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New interdisciplinary research in education Given the current demands on schools and the challenges they face in an increasingly complex and volatile world, new and visionary educational paths and new educational concepts are urgently needed. Interdisciplinary collaboration within the curriculum can open up new possibilities for education. EDU:TRANSVERSAL No. 02/2024 presents transversal research findings, offers insights into innovative projects, and introduces interdisciplinary practices from schools and universities. The contributions deal with topics such as the digital image archive as a teaching and learning space for classes in art or German and the potential of memes for promoting critical Internet use in art and politics classes. Second issue of this periodical on transversal research in education State of the art of interdisciplinary research in didactics With contributions by Alessandra Bellissimo, Julia Fromm, Eva Greisberger, Maria Mogy, Gudrun Ragossnig, Eva-Maria Schitter, Birke Sturm, Petra Weixelbraun, and others
Investigating Musical Performance considers the wide range of perspectives on musical performance made tangible by the cross-disciplinary studies of the last decades and encourages a comparison and revision of theoretical and analytical paradigms. The chapters present different approaches to this multi-layered phenomenon, including the results of significant research projects. The complex nature of musical performance is revealed within each section which either suggests aspects of dialogue and contiguity or discusses divergences between theoretical models and perspectives. Part I elaborates on the history, current trends and crucial aspects of the study of musical performance; Part II is devoted to the development of theoretical models, highlighting sharply distinguished positions; Part III explores the relationship between sign and sound in score-based performances; finally, the focus of Part IV centres on gesture considered within different traditions of musicmaking. Three extra chapters by the editors complement Parts I and III and can be accessed via the online Routledge Music Research Portal. The volume shows actual and possible connections between topics, problems, analytical methods and theories, thereby reflecting the wealth of stimuli offered by research on the musical cultures of our times.
Kunstunterricht steht vor der komplexen Aufgabe, jungen Menschen Bildungserfahrungen im Feld von Kunst und visueller Gestaltung zu eröffnen. Einen besonderen Stellenwert haben neben zeitgenössischen Formen wie Filmen und Grafik-Design historisch begründete Kulturtechniken wie Zeichnen, Malen, plastisches Gestalten und viele mehr. Ausgehend von den Bildungszielen und ihren Begründungen in allgemeinpädagogischen Diskursen spannen die Autoren den Bogen über die konkrete Didaktik der einzelnen Gestaltungsbereiche bis hin zu Unterrichtsplanung und Methodik. Beginnend beim Vorschulalter bis hin zur Jugendzeit wird eine Kunstdidaktik in ihrer gesamten Breite für alle Schulformen entwickelt. Anhand zahlreicher Beispiele bietet dieses Buch somit eine grundlegende und praxisorientierte Einführung in die Möglichkeiten der kunstdidaktischen Anwendung.
An die ästhetische Erfahrungswelt der Schülerinnen und Schüler anknüpfen Kinder und Jugendliche gestalten gerne und sind umgeben von einer gewaltigen Bilderwelt. Für bestimmte Kunststile haben sie Vorlieben, andere werden ausgeblendet. Mit welchen didaktischen Ansätzen kann es gelingen, die Schülerinnen und Schüler für Kunst und die gestaltete Umwelt zu begeistern? Und was genau zeichnet einen guten Kunstunterricht aus? Der Praxisband geht von den ästhetischen Vorlieben der Schülerinnen und Schüler in unterschiedlichen Altersstufen aus. Die Unterrichtsphasen (Einstieg, Vertiefung, Präsentation und Transfer) und Unterrichtsformen des Faches (Werkstatt, Stationen, Freiarbeit, Projekt usw.) werden mit erprobten Beispielen einer bewährten Unterrichtspraxis veranschaulicht. Die vielfältigen Inhalte des Faches folgen den bekannten Feldern aus den Lehrplänen, u.a. zum Wahrnehmen, Vergleichen, Recherchieren, über Bilder sprechen, Bilder zu Bildern gestalten und umgestalten, zum Experimentieren, Irritieren, Dokumentieren, zum Malen, Zeichnen, Bilder drucken, Collagieren oder zum Gestalten im Raum. Der Kunstunterricht lebt von der Freude am eigenen Gestalten als Malen, Zeichnen, Experimentieren oder spielerischen Erproben des bislang Unbekannten. Er führt zu den Welten der Kunst, die ihre Fremdheit in der Auseinandersetzung mit dem dort Fremden oder Ungewohnten verlieren. Dabei entwickeln die Schüler ihre Kompetenzen (Visualisieren, Interpretieren oder Analysieren) weiter. Ein solcher Unterricht ist auch für die Lehrenden bereichernd. Ein großer Teil des Erfolges geht auf deren Persönlichkeit und Begeisterung zurück. Entscheidend sind aber auch die angewandte Kenntnis vielfältiger Voraussetzungen, Einflüsse und Planungsmöglichkeiten sowie die Beobachtung und Beurteilung des Unterrichts und des eigenen Tuns. Dabei will dieses Buch unterstützen, indem es konkrete Unterrichtsplanung in den Sekundarstufen systematisch darstellt. Es richtet sich an Studierende, Referendare, Lehrende an Schulen und in der Weiterbildung.
Sound, devoid of meaning, would not matter to us. It is the information sound conveys that helps the brain to understand its environment. Sound and its underlying meaning are always associated with time and space. There is no sound without spatial properties, and the brain always organizes this information within a temporal–spatial framework. This book is devoted to understanding the importance of meaning for spatial and related further aspects of hearing, including cross-modal inference. People, when exposed to acoustic stimuli, do not react directly to what they hear but rather to what they hear means to them. This semiotic maxim may not always apply, for instance, when the reactions are reflexive. But, where it does apply, it poses a major challenge to the builders of models of the auditory system. Take, for example, an auditory model that is meant to be implemented on a robotic agent for autonomous search-&-rescue actions. Or think of a system that can perform judgments on the sound quality of multimedia-reproduction systems. It becomes immediately clear that such a system needs • Cognitive capabilities, including substantial inherent knowledge • The ability to integrate information across different sensory modalities To realize these functions, the auditory system provides a pair of sensory organs, the two ears, and the means to perform adequate preprocessing of the signals provided by the ears. This is realized in the subcortical parts of the auditory system. In the title of a prior book, the term Binaural Listening is used to indicate a focus on sub-cortical functions. Psychoacoustics and auditory signal processing contribute substantially to this area. The preprocessed signals are then forwarded to the cortical parts of the auditory system where, among other things, recognition, classification, localization, scene analysis, assignment of meaning, quality assessment, and action planning take place. Also, information from different sensory modalities is integrated at this level. Between sub-cortical and cortical regions of the auditory system, numerous feedback loops exist that ultimately support the high complexity and plasticity of the auditory system. The current book concentrates on these cognitive functions. Instead of processing signals, processing symbols is now the predominant modeling task. Substantial contributions to the field draw upon the knowledge acquired by cognitive psychology. The keyword Binaural Understanding in the book title characterizes this shift. Both books, The Technology of Binaural Listening and the current one, have been stimulated and supported by AABBA, an open research group devoted to the development and application of models of binaural hearing. The current book is dedicated to technologies that help explain, facilitate, apply, and support various aspects of binaural understanding. It is organized into five parts, each containing three to six chapters in order to provide a comprehensive overview of this emerging area. Each chapter was thoroughly reviewed by at least two anonymous, external experts. The first part deals with the psychophysical and physiological effects of Forming and Interpreting Aural Objects as well as the underlying models. The fundamental concepts of reflexive and reflective auditory feedback are introduced. Mechanisms of binaural attention and attention switching are covered—as well as how auditory Gestalt rules facilitate binaural understanding. A general blackboard architecture is introduced as an example of how machines can learn to form and interpret aural objects to simulate human cognitive listening. The second part, Configuring and Understanding Aural Space, focuses on the human understanding of complex three-dimensional environments—covering the psychological and biological fundamentals of auditory space formation. This part further addresses the human mechanisms used to process information and interact in complex reverberant environments, such as concert halls and forests, and additionally examines how the auditory system can learn to understand and adapt to these environments. The third part is dedicated to Processing Cross-Modal Inference and highlights the fundamental human mechanisms used to integrate auditory cues with cues from other modalities to localize and form perceptual objects. This part also provides a general framework for understanding how complex multimodal scenes can be simulated and rendered. The fourth part, Evaluating Aural-scene Quality and Speech Understanding, focuses on the object-forming aspects of binaural listening and understanding. It addresses cognitive mechanisms involved in both the understanding of speech and the processing of nonverbal information such as Sound Quality and Quality-of- Experience. The aesthetic judgment of rooms is also discussed in this context. Models that simulate underlying human processes and performance are covered in addition to techniques for rendering virtual environments that can then be used to test these models. The fifth part deals with the Application of Cognitive Mechanisms to Audio Technology. It highlights how cognitive mechanisms can be utilized to create spatial auditory illusions using binaural and other 3D-audio technologies. Further, it covers how cognitive binaural technologies can be applied to improve human performance in auditory displays and to develop new auditory technologies for interactive robots. The book concludes with the application of cognitive binaural technologies to the next generation of hearing aids.