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Al leer este libro, el lector emprenderá un viaje de descubrimiento en una zona cafetalera en lo profundo de la montaña, donde el pueblo más cercano está a 17 kilómetros de distancia. El autor nos revela una historia facinante de cómo es la vida en el cafetal. Por primera vez, podremos apreciar lo real de la existencia campesina, y el intricado proseso de las fi ncas, que no ha cambiado por siglos. Estas historias son verídicas y a través de ellas, se expondrán secretos de la montaña nunca antes divulgados en ningún libro. El autor nos habla con sinceridad, candor y en pleno lenguaje nativo y en ocasiones, desde un adorable punto de vista infantil. También por primera vez, la décima criolla es parte esencial que satura las historias con una emoción única.
As Louisiana and Cuba emerged from slavery in the late nineteenth century, each faced the question of what rights former slaves could claim. Degrees of Freedom compares and contrasts these two societies in which slavery was destroyed by war, and citizenship was redefined through social and political upheaval. Both Louisiana and Cuba were rich in sugar plantations that depended on an enslaved labor force. After abolition, on both sides of the Gulf of Mexico, ordinary people--cane cutters and cigar workers, laundresses and labor organizers--forged alliances to protect and expand the freedoms they had won. But by the beginning of the twentieth century, Louisiana and Cuba diverged sharply in the meanings attributed to race and color in public life, and in the boundaries placed on citizenship. Louisiana had taken the path of disenfranchisement and state-mandated racial segregation; Cuba had enacted universal manhood suffrage and had seen the emergence of a transracial conception of the nation. What might explain these differences? Moving through the cane fields, small farms, and cities of Louisiana and Cuba, Rebecca Scott skillfully observes the people, places, legislation, and leadership that shaped how these societies adjusted to the abolition of slavery. The two distinctive worlds also come together, as Cuban exiles take refuge in New Orleans in the 1880s, and black soldiers from Louisiana garrison small towns in eastern Cuba during the 1899 U.S. military occupation. Crafting her narrative from the words and deeds of the actors themselves, Scott brings to life the historical drama of race and citizenship in postemancipation societies.
A critical problem in resource-scarce countries across the globe is the shortage of appropriately trained health care providers. According to the World Health Organization, the current global health workforce shortage of 7.2 million providers is estimated to increase to 12.9 million by 2035. This disproportionately affects resource-scarce countries, denying basic health care to millions and limiting access to life-saving treatments. Due to limited resources in these countries, not enough health professionals receive training, few have the opportunity for continuing education, and the ability to develop or implement educational programs and curricula is constrained. Additionally, many existing providers choose to emigrate in pursuit of professional advancement opportunities, contributing to the overall shortage of qualified health care providers in these environments. Efforts to strengthen health workforce capacity not only increases access, safety and availability of care, but is critical to building resilient health systems capable of caring for the world’s neediest populations. This requires not only cultivating new health care providers, but also providing ongoing professional development to retain and support current providers, advancing the level of practice in accordance with current clinical science, cultivating educators, and enhancing training curricula. It is critical also to contribute to the limited body of research documenting the effectiveness and impact of various models of collaborative education and partnership to improve health worker training and retention. This Research Topic examines strategies for building health workforce capacity through the prism of educational partnerships, offering significant examples of effective models of international collaborative education as well as insight and guidance on the structure and operation of successful global partnerships. Collectively, the 31 articles accepted and included in this eBook represent a diversity of health professions and geographies across academic, non-governmental organizations and other global partnership forms. The published manuscripts highlight various elements of partnerships with several consistent themes emerging: capacity building, local empowerment, mutual trust and respect, long-term commitment, equity, collaboration, and the importance of integrating theory and practice, for a balance of academic and clinical development. The manuscripts provide examples of partnership and educational programs that are in the formative, early stages of implementation and others which have been sustained long term, some for decades. The following eBook is divided into two parts, with each part broken down into sections. Part I of the eBook includes 18 manuscripts that showcase long-term educational programs that strongly exemplify multiple, foundational aspects of international partnerships in education including mutual collaboration and project management, empowerment of host partners to lead and sustain programs, and capacity building. While individual manuscripts included in Part I look broadly at multiple aspects of successful, international partnerships in education, Part II manuscripts focus intently on one-two elements. Part II includes 13 articles that highlight partnership through short- rather than long-term educational initiatives as well as program development and broad academic partnerships. This Research Topic was sponsored by Health Volunteers Overseas – a United States based non-profit that collaborates with over eighty international universities and health institutions to send volunteer health professionals to low-resource countries to provide continuing education, train the trainer courses, professional support, and consultation on academic program and curricula development.
"Like Judge Cortes, Major Orozco was not part of the conspiracy. He was unaware that he was to be the fall guy who would take the blame when the news of the massacre broke. Unwittingly, Major Orozco played his role perfectly. He promised Judge Cortes that he would inform the general in charge of the region and request reinforcements. Immediately, he sent a report to General Jaime Uscátegui...He recommended sending three battalions in three helicopters... Nothing was done." "Orozco's crime was clear: He told the truth. "In a system like the one that exists in Colombia, the truth ruins everyone's prospects and accounts for the high level of indifference and silence, since no one will risk saying anything for fear of losing what they have." Robin Kirk. More Terrible than Death. New York, 2003. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "En todo esto se deduce claramente que el coronel (r) Hernán Orozco pretendió en todo momento evitar la masacre y otras posibles, pero que No contaba con el poder necesario para evitarla. Sin embargo lo condenan como ya dije, como "chivo expiatorio" por haber sido el oficial del Ejército Colombiano con menor rango y poder militar, y a partir de ahí tratar de lograr que exoneren al General Uscátegui que es el extremo opuesto de Orozco, es decir con ostensible mayor peso social, financiero y sobre todo político." Apreciado Hernan Orozco Castro: "Mi opinión personal es que usted no es un asesino, ya que obligados a aterrizar en San Jose del Guaviare, Colombia, luego de la primera masacre de Mapiripan en una avioneta piloteada por Sonia Pérez; se nos respetó a mi familia y a mi (Esposa e hijos) el derecho a la vida, en la conversación personal que sostuvimos en algún Restaurante de esa ciudad, tanto usted, su esposa, su amigo el médico y esposa, me parecieron gente decente. Sigo pensando que a usted lo utilizaron como chivo expiatorio. Fuerza y entereza, usted es honesto y también tuvo el valor de decir la verdad. No creo que usted sea cómplice de los narco paramilitares..." Leonardo Ivan Cortes Novoa. Ex juez de Mapiripán en el exilio forzoso. Sábado, Diciembre 26, 2009 12:51 PM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "La ley que rige en la guerra y en los conflictos internos en Colombia, de obligado conocimiento para un general de la república dada su formación, rango, especialidad y entrega a la vida militar y dentro del contexto de la actual realidad nacional, el General Uscátegui tenía la obligación a partir de la más simple sensatez, saber que si no actuaba ante la información recibida el mismísimo día 15 de julio... contribuía por omisión crasa... a la masacre de Mapiripan." Magistrada Amelia Mantilla Villegas. Agosto 18 de 1999. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "Repárese que la sola existencia del oficio cuyo contenido hace referencia a esa especial situación de Mapiripan, con ocasión del arribo del grupo de justicia privada, es una clara muestra del sentido de humanidad inherente al oficial Orozco Castro. Conclusión de todo lo anterior es que el Mayor Orozco, no incumplió con sus deberes y obligaciones como comandante del batallón París, pues de inmediato elaboro y envió comunicación a la séptima brigada, dando cuenta de lo que acontecía en Mapiripan. Fiscal Regional de Derechos Humanos. Bogotá, 30 de marzo de 1999. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- "NEMO PUNITUR PRO ALIENO DELICTO" "Nadie debe ser castigado por el delito de otro"