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Kundalini Awakening delivers a universe of easy benefits for readers seeking to find relaxation, harmony, and inner peace. Kundalini Awakening demystifies the complex science of Kundalini in a compelling content of: · A full understanding of the seven Chakras, from the first Root Chakra located at the base of the spine to the brain's Crown Chakra · The power of mantras and complete instructions for their use · Breathing techniques for relaxation and stress reduction · Meditation exercises using the guided imagery and the magnificent full color Chakra paintings of Zachary Selig that clarify the color coding of the Chakras Kundalini Awakening presents a dynamic humanization solution through Chakra models framed in meditations to address the challenges in our world and the way we interact with ourselves.
Account of the awakening of the kundalini process by Philip St. Romain, with reflection on the meaning of this process from the perspective of Christian spirituality. Foreword by Thomas Keating. Appendices by James Arraj. 2nd edition. Original work by Crossroads, NY, 1991.
In this book, author and spiritual director, Philip St. Romain, presents an understanding of the kundalini process that can help Christians recognize its signs and its place in the spiritual life. Following up on his earlier work, ""Kundalini Energy and Christian Spirituality: A Pathway to Growth and Healing,"" Philip uses the philosophy of St. Thomas Aquinas and more modern approaches to human nature to explain how kundalini is a natural process that is designed to integrate all of the levels of our human nature in deep union with God. He notes that this process is at work in all of us at a very low and gentle level, but that it can become intensified in certain conditions, presenting major challenges and blessings for those who experience such activations. This book is sure to help pastors, spiritual directors, and anyone interested in spiritual growth come to a better understanding of the mysterious transformative power that lies deep within all of us.
For thousands of years, many have wondered at the tales of the mysterious force called the serpent power or the kundalini, yet the method to attain this power has been hidden, misunderstood, or sometimes, intentionally sabotaged. Now, like a refreshing spring breeze, Samael Aun Weor wipes away the dust and reveals the sacred mysteries of our most ancient and holy science. With a firm foundation in scripture and practical knowledge, the method to awaken and develop the root energy of life is made clear and accessible to all. It is no longer necessary to theorize or debate: through the practice of the techniques in this book, one can know. 'You will find terrific secrets within this book, secrets that never in the history of life were published.' - Samael Aun Weor Includes an excerpt about sexual energy from the important Yoga scripture 'Siva Samhita.' Topics include: The Universal Fire; The Degrees of Power of the Fire; The Two Witnesses; The Yogic Matrimony; The Seven Chakras; The Chakra Muladhara; The Chakra Svadhishthana; The Chakra Manipura; The Chakra Anahata; The Chakra Vishuddha; The Chakra Ajna; The Chakra Sahasrara; The Seven Seals; Internal Meditation; and more.
This book is second part of the Kundalini science series. First and second parts are also availab;e. It is the compiled form of blog-posts. Those posts are written by Premyogi vajra, a mystic yogi. He is enlightened as well as he has his kundalini awakened. These all posts are related to kundalini. One post corresponds to one chapter. Premyogi vajra is writing about Kundalini since 3 years ago, when his kundalini awakened after one year long continued kundalini yoga meditation. He became amazed on seeing that nowhere Kundalini had been mentioned or described completely. Even Kundalini had not been defined properly. He searched and read many kundalini awakening experiences, but he found none as genuine and complete. Although he found Samadhi as mentioned in Patanjali Yoga Sutras as equivalent to Kundalini, but that was described in a mystic and ancient way that was difficult to be understood by the laymen type general public. Therefore inspired by these shortcomings, he decided to present every know-how about kundalini in very simple or childish way keeping everything at ground level, true, experiential, scientific, original, practical and intuitive. That genuine, honest and humane effort resulted into the origination of this wonderful book. That is why this book appears as a blessing for kundalini seekers. Because it is not comfortable to read so many blog posts together on glare producing screens, therefore those posts were presented in the form of a kindle e-book that is comfortable and enjoying to read. As a result, it is fully hoped that readers will find this book spiritually uplifting and comfortable to read.
Kundalini Christing is the result of years of integrating, individuating, soul retrieving, self-healing, shadow work, and transcendence through art of all kinds along with personal reflections, revelations, intuitions, and deliverance releasement rites. The theme in this book is a common one, a personal testimony among many in the ocean of Spirit-seeking souls about what spontaneous kundalini awakening "Divine Power Surge" does when ignited. For Bryan (Christananda Brahmanadi), it was through what he calls "illumignosis", a direct Divine God-Union experience that was like tasting the Bliss of the inner Promised Land, the real "milk and honey". In yogic philosophical terminology, Bryan experienced Spontaneous Samadhi (not permanently, but a beatific grace state that re-occurred every time he received the Eucharist). Christing is a process of continuous soul evolution. It takes a lifetime to attain self-mastery of this kind.Following months and months spent in Bliss, the experiences of Luminosity, Light, Psychic astral phenomena all were a powerful part of integrating his direct God-contact experience. Kundalini (coiled energy) evolutionary desire energy which lies dormant in the base of the spine when awakened, ascends Godward toward the brain and can lead to, not only mystical visions, but also to the dark night of the soul. Not only did Bryan experience the "Power Surge", the "Transfiguration", the glimpse of Enlightenment as mentioned, but he was led into alternate states of consciousness (known as the many mansions of God Consciousness). Experiences in superconsciousness and shamanic states of consciousness showed him the very guides he would come to know years later, including Yogi Bhajan and his tradition to help him establish both Kundalini Yoga Sadhana to properly direct the Kundalini currents in the river of the spine. The process of evolution and transcendence with the kundalini energy involved a wide range of experiences akin to mental agony common to people who have had spontaneous kundalini "release", whose minds and bodies and consciousness needed "cultivating", "rewiring," and "preparing" for this power. Yogic meditation and asana (poses) practice has saved, balanced, and empowered Bryan's life with the same divine sweetness experienced ten years earlier. His work as a Kundalini Reiki Master Healer and Kundalini Shaktipat giver has enhanced and informed his work with the powerful evolutionary desire energy of fire. He belongs to the Silver Violet Maitri Swami Order and to the Order of the Friends of Jeshua (Jesus) and follows Sanaatan Dharma, the Eternal Religion. The Realization Theater Matrix is a tool for Liberation of Consciousness from entanglements, from separation, alienation, addictive, neurotic, obsessive, splinter (or “sub”) personality fragments/ spirit-energies and all forms of affliction that lie buried beneath surface consciousness, underwater so to speak, or in what I like to call “Eden's Basement”, the place where we shove, project, reject, repress, all our pain, humiliations, anger, hate, jealousy, fears, dreads, prejudices, and more. This kind of density and negativity is very gross and inert, and has a lot of weight to it. This is the shadow. We usually shut the door and lock it tight. With chains we think the Light of God won't ever be able to break.
Two thousand years ago, a singular event changed the evolutionary pathway for humanity. It was the Christ event. The time has now come for the world to understand the real significance of the sacrifice that took place. This book will reveal that which has been hidden for all these centuries. Incarnating Christ is a book about mankind, earth, the nature of reality, and the truth about the mission of Jesus of Nazareth. If you are searching for a deeper relationship with and experience of The Christ, or if you simply want to know more about the truth of Christianity, this book is a wonderful journey. At the heart of this manuscript is extensive discussion about kundalini and the Holy Spirit and what they represent in the ascension of humanity and the planet itself. The author comes from the traditions of Eastern spirituality, having independently learned and trained in its practices, and he experienced the kundalini awakening. After some time growing in the kundalini ascension process he experienced a second awakening, to the truth of The Christ. Now he has traveled deep into the Christing Process which has taken him into direct experiences of the higher realities. Within this book, you will read about true Christianity as well as the author's journey towards the ascent of matter into spirit, and the mysteries of the Holy Spirit and the Christing Process. Topics of Interest: The Occult Universe Adamic Man Christ's True Message The Mystery of Golgotha Kundalini Awakening Holy Spirit Inspired Meditation Dreams as a Frontier of Consciousness Ascending Through the Chakras Overcoming the Lower Nature Christ Consciousness Father Consciousness The Kingdom of God
Decades ago, Jim and Anne Armstrong were Iiving an ordinary American life. Not particularly interested in spiritual matters, Jim and Anne's focus was on their careers and making ends meet. But when Anne began suffering from crippling headaches not cured by traditional medicine, she and her husband turned to hypnosis and made a discovery that would change their lives forever. After hypnosis sessions began to reveal that Anne's headaches were caused by spiritual forces straining to express themselves through her, Anne began a journey during which she and Jim eventually learned to accept, work with and come to terms with these forces, a realization that led them to teach workshops around the world helping others understand and develop their own psychic and spiritual abilities. In their comprehensive guide to Kundalini practices, Anne and Jim worked to demystify the psychic/intuitive realm as they shared Anne's profound personal experiences and explored in depth the spiritual/intuitive process, meditation, transpersonal counseling, and the Kundalini method.
Kundalini and THE ViolET FlaME. ToGETHER THEY WIll clEAnsE, puRIfY, and HEal YOUR spiRIT. While some of us may be familiar with the Kundalini Shakti, we may not have heard about the Violet Flame or the purpose it can serve in our spiritual awakening. As Kundalini and the Violet Flame explains, this coming together of the two dynamic energies can bring about a tremendous healing. We can get relief from physical ailments and find a resolution to our emotional problems and challenging relationships. This in turn leads to our spiritual growth, personal success, and an exhilarating sense of all-round well being. If you are already on the path or wish to start on a spiritual journey towards greater self-awareness, Kundalini and the Violet Flame will serve as a concise yet invaluable guide. It shows you how to release layers upon layers of emotional barriers that are attached to the spiritual heart, or the divine spark that is inherent in every human being. This book will help you achieve the desired transformation, with the promise of a more fulfilling and purposeful life ahead.
This comprehensive study of Kundalini energy nad how to awaken it within oneself includes methods, techniques, and examples of achieving higher consciousness, Kundalini awakening and self-realization. There is a spiritual energy dormant below the base of the spine. In the east it is called the Kundalini, but whatever name it is called, it is a common denominator in all major religions. People with awakened Kundalini experience death before physically dying through visions and out of body experiences, ultimately leading to a spiritual rebirth. A twice-born person simultaneously enjoys the best of this world and the next through an inner journey that conquers fears of dealth. That inner journey travels the world of meditation and unconscious dreams, as well as actual near-death experience.