural, la interculturalidad, el comportamiento electoral o las nuevas tecnologías de la información.
This volume considers the ways in which educational research is being shaped by policy across the globe. Policy effects on research are increasingly influential, as policies in and beyond education drive the formation of a knowledge-based economy by supporting increased international competitiveness through more effective, evidence-based interventions in schooling, education and training systems. What consequences does this increased steering have for research in education? How do transnational agencies make their influence felt on educational research? How do national systems and traditions of educational research - and relations with policy - respond to these new pressures? What effects does it have on the quality of research and on the freedom of researchers to pursue their own agendas? The 2006 volume of the World Yearbook of Education explores these issues, focusing on three key themes: globalising policy and research in education steering education research in national contexts global-local politics of education research. The 2006 volume has a truly global reach, incorporating transnational policy perspectives from the OECD and the European Commission, alongside national cases from across the world in contrasting contexts that include North and South America, Canada, France, Singapore, China, Russia and New Zealand. The range of contributions reflect how pervasive these developments are, how much is new in this situation and to what extent evidence-based policy pressures on research in education build on past relationships between education and policy. This book considers the impact of the steering processes on the work and identities of individual researchers and considers how research can be organised to play a more active role in the politics of the knowledge economy and learning society.