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It’s time for a kindness revolution. In The Kindness Cure, psychologist Tara Cousineau draws on cutting-edge research in psychology and neuroscience to show how simple practices of kindness—for ourselves, for others, and for our world—can dissolve our feelings of fear and indifference, and open us up to a life of profound happiness. Compassion for ourselves and others is our birthright as humans—hardwired into our DNA and essential to our happiness. But in our fast-paced, technical savvy and hyper competitive world, it may come as no surprise that rates of narcissism have risen, while empathy levels have declined. We now find ourselves in a “cool to be cruel” culture where it’s easy to feel disillusioned and dejected in our hearts, homes, and communities. So, how can we reverse this malady of meanness and make kindness and compassion an imperative? The Kindness Cure draws on the latest social and scientific research to reveal how the seemingly “soft skills” of kindness, cooperation, and generosity are fundamental to our survival as a species. In fact, it’s our prosocial abilities that put us at the head of the line. Blended with moving case studies and clinical anecdotes, Cousineau offers practical ways to rekindle kindness from the inside out. We are wired to care. The very existence of our human species evolved because of an intricate physiology built for empathy, compassion, and cooperation. Yet we have an epidemic of loneliness, indifference, and cruelty, and we see these destructive trends on a daily basis in our families, schools, neighborhoods, and workplaces. This important book teaches effective skills in compassion, mindfulness, and social and emotional learning, and reveals successful social policy initiatives in empathy taking place that inform everything from family life to education to the workplace. Kindness has the exponential power to renew relationships and transform how we think, feel, and behave in the world. Will you be a part of the revolution?
In Sit Down to Rise Up, mindfulness teacher and activist Shelly Tygielski shares her transformative journey of radical self-care and mutual aid, illuminating how these practices can ignite powerful social change and personal empowerment. Through stories and practical guidance, she demonstrates the profound impact of showing up for yourself and your community. This book is a blueprint for anyone seeking to cultivate resilience, compassion, and a sense of purpose in a fractured world. Discover how small acts of kindness can create ripple effects that lead to broader movements for justice and equity and how, despite the challenges we face, we should never lose hope or lose faith in humanity. Join Shelly in exploring how every human life matters and how together, we can rise up to build a better future.
Within this quartet of books that I have titled The Four Seasons of The Heart, I will share the deepest pivotal parts of my journey as a recovering alcoholic/addict and survivor of childhood abuse with you. One day at a time, I have lived clean and sober consistently since 1995. However, allowing myself to emotionally grow by not just giving but also receiving love and to genuinely feel deserving of my life’s hard-earned rewards, has presented many challenges. Please allow me as we journey through these pages together to suggest ways that we can heal our heart, dust off our doubt, intercept self-sabotage and invest in self-respect.
Tania Bright knows life can be tough. 'I've had heart-breaking bereavements; made poor financial choices; lost confidence through redundancy; suffered relationship breakdown; failed in some ministry endeavours; grieved through two miscarriages; and regularly clock up significant social faux pas.' 'We might not be able to change what's happened,' she explains, 'but we can change our response. God wants to breathe goodness and kindness and love into every area of our life - particularly the areas we're the most frightened or ashamed of. I see failures, fears, flops, and fiascos as an opportunity to be kind to myself. I now live my life through 'kindsight', rather than mere hindsight. It informs how I interpret and accept the past, negotiate and enjoy the present, and stay optimistic for the future.'
These unusual and frank photos celebrate the beauty of random human encounters and turn everyday experiences into profound visual testaments. Zuckerman's fresh appreciation of the extraordinary nature of people and other beings is evident in his affecting images. Each meeting is documented by a photograph and paired with personal explanations of the circumstances. Kindsight reveals the emotional, raw and intimate vistas of everyday life as streets, taxis, offices, front doors, and restaurants display richness, divinity and grace.
Learn to use your later years for awakening and spiritual growth. Encouraging, inspiring, and practical, The Grace in Aging invites all those who have ever experienced spiritual longing to awaken in their twilight years. Since aging, in and of itself, does not lead to spiritual maturity, The Grace in Aging suggests and explores causes and conditions that we can create in our lives, just as we are living them, to allow awakening to unfold -- transforming the predictable sufferings of aging into profound opportunities for growth in clarity, love, compassion, and peace. Kathleen Dowling Singh streamlines vast and complex teachings into skillful means and wise views. Straightforward language and piercing questions bring Singh's teachings into the sharp focus of our own lives; the contemplative nature of each chapter allows for an uncommon depth of inquiry. Examples from our lives and from the chatter in our own minds touch the reader personally, offering the chance to absorb the implications deeply and do the work of freeing his or her own mind. Ecumenical in spirit, tone, and language, Singh offers wisdom from teachers from a variety of spiritual backgrounds: Thich Nhat Hanh, the Apostles, Annie Dillard, and more. Lessening our attachments, decreasing our aversions, unbinding what binds us, we bear witness to the possibility of awakening for all beings. The Grace in Aging offers guidelines for older individuals of any wisdom tradition who wish to awaken before they die; no need for caves or seven-year retreats. This is spiritual practice for the lives we live.
In the era of digital technology, business transactions and partnerships across borders have become easier than ever. As part of this shift in the corporate sphere, managers, executives, and strategists across industries must acclimate themselves with the challenges and opportunities for conducting business. Mobile Commerce: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications provides a comprehensive source of advanced academic examinations on the latest innovations and technologies for businesses. Including innovative studies on marketing, mobile commerce security, and wireless handheld devices, this multi-volume book is an ideal source for researchers, scholars, business executives, professionals, and graduate-level students.
Mobile commerce, or M-commerce, is booming as many utilize their mobile devices to complete transactions ranging from personal shopping to managing and organizing business operations. The emergence of new technologies such as money sharing and transactional applications have revolutionized the way we do business. Wholeheartedly adopted by both the business world and consumers, mobile commerce has taken its seat at the head of the mobile app economy. Securing Transactions and Payment Systems for M-Commerce seeks to present, analyze, and illustrate the challenges and rewards of developing and producing mobile commerce applications. It will also review the integral role M-commerce plays in global business. As consumers’ perceptions are taken into account, the authors approach this burgeoning topic from all perspectives. This reference publication is a valuable resource for programmers, technology and content developers, students and instructors in the field of ICT, business professionals, and mobile app developers.
Corporate Communication, 6th Edition shows readers the importance of creating a coordinated corporate communication system, and describes how organizations benefit from important strategies and tools to stay ahead of the competition. Throughout the book, cases and examples of company situations relate to the chapter material. These cases provide readers with the opportunity to participate in real decisions that managers had to make on a variety of real problems.
This groundbreaking and eloquently written book explains how and why people are wedded to the notion that they belong to differing human kinds--tribe-type categories like races, ethnic groups, nations, religions, casts, street gangs, sports fandom, and high school cliques.