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A guide to, and abbreviation of, the standard code of Jewish law, the Shulhan Aruch
This masterpiece fills a great need for our generation--a generation characterized by a thirst for the eternal values of Judaism. Now, the English-speaking reader can enjoy a clearly written and easy to read summary of Jewish law, based on the Mishnah Berurah. Among the many topics included in this work are: Tzitzis, the daily routine, prayer, tefillin, blessings, the Sabbath, festivals and special days, the dietary laws, and mourning. Shaarei Halachah has been hailed as the Kitzur Shulchan Aruch for our time.
For more than a generation, Rabbi Michael L. Munk, as a sidelight to his busy schedule of educational and communal work, has fascinated audiences with his learned and provocative lectures on the Hebrew alphabet. In the process of opening eyes and raising eyebrows, he has convinced countless people that his contention is true: the Hebrew alphabet abounds in scholarly and mystical meaning. He has developed and proven a profound thesis. The alphabet -- if correctly understood -- is a primer for life. Ethical conduct, religious guidance, philosophical insights, all are nestled in the curls, crowns, and combinations of the Hebrew letters. This is one of those rare books that is both interesting and profound, learned and readable. The wisdom and compassion of the author is evident in those subtle ways that do not intrude on the reader, but give him the satisfaction of knowing that a rich, warm, productive lifetime of experience is flavoring the text.
The Shabbos Kitchen: A comprehensive halachic guide to the preparation of food and other kitchen activities on Shabbos. Radiance of Shabbos: The complete laws of the Shabbos and Festival candle-lighting, Kiddush, Lechem Mishneh, meals, Bircas HaMazon, and Havdalah. Sanctity of Shabbos: A comprehensive guide to the laws of Shabbos and Yom Tov as they apply to a non-Jew doing work on behalf of a Jew.
What is the right to privacy in halacha? When can DNA be used as halachic evidence? How should we treat members of the community who were convicted of crimes? Why can't one steal a kidney to save his life? Is it permitted to kill a terrorist who has been neutralized? Will the imminent arrival of genetically modified meat and fish present a kashrus crisis? -- In addition, the book includes interviews of leading poskim on many of the subjects discussed, including Rav Dovid Cohen, Rav Moshe Heinemann, Rav Doniel Neustadt, Rav Moshe Sternbuch, Rav Asher Weiss, and Rav Mordechai Willig.--
Peninei Halakha is a comprehensive series of books on Jewish law applied to today¿s ever-changing world. In this series, Rabbi Eliezer Melamed¿s well organized, clear, and concise writing style brings the halakha, from principle to practical detail, to readers of all backgrounds. With half a million copies in circulation, Peninei Halakha stands as one of the most popular and useful halakha series in Israel today.
An in-depth treament of many of the practical halachos of Shabbos
Kitzur Shulchan Aruch Composed in Uzhgorod (c.1844 - c.1864 CE). The Kitzur Shulhan Arukh is a summary of the Shulhan Arukh of Joseph Karo with reference to later commentaries,